The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 93 Hogwarts is about to end

Chapter 093 Hogwarts is about to end

"Professor Kelar, here's a toast to you." Lupine came over with two glasses of unknown wine in his hand, handed them to Kelar, and said.

"Thank you." Keilar took the cup, raised it and touched it gently with him, and said with a smile.

"To be honest, I have never admired many people in my life, but you, I am really convinced." Lu Ping shook his head and exclaimed.

Keilal smiled and said nothing. It was strange to say anything at this time, so just listen.

Lu Ping's face was slightly flushed. It seemed that he had drunk a lot of wine, or maybe the taste of victory made him tipsy, and he was extremely excited. "What we have worked hard for ten or twenty years has ended today in one fell swoop. The Death Eaters were destroyed, the Dark Lord died in battle, and no one can threaten the wizarding world anymore. This is all because of you, let us pay tribute!"

Lupine turned and shouted.

"Kai Kai!" Everyone in the Order of the Phoenix was sitting scattered in the principal's room. They all raised their wine glasses. Whether it was wine, drinks, or something else, everyone expressed their gratitude to Kai. Lal raised his glass and said loudly.

Kelal raised his glass, smiled at them, and they all drank from their glasses in one gulp.

The flames in the fireplace flickered, and Dumbledore came into the room with a dusty and slightly dirty body.

He looked around and asked with a smile: "Am I not late?"

Everyone laughed loudly.

Compared with Kelar, Dumbledore is their true friend, mentor, leader, and their true self.

Sirius Black walked over and handed him a glass of butterbeer. Dumbledore seemed to be thirsty and drank more than half of it in one go. The beer foam stuck to his beard, and he had no intention of cleaning it up.

"Haha, my dear Keilal." He came to Keilal with butterbeer in his hand, spread his arms and hugged Keilal, Keilal smiled and hugged him.

Dumbledore grabbed Kelar's arm and said forcefully and happily; "Thanks to you, my friend, we can sleep peacefully later!"

Keilar smiled, but suddenly said another thing: "Now that the Death Eaters have been destroyed, I think there is no need for the Order of the Phoenix to exist."

The scene became quiet for a moment, everyone looked at this side and said nothing.

In fact, the Order of the Phoenix was disbanded before, and they disbanded directly after Voldemort's death. This time they got together again because of Voldemort. Now that Voldemort is dead, it is indeed as Keilar said, it is completely unnecessary. exists.

But coming from the mouth of the future Minister of Magic, it still makes people feel cold.

"Sirius Black is still a wanted criminal, right? Actually, I think an Auror would be a good fit for you."

"Lupin, if you want, you can become the captain of the werewolf hunting team. If you can convince the werewolves to join, I don't care."

Kelar held up his wine glass and nodded gently to everyone, "Hagrid, don't you think the Magical Animal Management Department is a very good place?"

"Tonks, I think you are very suitable to be an Auror. I remember you are receiving Auror training now, right?"

"Shacklebolt, are you interested in taking charge of the Aurors?" Keilal called their names one by one, surprising them.

"Sir, can I really do that?" If Lupine admired Kelal before, now he fully respects him.

Because he is a werewolf, he can't find a job at all, and he wanders around all year round. Unlike Sirius Black, who has the heritage of the Black family to support him, Lupine, who can't find a job, always wears those two pieces. The robe was torn and mended, and he couldn't even afford a decent piece of clothing.

It would be best if he became a member of the werewolf hunting team. Using werewolves to hunt down werewolves, even if he goes berserk, his team members can easily control him because of their experience and prevent him from hurting others.

This is even more true for Hagrid. As a Hogwarts dropout and a ranger, Hagrid doesn't have that much confidence to begin with, nor is he very straightforward in front of students. Even Malfoy and others can scold him.

Now facing Keilal's recognition, and even letting him directly enter a coveted institution like the Magical Animal Control Department, he was so moved that he began to blow his nose and wipe his tears.

Tonks was the witch whose hair could change color and was born with the ability to transform into a Magus. When she heard Kelar's words, she immediately whistled. Becoming an Auror was what she had dreamed of. It was just that simple. Once achieved, it feels like a dream.

Shacklebolt is a black wizard and a guy who works in the Auror department. He is one of the few people left in the Auror department. He was promoted to the Auror minister, along with Sirius and Tonks. With the assistance, the Aurors were quickly able to rebuild and regain their combat effectiveness.

Kelar held the cup in his hand, shook his head slightly and said: "The Order of the Phoenix is ​​not a legal organization. In fact, in the future, wizards' associations will become illegal, but they can become legal under the Ministry of Magic. thing."

"Although I killed Voldemort, there must still be Death Eaters inside the Ministry of Magic. You need to work carefully in the Ministry of Magic, and then observe carefully to find the Death Eaters one by one."

"I also want to clean up the corrupt officials from all over the Ministry of Magic and make the Ministry of Magic a real gathering place for talents in the wizarding world."

"I still want to lead the Ministry of Magic and the wizarding world to slowly move forward. Thank you for helping me." He stood in the center of the principal's office, shining brightly, spreading his hands, welcoming everyone.

Whether they were wanted criminals, had charges, werewolves, or shapeshifting mags, he welcomed them all.

Whether they are the Order of the Phoenix or Dumbledore's disciples, he has this mind, this confidence, and the ability to absorb them and control them.

He is Kelar-Pan-Dragon, the man of the Red Dragon.

Everyone raised their glasses.

"To the magic world! To magic! To our future minister!"

He had a great time drinking today. Even Keilar drank a lot. He walked through the long corridors of Hogwarts and then walked back to his room. With his head slightly dazed, he just took off his clothes. He took off his boots and socks, then fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

I was so tired today and so happy at the same time. The combination of several things made even Keilal very tired, and he quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The door opened with a creak.

Yin Ling lay on the floor, raised his head, and looked at the door alertly.

"Teacher?" Hermione stuck her little head in and asked softly.

Then she closed the door and walked in slowly...

(The following content cannot be written to you in the group after the starting point is released...)

PS: Please vote for recommendation! 50,000 votes are coming soon! I'm going to write an update now!

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