Chapter 083 Smart Girl

Harry Potter walked away thoughtfully, Keilal's words having a great impact on him.

Human beings are controlled by their senses, so when a person speaks, the prerequisite is the relationship with another person.

Although Snape repeatedly asked Harry Potter to pay attention to potions and Occlumency, in fact Harry Potter still did not listen to him.

But if Hagrid, Dumbledore, or Kelar asked him to do this, he would definitely study very hard, because in his opinion Snape would harm him, but these people would not.

That's the problem.

When someone asks you to do this or that with a face full of disgust or coldness, even if this person is your mother, you will never do it.

But if another person chats with you with a gentle face and a friend's attitude, and suggests that you do this kind of thing and analyzes the benefits it will bring to you, then who wouldn't want to do it?

This is the way to deal with people. Snape's way of dealing with people is still at a very low stage. People in the Order of the Phoenix trust him, but they don't like him, and the same goes for Professor McGonagall.

If Snape were not Dumbledore's man, I'm afraid his situation would be even more difficult.

When Harry Potter returned to the Gryffindor common room, he saw Hermione reading a book by the fireplace. He couldn't help but walked over, sat next to her, and asked.


"Huh? What's wrong?" Hermione casually stuffed the bookmark into the book, raised her head, looked at Harry Potter and asked.

To be honest, Hermione has had less communication with Harry Potter and Ron since she became Kelar's disciple. This is not because they are not friends anymore, they are still very good friends, but the intense courses make Hermione rarely had any free time.

It seemed like a long time ago that Harry Potter sat next to Hermione and chatted with her.

But to Hermione, that was only a week ago.

"Am I really thinking too much?" Harry Potter was a little embarrassed, but his trust in Hermione and Kelar made him couldn't help but tell the whole thing.

"Professor Kellard called me over today and took some of my blood, saying that he wanted to study the connection between me and Voldemort, so I gave it to him. Before leaving, I wanted to ask Professor Kellard why he didn't think so. The reason why you value me." Harry Potter's words made Hermione slowly turn her attention from the book to him.

Now she was interested in all things Kelal.

"Then what?" She answered at the right time. The best listener does not just say um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um or um, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Itchy spot, let the other person continue to talk endlessly.

Hermione was not a good listener before. She was too self-centered and often used her own knowledge to make other people's refutations useless. Therefore, even Harry Potter and Ron did not have a good relationship with her in the first grade. Well, the relationship between the three of them became better after Harry Potter and Ron fought off the troll, and then the three of them went through various difficulties together. Finally, Harry Potter relied on the two of them to rush into the Chamber of Secrets.

After the second grade, Hermione has always been in the position of listener when studying with Kelal, because Kelal's knowledge is too profound, and she has no room to interrupt, so she has also developed the habit of listening. Habits, and the other is that Keilal's education made her start to be more disciplined.

Sure enough, after hearing her words, Harry Potter quickly continued.

"Professor Kellard said that I think too much." Harry Potter looked at Hermione and shook his head and said, "He said that I think too much, and there are many things that Professor Dumbledore needs to consider. , and not only is it useless for me to think about these things, but it also distracts me.”

"I was thinking about it the whole way back."

"Hermione, did I really think too much?"

"Of course." Harry Potter, who thought Hermione would comfort him, heard Hermione break his heart with one blow.

Crash... Harry Potter only heard the sound of his heart breaking into pieces.

"Why?" He still wanted to struggle, but Hermione said without hesitation: "Because that's what Mr. Kay said." She had already begun to call Keilal directly Sir.Kay.

The black Harry Potter looked at Hermione with a question mark, which made Hermione blush: "No, I mean, you do think too much."

Harry Potter, who continued to have a question mark face, looked at Hermione, waiting for an explanation.

"Look, you are thinking about Voldemort all day long and how to defeat him, but in fact what is in front of you is more important. If you learn one more spell now, you will have one more possibility to defeat Voldemort in the future. Wait for you to learn it. When the number of spells reaches 100 or 1,000, you should worry about what kind of spells to use to defeat him."

This is of course impossible.

But it is obvious that by the time you reach your senior year, even if you cannot defeat Voldemort, you may still be able to escape from Voldemort.

Disapparation, fainting, disarming your weapons and other spells all require deep accumulation and long-term practice to become more and more proficient.

But Harry Potter wasted this time thinking about solving Voldemort, which is meaningless for being powerful.

His enemies are getting stronger every day, and yet he's still stuck here. This is the stupidest idea in the world.

Listening to Hermione's explanation, Harry Potter suddenly woke up and became sober.

That's right, in the magic world, it's useless to think so much. Becoming stronger yourself is the real way.

Because as strong as Voldemort, you can create an organization like the Death Eaters.

Because as strong as Dumbledore, he can create an organization like the Order of the Phoenix.

Because he is as strong as Keilal, he can ignore any eyes in the world, care about any organization, live a carefree life, and be happy on his own.

Harry Potter's eyes shone with astonishing light. He took Hermione's hand and shook it hard: "Hermione, I know, I finally know the solution to the problem."

His eyes were firm and steel-like. A man should strengthen himself. It is useless to rely on Dumbledore or Kelar. Only becoming stronger yourself is the real solution to this problem.

One day, he will rely on his own strength to separate the connection with Voldemort, and if possible, he will rely on his own strength to kill Voldemort!

Harry Potter returned to his dormitory with great goals and started reading, while Hermione looked at the fire in a daze.

She is a smart girl, and she can naturally see that Kelar, who had no interest in Harry Potter before, is suddenly interested in Harry Potter's blood. It is full of doubts.

But wisely, she neither told Harry Potter nor asked Kellal!

PS: There is probably one more chapter. PS1: Don’t you want to vote for me? !

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