"A new semester has begun!"

"From today onwards, everyone is a third year of senior high school. Unlike the first and second grades of senior high school, in addition to ordinary cultural courses, you also need to study training courses and cultivation courses, and these two courses will become the main courses of your third year of high school. In a while, I will introduce to you the teachers who are in charge of the training class and the training class. The teachers in charge of these two courses are professional trainers hired by the school with a lot of money, so I hope everyone can study these two courses well! Do you understand? "

As Jane Momo's class teacher, she said to Jane Momo and the others in a concentrated voice.

"Understood!" Jane Momo and the others replied in unison.

"Next, we will go to work and class. Before that, everyone will receive their elves into the elf ball. If your elves are not willing to enter the elf ball, you can let your elves follow mine first." Elf, my elf will take care of everyone's elves for the time being!" The head teacher said while releasing his own elf.

As the head teacher of the third year of high school for many years, the head teacher has long been handy in handling such matters.

"It's a bear in costume!" Looking at the elf released by the head teacher, Jane Momo's eyes seemed to be shining brightly, and she really wanted to throw herself into the bear's arms.

For this kind of furry elf, Jane has absolutely no ability to resist.

"Oh, woman!" After taking a contemptuous look at Hanyu Takeha, he took out his beloved tablet from Jane's silent schoolbag, ran towards the wearing bear, and dexterously climbed onto the wearing bear's shoulder.

"This Eevee..." The homeroom teacher looked at Hanyu Takeha lying on the bear's shoulder, showing a hint of surprise.

It stands to reason that elves who have just been born, except for a few elves, will not take the initiative to approach other adult elves, just like other elves who stand obediently in front of themselves wearing bears.

However, the homeroom teacher didn't care too much, so he let his wearing bear take Hanyu Takeha and others away.


As a private aristocratic school, Shanghai No. 1 Middle School, in addition to the normal teaching buildings, is also equipped with training grounds, fruit tree planting areas... a series of facilities related to elves, of course, including Hanyu Take Leaves the activity room where these fledgling elves play.

"Cuckoo!" After bringing Hanyu Takeha and the others to this activity room, he yelled at Hanyu Takeha and the others in a bear suit.

They are both elves, so there is naturally no communication barrier between Hanyu Takeha and the wearing bear.

Hanyu Takeha can only say that he really deserves to be the elf of the teacher, the way of speaking is exactly the same as that of the class teacher, let himself and others get along well, don't fight, don't bully other elves...

However, Hanyu Takeha didn't care, as an adult, how could he possibly bully these children?

"Buyi! Buyi!" After Hanyu Takeha yelled twice, he took his computer in his mouth and found a corner to watch TV dramas quietly.

It's a pity that not all elves are as well-behaved and quiet as Takeha Hanyu. According to human time, the age of elves like Takeha Hanyu happens to be the age of bear children, that is, when even dogs despise them. Except for their parents (trainers), maybe no one likes to make them noisy.

In just a blink of an eye, some of the more mischievous children and elves had already made a fuss.

On the other hand, the wearing bear looked at the noisy elves calmly, without any intention of intervening.

If it was a kindergarten teacher who was replaced by a human being, if he saw his children fighting, he would have already separated the children who were fighting. Unfortunately, Hanyu Takeha and others are elves. In the eyes of wearing bears, this kind of small fight Making trouble is nothing at all.

Looking at the calm-faced Bear Hanyu Bamboo Leaf, he pressed his paws on his big ears irritably. If it wasn't too embarrassing to bully such a thing, Hanyu Bamboo Leaf would have already taken action to suppress these things. Bear kid.

"Wow wow wow!"

Without interfering, those elves fought more vigorously, especially the little saw crocodile, which kept grinning its mouth to scare the other elves.

"Seed seeds!"

"Lalu Lalu..."

Some timid elves were even more frightened by the actions of the little saw crocodile.

After scaring the elves, the little saw crocodile lost interest in an instant, and stared at Hanyu Takeha, or more precisely, at the tablet in front of Hanyu Takeha.

"Wow, wow!" The little saw crocodile staggered up to Hanyu Takeha, constantly harassing Hanyu Takeha.

"Buyi!" Takeha Hanyu gave the little saw crocodile a disgusted look, turned around, and continued watching the TV series.

"Wow, wow!" Seeing Hanyu Bamboo Leaf protecting the tablet, the little saw crocodile became even more curious about what the tablet was, opened its mouth suddenly, and bit towards the tablet.

The little saw crocodile is usually lively and active, very naughty, and is curious about everything, and for curious things, the little saw crocodile will generally entertain it with its own teeth.

"Bu Yi!" Seeing the action of the little saw crocodile, Hanyu Takeha couldn't bear it anymore, and directly knocked the little saw crocodile to the ground with one paw.

"Wow, wow!" The little saw crocodile that was slapped on the ground staggered up, staring at Hanyu Takeha in disbelief, as if he was beaten just now?

"Wow, wow!" The voice of the little saw crocodile continued to pounce on Hanyu bamboo leaves.

How could the little saw crocodile, who had already established his status as a bully among these elves, tolerate Hanyu Takeha's behavior.

"Buyi!" Takeha Hanyu directly pressed the little saw crocodile to the ground with another paw, and turned to look at the wearing bear.

"Wow, wow!" The little saw crocodile kept struggling, but he couldn't get rid of the power of Hanyu Takeha. Although some elves looked like Eevee, they were actually the number one roaring tiger in the universe.

"Buyi!" Takeha Hanyu gave the little saw crocodile another paw.

It's a pity that Hanyu Takeha's claws were useless, but instead made the little saw crocodile struggle even harder.

"Ghost face!" Impatient Takeha Hanyu could only unleash his own skills!

"Wow wow wow!"

Seeing the black grimace flashing past, the little saw crocodile finally realized that the Eevee in front of him seemed to be a character he couldn't afford.

"Buyi!" Seeing the little saw crocodile settle down, Hanyu Takeha yelled viciously at the other elves.

"If anyone still dares to disturb me watching the show again, little saw crocodile will be your fate!"

Seeing the powerful little saw crocodile being subdued so easily by Hanyu Takeha, the other elves also instantly became quiet, as if they weren't the ones who were fighting just now.

Hanyu Takeha ended the first battle of his elf career in such a muddle-headed way. Although the opponent was just a newborn little saw crocodile, it was a milestone step.


After dealing with the little saw crocodile, Hanyu Takeha turned around and continued to watch the drama quietly.

Although it didn't take long for the little saw crocodile to start fighting with other elves again, Hanyu Takeha's attack was still effective, at least, no elf continued to "trouble" Hanyu Takeha!

"Seed seeds..."

"Lalu Lalu..."

But at this moment, a frog seed and Lalulas approached Hanyu Takeha, and said hello to Hanyu Takeha.

"Buyi..." Seeing that it wasn't Frog Seed and Lalulas who came to make trouble like the little saw crocodile, Takeha Hanyu turned around and greeted Frog Seed and the two of them.

For Hanyu Takeha, who also aimed to become a Pokémon master, Hanyu Takeha still has a very good impression of elves.

However, after saying hello, Hanyu Takeha continued to turn his head to watch his own TV series.

"Seed seeds..."

"Lalu Lalu..."

After hearing Hanyu Takeha's call, the two spirits of Miaowaseed called out again.

"Can you stay with me?" Hanyu Takeha stared at Lalulas and Bulbasaur in surprise, and if you want to stay, you can stay, this is not your place.

"Buyi!" Hanyu Takeha agreed casually.


But looking at the still somewhat timid Frog Seed and Lalulas, Takeha Hanyu thought for a while, moved his body, and made room for the two elves of Frog Seed.

Frog Seed and Lalulas yelled in surprise, and looked at the tablet together with Takeha Hanyu.



Just when Hanyu Zhuye was looking vigorously, a pair of small hands suddenly hugged Hanyu Zhuye directly. The owner of these arms was naturally the little rich woman Jian who kept Hanyu Zhuye and fell silent.

"Other elves are playing, why are you the only one here watching TV dramas!" Jane said silently with a bit of resentment.

I am a person who wants to become a Pokémon master, how can my elf be so self-motivated?

"Buyi..." Takeha Hanyu called out in disbelief, he was the only one there, didn't he see the big frog seed and Lalulas?

"..." But when Takeha Hanyu turned his head, he found that Frog Seed and Lalulas had already disappeared.

"It's not enough to just watch TV series, I'll introduce you to a few friends now!" Jane said silently while rubbing Hanyu Bamboo's fur.

Every trainer can only receive his first elf when he is in the third year of high school, and then he can increase the number of elves after passing the assessment or meeting certain conditions. Otherwise, how could a rich woman like Jane Momo only have one elf?

Seeing that he will depend on Jian Momo, a little rich woman, for his basic necessities of life, leisure and entertainment, Hanyu Zhuye could only bear with it and gave up his plan to continue watching dramas.

"Chunan, Taozi, Baiyu..." Jane, who was holding a Hanyu bamboo leaf, silently greeted the other three little rich women.

Why can Takeha Hanyu be sure that these three girls are also little rich women? Because the friends of rich women can only be rich women, not to mention Hanyu Zhuye's eyes are not blind, how can he not see that the clothes of these three girls are of the same brand as Jane Momo.

However, to Hanyu Takeha's surprise, Hanyu Takeha found the elves following the three girls, which were the little saw alligator, the frog seed and Lalulas.

"Lalu Lalu..."

"Seed seeds..."

"Wow wow wow!"

After seeing Hanyu Bamboo Leaf, Frog Seed and Lalulas greeted Hanyu Bamboo Leaf excitedly, but the little Saw Alligator seemed a little timid, obviously the ghost face of Hanyu Bamboo Leaf was left behind by the little Saw Alligator The shadows are still too dark.

"Hey, Ibrahimovic, do you know Frog Seed?" Jane silently asked Hanyu Takeha with some surprise.

"Buyi!" Hanyu Takeha yelled, answering Hanyu Takeha's question.

Through the conversation between Jane Momo, as Hanyu Takeha thought, these three girls are indeed the same little rich women as Jane Momo.

Among them, Chunan's full name is Chu Chunan, her elf is Lalulas, and her dream is to become an excellent coordination trainer. The Miao Frog Seed is the elf of the girl named Taozi. Taozi's dream is to become an excellent breeder.

And the little saw crocodile is naturally Bai Yu's elf. Like Jane Momo, Bai Yu's dream is to become a great elf trainer, but unlike Jane who became a furry elf trainer, Bai Yu's dream is to become an excellent elf trainer. The water elf training master.

From Hanyu Takeha's point of view, Bai Yu's dream is obviously much more reliable than his shit-shoveling officer, the furry elf trainer... This kind of elf trainer sounds too unreliable.


After the first class meeting, Jane waited silently for the second class to be the training class.

As a student of elves, a series of courses related to elves, such as training courses and cultivation courses, basically occupy most of the courses of Jane Momo and others.

This is also the reason why Jane silently waited for someone to come back to bring Hanyu Zhuye.

"Hi everyone, I'm your training class teacher, just call me Teacher Ding!" A muscular man said silently to Jane and others.

"Hello, Teacher Ding!"

"Since everyone has chosen the subject of elves, battles among elves are unavoidable, whether it is a breeder, coordinator, or elf researcher, let alone a trainer!"

"Everyone has received their first elf now, so does anyone want to fight with my elf! Let's officially experience the battle between elves!" Teacher Ding released his elf while talking.

A huge, chubby Snorlax.

Obviously, Mr. Ding's wealth is not simple. After all, not all trainers can support the Kirby beast. However, the wealth of a powerful trainer is not easy.

"It's a Kirby!" Jane Momo's expression now is almost the same as that of the bear who saw the class teacher before, wishing to bury herself in the body of the Kirby.

Takeha Hanyu covered his ears with his paws, and when Teacher Ding released Kirby, Takeha Hanyu already had a bad feeling.

"Teacher, me!" But just when Jane was about to raise her hand silently, Bai Yu spoke out first.

"Okay, then you come first!" Teacher Ding glanced at the little saw crocodile beside Baiyu, and nodded.

Thanks to the magical alpaca for the reward, thanks to my real name Gao Dashuai for the reward, thanks to the book friend 160521044401190 for the reward, and thanks to the woman smiling under the moonlight for the reward.

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