The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 764 Immediately slash Li Xingke

Chapter 182 Immediately slash Li Xingke

Electromagnetic weapons are not like gunpowder weapons. They will make a huge sound after being activated. Most electromagnetic weapons come with silencers. It can be said that this is the best weapon for assassination.

But the news was not so good for the soldiers of the Bunitalia Empire.

This weapon that exceeds the speed of sound will leave a light blue beam in the air when it attacks, leaving nothing to detect it.

But just like a gunpowder weapon exceeds the speed of sound and you only hear the gunshot after being hit, even if you can see the light blue beam of a sonic weapon, you can't react.

The Bunitalian army, which should have been overwhelming, did not advance as expected.

"They were completely blocked on the beach." First Knight Bismarck stood on the flagship three nautical miles away, shaking his head and saying as he watched the battlefield live on the big screen.

"But even so, now is still not the time for us to take action." The other knights were sitting in their bodies and connected to each other through communications. They did not think that now was a good time for them to take action, so that all the Knights of the Round Table We all feel so.

As Knights of the Round Table, they still have some judgment on this point.

What happened to the stalemate?

This time the troops of the Bunitalia Empire came out in full force. Was it to help these soldiers solve this problem?

No, this group of miscellaneous soldiers are the cannon fodder to open up obstacles for the noble knights of the Bunitalia Empire - even if they use their bodies, even if they use their lives and blood, they will not hesitate.

Bismarck was very clear on this matter, so there was no movement at all.

There are as many as five floating battleships, and they can activate their super cannons at any time to sweep away the opponent's beachhead.

But what about after a clean sweep?

The opponent's weapons hidden in the mountain will definitely try their best to destroy the floating battleship.

Once the floating battleship is lost, the entire Bunitalia fleet will lose its strong mobility. The Chinese Federal Army sitting on the Japanese island mainland can easily wait for work and mobilize the main force extremely quickly through the high-speed railway network. Go to any place where the Bunitalian army landed and deal with them.

The Chinese Federation Army here now is probably not the main force, but one of the main forces. The other main forces are probably hidden in various places, waiting for the Bunitalia Empire to attack.

Bismarck couldn't help but smile on his face when he thought of this.

This is the advantage of the attacker. He can control the initiative anytime and anywhere. He can land anywhere, on any beach and at any time.

The opponent can only defend.

It's just that he didn't intend to use that little trick.

After deceiving the opponent a little, he concentrated all his troops here, intending to decide the outcome with one blow and a single battle.

The other party's technology has taken a crooked approach and is even more powerful than Bunitalia's. Every month of delay may lead to the emergence of new technology from the other side. Bismarck knows very well that time does not wait for me, so he simply does not Any hesitation.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile, and his face turned into a very stern attitude: "Tell them to continue sending troops. If they can't take this tidal flat today, they don't have to come back!"

Only by capturing the beach, or even that area, will the floating warships have the courage to land there, take control of the air in their hands, and then continuously send troops up there.

Now both sides are holding their breath. Whoever can't help but release the air power in his hand first will fall into passivity.

Most of the Bunitalia Empire's troops are here, and they are fully capable of doing whatever they want.

Therefore, under Bismarck's command, countless landing craft emerged from the fleet on the sea like a hive.

Although there were many landing craft, the electromagnetic shore defense guns on the shore did not turn off. I could only see one tube after another of electromagnetic guns heading straight towards the landing craft with blue current.

The Bunitalia soldiers who were receiving small cannons and electromagnetic rifles on the shore cheered, and they all cheered up when they felt that support was coming from behind them.

It's just that the firepower at this time was much stronger than when they landed before. The first wave of attacks, as if inviting the emperor to enter the urn, caused heavy losses to the Bunitalia infantry, but this time the Chinese Federal Army, with full firepower, In just thirty seconds, more results were achieved than in the previous thirty minutes.

Since the electromagnetic gun has a long range, most of its close range shots are direct fire.

However, even if it is fired directly, the kinetic energy of a large warhead driven by a large caliber and increased current will be extraordinary when it hits the sea. Needless to say, if it hits directly, even if it lands in the sea within twenty or thirty meters around you, the huge kinetic energy will set off a huge wave. Enough to capsize a boat.

In peacetime, someone can still come to help you, but now in a war, you can either swim to the shore by yourself, or you can swim back. In short, there is no other way.

This is not even worse. What's more important is that the sunken landing ship will cause a huge whirlpool. If you don't leave the sinking sea area quickly, the whirlpool will directly swallow people, and no one will be spared.

The sinking of a ship is a huge disaster to mankind at any time, but in the face of this war, this kind of disaster happens almost every moment.

No one lends a helping hand to their companions because they are too busy taking care of themselves.

Any stay on the sea is dangerous, because the opponent's bombardment does not stop at all.

"I heard that electromagnetic weapons will cause overheating if used for a long time. I wonder how long the opponent's electromagnetic weapons can last." Bismarck touched his stubble and said to himself.

Use infantry in exchange for the temporary failure of the opponent's weapons, then tear apart the opponent's array, and then open the door to victory.

Wars are often won or lost through such inconspicuous details.

A nail is missing, a horseshoe is missing.

A horseshoe fell off and a war horse became lame.

A lame war horse lost a war.

A war was lost and a country was lost.

This is what the old Bunitalia imperial ballad tells them.

The other party keeps making mistakes!

"Do you really think we are fools?" Li Xingke stood in front of the big screen, watching the intelligence uploaded from various screens gathered here, which made a sneer appear on his face.

"It's all the leftovers from our ancestors' play. It's really a trick!" The Bunitalia Empire didn't know the detailed armament reserves here, and it had completely made a wrong judgment.

This is undoubtedly a major benefit to him!

"Let him keep adding oil to the fire. In the end, this war is fought by people."


As promised, I will come back and update when I have time.

No one is to blame for this book's performance, I can only blame myself. I have nothing to say, but there is really no point in procrastinating like this, so I will finish the book directly after the end of Lelouch's volume.

The following Gundam SEED, Magical Girl Madoka, Nanoha, Magic Teacher Negi, etc. I will try to write about them in the group according to the number of people. Of course, there is a fee, but I will put them at the starting point like this. I don’t dare to continue writing when this volume earns 8,000 yuan and the next volume earns 2,000 yuan. After all, I also need to eat.

Just like that, the new book "My Ninja World Has Reincarnation" has 510,000 words. Those who have confidence in me and are not interested in Naruto can also read it. I think it is still good to write.

Update group for subsequent volumes: 817819905. For details, please see the author’s words in this chapter.

The risk of this book is too high. Academy City has tens of thousands of subscriptions, but now there are only a few hundred. My monthly income of seven or eight thousand at the beginning is now only three or four thousand. I really can't keep writing.

But I can't blame you. The structure of this book led to this result, so I still have to blame myself.

But I want to continue writing this book, and I want to write a follow-up to this book, but I don’t want to take this risk, so what should I do? We can only find another way and find a compromise.

This method is to finish the book, focus the main update on new books that are more stable, and then open a group to see how many readers are really willing to pay to continue reading.

The payment rule is about 15 yuan per month, and a minimum of 80,000 words of updates are guaranteed every month.

Of course, this is something you and I wish to do. If too few people see it...then I can only say sorry.

So come on, join the group, and let me see how many people are willing to read this book and see the ending.

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