Hahaha… I’m Hu Hansan… No, I’m back with Wren!

The level of the characters who appeared before was too high, not the strongest in the world, Esders, or the admiral Qingheas, so that Lord Wren, who was both strong and handsome, had no room to play.

And now that I have encountered such a group of rookie chickens, it is time for my Lord Wren to be powerful!

“Dancing !!!”

When Wren jumped into the crowd of naval soldiers with a sword in his hand, the Daoist light knife he wielded flashed back and forth, and every time the blade flashed, it would take away a large piece of life.

At this moment, Wren is like killing a god!

“Hey, hey, hey… These eyes are really too easy to use, as long as you cut down the dead line, no matter how strong the opponent, you will inevitably be my revenant under the knife! ”

At this time, Wren turned into a blue-eyed Grim Reaper, and the sword in his hand was like the scythe of the Grim Reaper, harvesting the lives of a large number of naval soldiers.

“Hurry up, kill him quickly! Hurry up and kill him! ”

At this time, Wren’s eyes were bubbling with blue light, and the appearance of bloody killing enemies in the crowd of naval soldiers completely frightened Spandam.

He quickly commanded the naval soldiers on the ship to launch an attack on Wren, but in front of Wren’s direct death demon eye, all the navy soldiers who came over were like chickens and dogs, and they couldn’t even catch a move in front of him.

Whether it is a shield or a sword, it is like paper paste in front of Wren, and for a while not only did not kill Wren, but made Wren kill more joyfully!

Other than that, at least in the matter of killing, Wren and Estes still have a little common language.

Once shot, show no mercy!

“Erica, what kind of enemy have you provoked for me!”

Seeing that all the naval soldiers were shocked by Wren’s murderous spirit, they just surrounded but no one dared to go further.

I saw Wren standing on the pile of corpses at this time, the long swords in his hands were dripping blood, and his face and body were full of the blood of the opposing naval soldiers.

This scene is like a demon descending into the world!

Spandam couldn’t help but blame the lover who cuckolded him, a beautiful woman named Erica.

It is because of this woman that Spandham and Wren have become unending enemies!


Spandam’s dispatch not only did not pose a threat to Wren, but exposed himself.

This surprised Wren, it was really a nowhere to step on iron shoes, and it didn’t take any effort to get it!

Of course, there is also a saying that life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what bad things will happen in the next moment!

But since you ran into it, let’s say hello.

I saw Wren jumping high in place, the blue light of his eyes flashing wildly, and he saw the black dead line extending from the mast part to the deck.

“Straight Death Demon Eye – Slashing Knife!”

There was no sword qi, no domineering slash, Wren just landed vertically on the warship, gently cutting the dead line.

In the eyes of Spandham and many naval soldiers on board, Wren jumped high and then fell upside down.

But such an inconspicuous move caused the warship to suffer unbearable damage.

As if it had been destroyed by the Great Sword Hao, the entire warship suddenly fell apart, turning into a pile of steel wreckage and slowly sinking into the sea.

“What’s going on? Why did the warship become like this? ”

“Abominable… Did Ghost Sword Wren do it? How did he do it! ”

“Capable people! Ghost Sword Wren is definitely an ability, you look at his eyes…”

“Help! I don’t want to die! ”

When the warship slowly sank, everyone on the ship staged a picture of all living beings for Wren!

When faced with a crisis of life and death, some of them panicked, some people ran around in a panic, and some people thought with great righteousness that they would pull Wren’s back before they died, and rushed towards Wren with a sword.

Such a dutiful naval soldier, of course, the kind Wren took up the knife and sent them to another world, so that they could retire early.

“Quick, get out of the way for Uncle Ben, let me jump first!” Spandham pushed a naval soldier out of the sea, trying to get out of the place before the ship sank.

Wren stood on the ice road of the green pheasant, watching the tragedy ahead with an expressionless face.

“It’s really ugly!” Wren said in an icy tone: “In the face of life and death, the value of all people is the same. ”

“Did you say I was right? My dear “friend”, Spandam! ”

“Let me go, as long as you let me go, I’ll give Erica to you.” By the way, I still have a lot of women who can be given to you! ”

Spandam looked at Wren, who was condescending and ruling his life and death, and snot and tears welled up together.

“Shut up! Do you think I like what you’ve used? Don’t lower my taste, okay? Nothing happened to Erica and me, we just did some research on human reproduction! ”

In fact, since Wren went to sea, although he has not been vegetarian, he has not eaten everything.

His eyes are very picky, otherwise he would not have taken a fancy to Spandam’s lover.

But that’s all in the past.

“As the chief of CP9, your appearance is really ugly, I will give you a ride!”

And at this time, Spandam, who begged for mercy, suddenly showed a hideous look on his face.

“Shredded him for me, Fa Gu Fried!”


This is Spandam’s weapon, a sword that eats the “elephant fruit” and has the ability of “elephant”, Ancient Fred, obeys Spendam and can use the long blade and ivory to attack opponents.

However, when Fagufried, who turned into an elephant, saw Wren’s ancient blue eyes, his fierce expression changed instantly, as if he had met a natural enemy, and quickly retracted it.

“Abominable… Fagufried, have you become so useless too? ”

Spandam is desperate!

“Do you want money, I have a lot of money, and my father is Spandyne, and my boss is the fifth elder…”

But before he could finish his last word, Wren ended his life with a sword.

Pity Spandam CP9 commander, but now he has ended up like this.

This lesson tells people that if you are green, just let it go!


Wren picked up Spandam’s matching knife Fagufried, feeling the unique life in this knife, and Fagufried seemed to be shivering when he was picked up by Wren.

“Well, as long as you are obedient, I won’t hurt you!”

Fagufried immediately quieted down when he heard this.

“What a good knife! I have this knife in my collection! ”

Wren’s collection has another good knife!

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