The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 97 Taking office

Chapter 097 Taking office

Hagrid was moved and wiped away tears as he watched the students shouting Keilal's name. In fact, Keilal's whereabouts of Hagrid had already been decided with Dumbledore. Hagrid was not indispensable in the Ministry of Magic, so Keilal Er still let Hagrid become the magical biology teacher at Hogwarts.

Kelar, who had reached an agreement with Dumbledore, received the following guarantees. First of all, the Order of the Phoenix will be disbanded. This is inevitable. With such a powerful organization like the Order of the Phoenix lying on its side, no matter who is the magician, The ministers all had trouble sleeping and eating.

What's more, the new Minister of Magic is Kellard.

In terms of Kelal's political level and intelligence, if Dumbledore refused to disband the Order of the Phoenix, Kelal would never show mercy. Today they can be called the Order of the Phoenix, but tomorrow they will be Death Eaters. The nature is actually the same. They are all armed private associations and are not subject to supervision or control. Once the leader lets them run wild, they may become a huge factor of instability.

Dumbledore knew this.

This is why after Voldemort died and the Death Eaters were found, the Order of the Phoenix was immediately disbanded, all because of this problem. Today, Dumbledore can control them, but what about the future?

Now the Order of the Phoenix has the best destination, which is to directly enter the Ministry of Magic.

After the battle with the Death Eaters, no one could question their combat effectiveness anymore. Another better opportunity was during the battle with the Death Eaters. The top combat Aurors of the Ministry of Magic were all killed or injured. This kind of problem made the Ministry of Magic A large number of law enforcers and top combat power are scarce.

The addition of members of the Order of the Phoenix just made up for this problem.

In order to balance the power, Keilar dispersed the members of the Order of the Phoenix and arranged them into various departments, which made it even simpler.

The Ministry of Magic's violent agency, the Aurors, only had two members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Besides, even if he is a member of the Order of the Phoenix, can't Keilal be able to win over him? Can't it be conquered?

Keilar's confidence in himself comes from his many years of political career. In the final analysis, wizards and knights are actually the same. They are both human beings with weaknesses that need to be conquered by themselves.

It's just that Kelal said that he would leave school after Halloween, but obviously the process was not that fast. First, the Wizengamot Court had to make a ruling on Fudge.

It was said to be a ruling, but after all, Fudge was the Minister of Magic, and he did not defect to the enemy. In terms of political exchange, he would eventually step down and become an ordinary person.

At this time, Keilal will be busy.

In fact, he was not too busy, mainly visiting some pure-blood families and promising some benefits.

If he were an ordinary Minister of Magic, he might have to exchange administrative benefits for support, but Kelal killed Voldemort in public.

It is well known that Voldemort is the object of allegiance supported by pure-blood factions. Because of this, many pure-blood factions are actually connected to Voldemort. Now they are afraid that Kelal will come to power to liquidate him, so Kelal actually went to appease them. , as for the promised benefits, they were very few, and they even took the opportunity to withdraw some of the benefits promised by Fudge.

It's just that if they can give benefits to Keilal at this time in exchange for not liquidating afterwards, they are actually quite relieved. If Keilal is the kind of rigid person who refuses to receive their benefits, I'm afraid they will It would really kill the fish and break the net, and Voldemort would have to be resurrected to cause trouble for Kelal.

It's just that now that Keilal has appeased, lured, and threatened, most of the pure-blood families have surrendered obediently. As for the mixed-blood families, they are actually Keilal's supporters. They don't care who comes to power, but who can stop Voldemort and the others. Just support whoever you want.

Now that Keilal came to power, it happened to be in line with their wishes, so Keilal didn't need to win over them at all, they would automatically support Keilal.

The idea here is actually the same as Dumbledore's. Kelal killed Voldemort's carrier Professor Quirrell as soon as he woke up, and Voldemort wanted to take Kelal's body. There was an irreconcilable conflict between the two.

And now Keilal killed Voldemort in public. Now everyone knows that Voldemort and Keilal have irreconcilable conflicts, so Keilal's support rate suddenly skyrocketed. Firstly, he can kill Voldemort, and secondly. He can kill Voldemort, and thirdly, he can kill Voldemort. That's enough! What more is needed!

As long as he can kill Voldemort and protect the wizarding world, he can do whatever he wants!

It is precisely because of this kind of thoughts and ideas that Kelal's campaign trip went very smoothly.

First, on the fifth day after Halloween, Fudge was dismissed as Minister of Magic and was temporarily replaced by Dorothy. On the sixth day, a general election was held in the British wizarding community.

The election date is only one day, because travel in the wizarding world is more convenient than that of Muggles. As long as the fireplace at home is connected to the Internet, you can come to the Ministry of Magic to vote at any time.

This time, a total of more than 40,000 wizards came to the Ministry of Magic to start the election in this hall. More than 500 Hogwarts students also participated in the election and voting. In fact, their votes were insignificant, but this made It was a rare opportunity for them to participate in social activities, and it was also a good opportunity to express Hogwarts' support for Kelal, so the little wizards came excitedly to vote.

The date is only one day, and even the counting of votes is completed on the same day - with magic, they only need to wave their wands after voting, and countless votes will arrive in those boxes according to the check boxes. The box will automatically start counting.

Because it was too fast, most of the wizards who voted did not leave, but waited for the counting magic. Looking at the data on the box, they were far ahead from the beginning. The other two candidates, one was Deputy Minister of Magic Dorothy, this woman is definitely not a popular person even within the Ministry of Magic. So far she has only had two votes.

The other one was a cannon fodder promoted by pure-blood families, with more than a dozen votes, but in the face of Kelal's advantage of almost tens of thousands of votes, he had no resistance at all.

After 10,000 votes were cast, the atmosphere at the venue became very exciting.

First, the little wizards at Hogwarts started shouting.

"Ten thousand! Twelve thousand! Thirteen thousand!..."

Ballots flew like a tide towards the box belonging to Keilal.

When the number reached 20,000, more wizards joined the counting of votes.

"Twenty-one thousand! Twenty-two thousand! Twenty-three thousand!..."

By the time the 30,000 votes were cast, Dorothy's face was ashen and bloodless, and the other cannon fodder who was pushed out was also crying, laughing and shaking his head, convinced that he had lost.

By the end, everyone was shouting.

"forty thousand!!!"

At this point, there is no suspense about Kelal becoming the Minister of Magic!

PS: Today is my birthday and I went out to eat with my friends...

PS1: I failed the Japanese motor vehicle test last time. I will take it again this time. I will get up at six o'clock I will go to bed early today...please wish me well.

PS2: I owe you the second update today, and I will try hard to replace it with 3 tomorrow.

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