The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 767 Don Quixote Bismarck

Chapter 185 Don Quixote Bismarck

The two submarines slowly floated up like two fat-headed whales.

But in terms of volume, the size of these two submarines is not known to be much larger than that of whales.

But even if it is so huge, each submarine can only carry 6 Knightmare.

The two submarines combined are only 12 Knightmares. These twelve Knightmares may not even make a splash in this battle, but if it were now.

If they are behind the opponent's enemy lines and at the feet of the opponent's command center, then these twelve Knightmare's can play a role that far exceeds that of 200 Knightmare's.

Such a small team that goes deep behind enemy lines is of course led by the best of the best.

For example, Todo's Four Sword Masters, Todo, Suzaku, and two ace pilots transferred from China.

Li Xingke is a talented general, and it would be too unfair to ask him to do such a thing of charging into battle.

Bismarck and the others did not know that there was a submarine floating under their feet. They rushed forward very fast. The fighter opportunity was fleeting and could not be neglected. The four Knights of the Round Table rushed forward without even looking back.

When Suzaku led the four Toudo Sword Masters to rush to three flagships, chaos inevitably spread among the Bunitalia Imperial Army.

Those staff officers who had never been on the battlefield shouted on the public channel: "General, an enemy has come around behind us and is attacking our flagship!!"

This move caused confusion among all officers who could receive the communication.

All those who can receive the communication are mid-level and senior officers. They are either responsible for commanding infantry or riding Knightmare on the battlefield.

With this shout, I don't know how many Knightmare were killed while being distracted.

This shout immediately caused the entire Bunitalia Empire military to be in chaos, and they all turned to look at their flagship at sea.

Originally, the Bunitalia Imperial Army was able to fight with ease and leave when they wanted. Of course, the soldiers of the Bunitalia Imperial Army who had landed were not so lucky.

But now, all Knightmare may not be able to evacuate. After all, their flagship is under attack. Once the flagship is captured or destroyed, all their escape routes will be cut off. This attack on morale is definitely deadly.

Because this will directly lead to the ideological disconnect of the entire army - some people want to work hard to rush to the fortress and knock down the fortress, so that they can stand and defend Japan even if the flagship is gone; while other people want to They want to go back to rescue the flagship. In their opinion, it is difficult to defeat the fortress in one go, so it is more important to ensure the flagship and retreat.

As soon as the two sides were disconnected, the pressure on the entire fortress' defenders was relieved. At that time, it felt that the Bunitalia Imperial Army was exhausted, and the whole person became excited.

If it weren't for Li Xing's pressure, many people would have immediately counterattacked.

Bismarck and the others were extremely fast, but they found out that their flagship was being attacked only halfway through the charge. They reacted very quickly and immediately turned back and flew towards the flagship.

Flagships are not just their fallback;

The fleet on the sea carries food for the entire fleet, and on these flagships are the cherry stones of the entire legion!

Once the cherry stones on these flagships are lost! After tonight, all Knightmare will be unable to move!

This is the foundation of the entire Bunitalia Imperial Army! No room for error!

It's a pity that Suzaku and the others are all ace pilots, and they are targeting the unprepared flagship. More importantly, in order to fight against Keilal's aircraft and electromagnetic weapons, these flagships are flying in the sky to prevent being hit by electromagnetic weapons. came down, the result was that their engine was completely destroyed within ten seconds.

As a result, all three flagships sank rapidly and fell into the sea below.

They happened to stay a few hundred meters above the sea. With this mass and speed, crashing was inevitable.

Their mission has been accomplished!


After Suzaku destroyed the engine, he did not stop at all, nor did he fight Bismarck and others who came back, and escaped cleanly.

This is a tactical issue.

They don't even need to fight hard to win this battle.

A warship exceeding tens of thousands of tons fell from the sky. With such momentum and quality, even Bismarck, the first knight, was absolutely helpless and had absolutely no room to save.

"Ahhhhhh!!" Bismarck did not expect that the opponent's methods were so despicable, causing his command flagship to fall down.

This doesn't mean that their Sakurashi logistical support is gone, it also means that their information connections are all cut off at once.

This is fighting overseas! Without the command flagship, all communications on the entire battlefield will be cut off!

They have lost this war!

"Attack! Attack! Attack!" Bismarck's eyes were wide open and bloodshot. The calmness just now was gone, leaving only madness and final despair.

Only by knocking down this fortress can they have the last glimmer of hope.

But his voice could only be heard by a few Knights of the Round Table nearby.

Now on the battlefield, the entire Bunitalia Imperial Army has long been divided. A large number of soldiers want to return for reinforcements, while another group of soldiers want to rush up, and more people are retreating, or defeated. Collapse.

Bismarck's charge was not conspicuous enough, and they were just a few shooting stars in the sky.

But the overwhelming buzz is a fact that no one can ignore.

In the sky, P51 fighter jets were pouring in here overwhelmingly. At the rear airport, the time was ticking. Their arrival was like the last straw, overwhelming the entire Bunita army in an instant.

When all the Knightmares were retreating to grab the landing ships, the few Knightmares rushing towards the fleet were so conspicuous and tragic, just like the ancient Don Quixote rushing towards the huge windmill. Just use your own life to compose your last hymn!

The Bunitalia Imperial Army suffered a complete defeat on the Far East battlefield!

Before Bismarck died in the battle, there was still a last hope in his heart - they dispatched a flagship to raid Tokyo.

Although there are not many Knightmare, if the opponent has no defense...

They still have the last chance to win!

By now, he has long forgotten that he did not see a large number of Knightmare figures on this battlefield at all!

From the beginning to the end, there were only a few steel skeletons leading the electromagnetic self-propelled guns to resist the attack of the Bunitalia Imperial Army! !


Today I was tortured by my family all day, so I am still going to 2K, and I will try my best to hit 4K and 5K tomorrow.

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