The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 757 Aircraft carrier shows off its skills

Chapter 174 Aircraft carrier shows off its skills

Cornelia and Shumu Suzaku were the two people who reacted fastest. After the two of them flew into the sky, the rest of Vincent slowly moved up the sky and began to attack those daring p51s.

At this time, most of the P51s had completed their bombing missions and were still hovering in mid-air. After shooting down a few Sunderlands and Vincents, they all turned their heads in a certain direction as if they had received some order. go.

"Suzaku, follow me." Cornelia yelled.

"Yes, Your Highness." Only two Lancelots, Cornelia and Suzaku, were seen chasing the p51s like meteors.

As for the other Sunderland, they had no intention of chasing the enemy, and their speed could not catch up at all. With the speed of the two Lancelots, they could only follow those P51s in a certain direction. Chase.

Cornelia gritted her teeth. She knew in her heart that this air raid would cause a huge blow to her father's prestige, but as a Bunitalia, she could not be happy.

Kelal's idea is correct at all. The Bunitalia people have forgotten how to fight a war on their own land. Now when faced with a sudden attack, they were like a group of chickens attacked by eagles, driving away the ordinary Bunitalians.

The behavior of ordinary Bunitalians made Cornelia feel a little sad, but what she wants to do now is to complete a revenge. Kelal dared to bomb their capital. Cornelia would never let him go back alive, at least Not so easy going back.

Faced with Cornelia's shouts, many knights followed her and walked over there. Suddenly, there were more than a dozen Vincents chasing those P51s on Cornelia's side. go.

Those P51s were eager to return to their mothership to evacuate, but after flying towards their mothership for a while, they suddenly found that there were more than a dozen Vincent and other machines behind them.

They were furious. It was always them who beat Vincent, and it was their turn to fight back. However, their commander was very calm. Facing Vincent who was pursuing him, he gave an order on the communication channel: "Let them come over and let the anti-aircraft frigates Firepower to support you,"

Those P51s naturally continued to fly in the direction of their mothership. Cornelia and the others had a very good view in the sky. They could clearly see a fleet staying on the sea in the direction of their retreat. There, it was a very strange fleet, with a very large ship at the core, a frigate on the left and right, and something similar to a transport ship following behind.

Does this kind of thing count as a fleet? Cornelia knew in her heart that this was a false proposition. This kind of fleet had already had a huge impact on Bunitalia's prestige, and this fleet had already formed combat effectiveness.

This fleet must not be allowed to leave Bunitalia alive.

Cornelia secretly made up her mind, "Ignore those planes and sink the opponent's fleet."

In the past, this kind of thing was done by underwater aircraft, but now that they have air capabilities, these Vincentian knights found that it is more convenient to attack these battleships in the air. The slow turrets of those battleships have no way to aim. Flexible air knight, a new era for knights has arrived.

The group of people cheered inwardly and rushed towards the fleet. The P51 aircraft scattered like driven seagulls, leaving the fleet to this group of vultures.

Cornelia rushed to the front of the army. He has now discovered the fact that it is actually difficult for the ground to fight back when faced with air weapons. In other words, if one of the two sides has no air power, there will be no air power. That side was beaten lying down and had no power to fight back.

Cornelia vaguely felt that she had touched something, but the uneasiness in her heart told her that Kelal would never leave the fleet to her for such an attack so simply and easily.

Just when she was still thinking this in her mind, all the turrets on the frigate they were approaching were aimed at them in an instant, and the cold muzzles were pointed at Cornelia, making Cornelia's hair tremble. Towering, the ace pilot's intuition subconsciously told her to pull the steering column, and Lancelot instantly flew down to the next level, almost parallel to the sea level. In the cockpit, you could even hear the waves hitting the metal. Cornelia's reaction was extremely fast, while others did not react so quickly.

All they saw was that the turret on the frigate turned towards them almost at the same time, and then a blue light suddenly appeared.

Most of the knights in the palace have never faced electromagnetic weapons. They seriously underestimated the muzzle velocity of these weapons. When the blue light of these weapons spurted out, they wanted to pull the steering column to avoid these electromagnetic weapons. The bullet is already too slow.

All they saw was countless sparks blooming in the sky, and the blue light overwhelmingly covered the entire sky, leaving almost no room for them.

No matter whether it is hit by the blue light or is hit directly, there is no way to escape. A sudden rain of fragments began to fall in the sky, and Cornelia's eyes were filled with tears. She knew that Keilal was not that simple. She knew that this fleet would not be destroyed so easily.

The weapons and escorts of this fleet are clearly two frigates that look the same as old frigates, but all the turrets on them have been replaced with new electromagnetic guns.

Any enemy who dares approach this fleet will be torn apart by the metal storm of the two frigates.

Cornelia didn't bring many knights to begin with, so this group of frigates destroyed more than a dozen at once. In this case, Cornelia, who only had seven or eight frigates left, now had to face two more. Thirty P51 fighter jets.

Those P51 fighter jets dispersed like a swarm and then circled back.

"Damn it." Cornelia knew that nothing could be done, so she could only grit her teeth and order: "Retreat."

It was too late to leave at this time. Twenty or thirty P51s were rushing towards them from all directions. Cornelia and Shumu Suzaku broke out in two directions, but the P51s were unreasonable. The knights chasing after them bite their tails, and any slower knight will be beaten down immediately.

They would never let these pursuers escape so easily.

The roles between offense and defense are instantly reversed.

Cornelia and the others were actually chased to a pulp, but luckily the commander of the fleet stopped at the sight and began to retreat.

This time they successfully completed their mission and dealt a heavy blow to Bunitalia's capital area. Although it did not set Bunitalia's economy back for many years, its political influence was unparalleled.

Kelal's every step was as steady as a rock, and every step forced Bunitalia to make up his mind early. Fighting, peace, and peace all depended on the emperor's thoughts.

When Cornelia fled back in embarrassment, she had already made a decision in her heart.

The emperor did not understand the horror of Kelal at all. If this continues, Bunitalia's power will slowly be exhausted. Cornelia Cornelia will never let the emperor continue like this. She herself does not It is not necessary to reconcile with Kyle, but she considers herself to be the person who knows him best. She has suffered losses time and time again in her confrontations with Kyle, and she has also learned and grown over and over again. However, the emperor has not recovered from the failure at all. Learn a lesson, if this continues, Bunitalia's power will be further weakened.

Cornelia is not afraid of fighting Kelal. She believes in her heart that Bunitalia still has the advantage. With Bunitalia's research and development capabilities, those electromagnetic weapons are not a problem at all, but the emperor did not understand the other party at all. The equipment system, the emperor naively thought that replacing the new flying Vincent could suppress the opponent, which was a taboo in war.

It's not too late to wake up now, start developing electromagnetic force, arm infantry, and use new tactics to start a new war with Kelal.

But the emperor didn't understand anything, and Cornelia decided to take charge of Bunitalia, both in battle and with her, to be more proactive.

After seeing these battleships, planes, and aircraft carriers, Cornelia's sense of smell as a military strategist made her understand one thing.

What Keilar is doing is not creating a new weapon at all, but creating a war system using a group of new weapons.

This war system is a brand-new war system consisting of electromagnetic rifles for infantry, electromagnetic tanks for armored forces, P51 aircraft, Hercules aerial bombers, aircraft carriers, and electromagnetic gun frigates.

This system even includes balloons, satellites, radars, communication systems, etc. that Cornelia doesn't know about.

Cornelia's intelligence was not perfect, but after fighting Kelal several times, she could clearly feel the horror of this war system.

To put it simply, during the Gulf War, everyone felt that Iraq, which had a large number of Chinese tanks and Russian tanks, could beat the United States 50-50 even if it could not win.

But the United States used a modern scalpel war to tell the world what information war is.

Since then, China and Russia have no longer been interested in each other, but have honestly begun to study what information warfare is.

Keilar has not put forward any theory or system, but what he is doing is to build war barriers.

The so-called people's guns are used to resist dictatorship and tyranny. Of course, it is nonsense. The people's guns can only be used to punish other people who do not have guns. In the face of tanks, supersonic aircraft and missiles, no matter how many guns you have, it is useless. .

Similarly, it is very difficult for latecomers to face the military status of the leader.

The leader has established enough leading barriers, and it is very difficult for latecomers to break through such barriers.

Just like the aircraft carriers, destroyers, stealth fighters, drones, unmanned stealth reconnaissance, bomber all-in-one aircraft, etc. built by the United States.

This kind of barrier is all-round. It may be easy for latecomers to catch up with one of them, but it is too difficult to catch up in all directions.

Apart from anything else, others are better than you in everything from light weapons to infantry equipment. How can you defeat them?

Once a war begins, the infantry is suppressed by electromagnetic rifles, the air is suppressed by P51, and the sea is suppressed by aircraft carriers and electromagnetic gun frigates. Even if Vincent on the ground can suppress the opponent's White Tiger, so what?

In the face of all-round suppression, strengths in one aspect are no longer enough.

After Cornelia experienced various new weapons in battle after battle, although she did not understand the reason why Kelal was building a weapon barrier, she understood that once Kelal completed this matter, the empire would never be able to do so again. Without any power to fight back, she suddenly had tremendous motivation for change.

The emperor is dying.

The emperor could only see the national strength and the strategy, but he was not interested in weapons and equipment, nor in this kind of war.

He doesn't know yet that even the seventh-generation Lancelot is now gradually unable to catch up with Kelal.

The technical support provided by the Chinese Federation to Kailar allowed most of Kailar's ideas to be quickly completed, and the EU's technology was also rapidly improved.

Like this modified aircraft carrier, it is absolutely impossible to complete the modification so quickly without certain technical support.

The weapons of the Kelal Alliance evolved at an unimaginable speed, which made Cornelia feel oppressive and forced her to move quickly.

Back in the imperial capital, she got off Lancelot. The entire hangar and the Bunitalian army were in a mess. The opponent's bombs were not very powerful. There were only more than thirty P51s bombed, but their bombings were very accurate. Most of them are located near the palace, and others are the residences of various dignitaries and military warehouses.

One has to suspect that someone tipped off Keilal.

Cornelia followed Suzaku Shumu as he walked resolutely towards the palace.

Many attendants were in a panic, but calmed down after seeing Cornelia.

Cornelia shouted loudly along the way: "The enemy has been repulsed, please calm down."

"How dignified!"

It was precisely because of her calmness and scolding that everyone calmed down. This was what Schneizel said, having the air of a general.

Along the way, she led Suzaku directly into the palace, grabbed an attendant and asked, "Where is your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty is in the main hall, and all the ministers are here," the attendant said.

When Cornelia broke into the meeting hall, the ministers standing on both sides turned back and looked at Cornelia. The leader of these ministers was Schneizel.

"Your Majesty the Emperor." She did not call him father, but walked directly through countless ministers to the emperor's throne and said loudly: "We can't go on like this!"

"You must face up to this opponent!"

"This is an enemy that must be defeated by the empire with all its strength!!"

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