The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 87 Attack on Hermione (14,000 additional updates)

Chapter 087 Attack on Hermione

When Hermione came to Keilal's office, Keilal was looking at the ring on her hand carefully.

Hermione's heart skipped a beat when she saw the ring, but after a little observation she breathed a sigh of relief. The ring on her index finger was definitely not a wedding ring. Only then was she startled by her own thoughts.

What was she thinking? With Kelar's character and pride, how could she like other witches?

If it really comes down to it, I'm afraid she is the one closest to him...

Thinking of this, Hermione's heart beat wildly. Could it be that she really still had a chance?

"Hermione? Why are you standing at the door?" Kelar put down his hand and asked.

"Well, teacher, I'm here." A blush on her face was extremely tempting, but Hermione was no longer the Hermione she used to be. She could already suppress her thoughts and start studying more intelligently.

Whether it's scheming, resourcefulness, or knowledge, in just half a year, she has already made a qualitative leap!

"Teacher, what are we learning today?" In the past six months, she calculated carefully and found that there were a lot of things.

Not to mention the theoretical knowledge on paper, she has already learned a lot of spells in witchcraft alone.

The spells in Defense Against the Dark Arts are different from the spells in Charms.

Most of the spells in the Charms class are practical at home and in daily life. For example, the levitation spell allows wizards to easily move large boxes. For example, the lock-picking spell prevents wizards from being bothered by keys. Fluorescent flashing allows wizards to easily move around. They don't need a flashlight, and restoration allows each wizard to become a skilled craftsman and repair anything that is broken.

But the spells in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class are more combat-oriented.

Many wizards may not have the opportunity to use it several times in their lives, but Keilar doesn't care. He mainly teaches them practical combat, just for the sake of things that may appear in the future.

For example, the wand-drawing technique taught by Kelal, such as the disarming, petrification, leg-locking spell, stop-and-stop spells that came with the original course, etc. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class is not so much a Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Combat and defense lessons for enchantments.

It is precisely because of this that young wizards of this age group are very fond of them. They are already at an age where they are brave and fierce, and fighting is also the best manifestation of being the most powerful among men, so not The young students are extremely attentive to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

It's just that no matter how interested they are, they are not as knowledgeable as Hermione, Kelar's direct disciple. Now, in addition to wand extraction and Animagus transformation, Kelar has even taught her the Patronus Charm.

The patron saint summoned by the Patron Saint Spell turned out to be a unicorn.

This made the Silver Spirit extremely happy. As long as Hermione came to study, it would often pester Hermione to play summoning the divine guardian when it had nothing to do. It had a great time playing with the divine guardian unicorn that could materialize. Huh.

And Hermione was very curious about what she would learn today.

"Well, I'll teach you something more advanced today." Keilar casually took off the ring, placed it on the table, and then waved to Hermione.

Hermione is not reserved either. After half a year together, the two of them have already passed the time of being cautious. What is half a year? That was more than a hundred days and nights. Basically, except for extreme personal privacy, we talked about everything.

And Hermione is Keilal's proud disciple, even more so.

Kelar put his right hand on Hermione's shoulder, and before Hermione could say anything, the two of them disappeared into the room in a whoosh.

When the two of them appeared again, they were already on the empty plain thousands of miles away.

"Teacher...what was that just now?!" Hermione was surprised, as if she had heard this curse somewhere before.

"The Appearance Curse, also called Apparition, is something you can only learn after you are 17 years old."

"And every inch of Hogwarts has a reflection spell, so no one can move freely in Hogwarts except me and Dumbledore."

Hermione was smart enough not to ask why only he and Dumbledore had permission.

But she still liked this spell very much.

Freedom is human nature. If it is not ruined by a certain country in the Americas, everyone actually likes freedom.

Flying is freedom, and so is instant movement. A broom can satisfy people's freedom in the sky, while instant movement can satisfy people's freedom in space.

Hermione looked at Keilal expectantly, just waiting for him to teach her.

"This magic is very dangerous. If you make a mistake, you may lose your life." Kelar first wanted to clearly explain the danger of this spell to Hermione. Hermione's face turned pale at first, and then she nodded gently. I understand.

How can you learn witchcraft without taking some risks? What witchcraft is not dangerous? The transformation spell may not be reversible, the scream of the mandrake may be fatal, and even the most ordinary flying broom may fall to death (for example, if Weiner had not been hanging, he would have died directly).

It is precisely because of this that witchcraft is very dangerous, but the rewards after mastering it are also extremely amazing.

"OK, very good." Seeing that she had returned to her normal state, Keilar nodded in approval: "Then, just like what I usually teach you, be sure, confident, bold, and careful."

That’s right, it’s self-confidence. Keilar always puts self-confidence first in casting spells. This is the first priority in casting spells. And the second is to be bold. Confident and bold, things in this world have already been done. Once you’ve done more than half of it, and you’re careful, there’s basically nothing you can’t do.

Hermione nodded, indicating that she understood, and then pulled out her wand. The movement was very fast and very beautiful, and she completely accomplished the wand-drawing technique requested by Kelar.

This alone makes her stand out.

Then Hermione looked at Keilal and hesitated slightly.

Kelal smiled slightly and said a spell. "Disapparte"

Hermione nodded slightly, indicating that she understood that most of these spells were a mixture of English and Latin. After several anatomy lessons from Keilal, she was able to memorize these spells quickly.

Keilal nodded to her, then disappeared in an instant and appeared a hundred meters away: "Now use me as the coordinate, then imagine being around me, and then start."

Hermione nodded, then without moving her eyes, she waved her wand fiercely, "Disapparte!"

She disappeared from the spot in an instant, and then suddenly appeared in front of Keilal.

The first time she used Apparition, she couldn't choose the landing point well, and she couldn't adapt to the weightless transfer, so she staggered forward.

Then her whole body was held in Keilal's arms, a pleasant smell of gardenia surrounded her whole body, and Keilal's gentle voice reached her ears.

"Good Job, Hermione."

PS: Group number 171327194, come on, I will write something interesting for you in the future, there will also be a YU episode and a lucky draw!

PS: It’s past twelve o’clock again... Why don’t you all vote for me? ! For the sake of staying up late every day!

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