
Women in this country are particularly obsessed with love, so don’t be surprised if a woman on the street suddenly pulls out a knife and stabs a man, because this is so common in Dressrosa!

The country of Dressrosa is also known as the country of toys, because in this country, there are many dolls that can move freely.

No one knows where these dolls came from, but they are now integrated into people’s lives.

There are also legends of leprechauns, and the country is full of the unthinkable.


“Everyone, Del Rey’s “three five seven” Srosa has arrived, who is going to play? ”

Already seeing the silhouette of Dressrosa from a distance, Wren greeted his harem group loudly on the boat.

After a while, the women who heard Wren’s voice came out of the cabin in two, three.

Esders, Elsa, Tsunade, Kagura, Nami, Icarus, Perona…

Watching the enchanting or pure and moving beauties come to him, Wren once again affirmed his plan.

Even to protect them, he can become the strongest man in the world!

Tsunade, who obviously felt that he had lost weight, walked to Wren’s side and said dissatisfiedly: “Wren, what are you doing, I’m going to play this card soon, you have to compensate me!”

“Sister Tsunade, in fact, all your Hu’s cards are in my hands, so it is impossible for you to have a Hu!” Icarus said truthfully.

As soon as these words fell, the women immediately laughed maliciously.

Esders: “By the way, how much do you owe me!?”

Perona: “It’s 1.3 billion, Sister Estes, she also owes me money!”

Elsa: “And my half billion Baileys!”

Nami: “Forget about mine, they’re all sisters anyway!”

As several people complained, Tsunade’s expression also fell, and he couldn’t wait to leave here quickly.

Of all the people here, she gives money to almost everyone except Kagura (Kagura has no money)

And Wren couldn’t help but be stunned, “This lady is too capable of losing!” ”

“Ahem… Let these irrelevant things go first, the most important thing now is that we are about to go to Dressrosa, and our goal this time is to bring down Doflamingo, the street, and eliminate harm for the people! ”

At this time, Wren’s face flashed with the brilliance of justice, and he said righteously: “In a moment, we may have a fierce conflict with the Don Quixote family, so do you beauties have any opinions about this battle!” ”

“Oh? That is, there will be another war! Interesting, how can such a thing be less than me! “As soon as it was said that there was about to be another battle, the war madman Esders burned all over!

“Master, do you want me to destroy somewhere with Apollo (a move that destroyed ancient Babylon)?” Icarus asked in a soft tone, holding a watermelon in his hand.


Listening to such a cute angel girl easily say this kind of words to slaughter the city and destroy the island from her mouth, Wren always had an unspeakable sense of discord in her heart.

“Huh… Icarus, you can’t be so violent, although we are pirates, but we are pirates with ideals, don’t keep thinking about some violent things, you know? Wren said instructively, looking like a good teacher0.

Just saying this kind of thing from the mouth of this saboteur who had just destroyed half of the Chambord Islands always looked so funny.

Nami: “Is there any difference between an ordinary pirate and a pirate with ideals?”

Kagura: “Actually, no! That’s what he said, just listen to it, don’t take it seriously! ”

Nami: “Got it!”

Just when Wren was about to continue the ideological education of Icarus, suddenly Icarus spoke: “Master, a man has flown from Dressrosa, do you need to beat him down?”


Although Icarus will not see and smell domineering, but she has thermal imaging and her own high-powered telescope, and the movement within a radius of kilometers cannot escape her scanning.

Wren fixed his eyes and saw that a figure flew from afar, looking chubby!

1.5 That’s Don Quixote’s cadre, the big buffalo Buffalo who turns the fruit ability!

“Icarus, kill him!” Speaking Esders.

I saw Esdes said excitedly: “Since you have already arrived here, just call in directly.” What else to discuss, just catch Doflamingo! ”

When Wren heard this, he also smiled and understood what Estes meant.

“Because ageless surgery is too important to me, do I always think that it is foolproof?” Wren smiled self-deprecatingly and said, “Icarus, let’s do it!”

“Yes, the host !!!” _

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