The principal saw Chen Mu, you are here too.

"Student Chen Mu, you are here too?" The principal saw the eye-catching Chen Mu at a glance, and his stern face instantly smiled. He walked to Chen Mu in a flattering manner and took Chen Mu's hand holding the car keys. "Student Chen Mu, congratulations, congratulations."

Congratulations on what?

Jiang Yi and Chen Bing looked at each other, surprised at the principal's attitude towards Chen Mu, as if the principal wanted to worship Chen Mu.

"I have a good news and was about to let your counselor tell you, but I didn't expect you to be here, so I'll tell you directly. Just now, the admissions office of Harvard University called and they have sent someone to the school to personally deliver the admission letter to you."

Admission letter! ! !

Jiang Yi immediately looked at the letter of admission in Chen Bing's hand.

Chen Bing also immediately lowered his head and looked at the very textured letter of admission in his hand.

The two of them thought at the same time, the admission letter is not fake! Actually, it is real?

Chen Bing immediately shook his head. It is impossible, impossible. Chen Mu is only a freshman. He was specially recruited from Jiangcheng to Tsinghua University and Peking University. How could it be an admission letter for guaranteed admission? This letter must be fake! How could Chen Mu have such a great ability!

"I know." Chen Mu nodded, raised his chin, and looked at the person who delivered the notice. "He is here to deliver the notice to me."

Seeing this, the principal immediately turned around, lowered his body and held the person's hand tightly, "Sorry, sorry, I just found out you are here now, I am really neglectful. Sorry, sorry."

"It's okay." The person didn't care. This principal was a sensible person, unlike the other two who were blind. It's okay to question him, but he dared to snatch the admission notice from him that was like an ancient imperial edict! They are really tired of living!

"Aren't you delivering the admission notice to classmate Chen Mu?" The principal was puzzled when he saw that the other party had nothing in his hands. He had lived for so long, but he had never seen what Harvard's admission notice looked like.

Although they were all top students in Tsinghua and Peking University, they were all outstanding, but even if they went abroad to study, they all passed the exam by themselves or were exchange students. Chen Mu was the first person who was directly admitted to Harvard.

Harvard's guaranteed admission to graduate school is not like other guaranteed admission to graduate school, but directly guaranteed admission to graduate school and promoted to doctoral degree.

In other words, as long as Chen Mu enters Harvard, he does not need to take exams or interviews, and he can become a doctoral degree. You know, most people who become doctors are at least 30 years old, and doctors as young as Chen Mu are extremely rare! ! !

Not to mention that he is a doctor from Harvard, which is really rare!

"Hehe, our Harvard's admission letter to Chen Mu was snatched away by your school's teacher. Not only that, he also tore a corner of the letter, mocking our Harvard for fraud and deception!" The visitor snorted coldly and looked coldly at Chen Bing, who was already frightened and stunned.

The principal was instantly furious, "What! Torn? Who, who dares to be so bold!"

"Who? Of course it's him!" The visitor raised his hand and pointed at Chen Bing, who was trying to hide the letter behind his back.

"Principal, I, I didn't mean it. I thought it was fake." Chen Bing raised his hands and cried with a pale face. If he knew that the notice was real, he would not dare to do it even if he had 100,000 guts.

"Fake? Don't you know how good Chen Mu is? You actually thought that the notice was fake! I think you don't want to work in Tsinghua and Peking University anymore!" The principal walked up to Chen Bing and snatched back the torn corner of the notice and the broken corner.

"Principal, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong. I thought Chen Mu was just a special student." Chen Bing almost knelt down to the principal, and the look he gave Chen Mu was completely different from before, full of fear and lingering fear.

Ding Dong.

[System reminder: Task progress has been updated! ]

Chen Mu smiled and controlled the virtual interface with his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task: Get attribute temperament +50! ]

"Sir, is the admission notice still useful if it becomes like this?" The principal ignored Chen Bing and walked straight to the person who came.

The person took the admission letter from the principal and took a look at it. "It doesn't have much impact. Fortunately, you came and he didn't have the chance to do anything with the letter. Otherwise, this letter would be ruined in his hands and become useless."

Chen Bing's heart suddenly skipped a beat. If the principal hadn't come, he would have treated the letter as a waste.

It was torn up like waste paper. Fortunately, the principal arrived in time to stop his stupid behavior, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Student Chen Mu..." After hearing this, the principal couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, turned his head and looked at Chen Mu, and suddenly, he froze in place.

At this moment, Chen Mu had a strong aura. Although his face had not changed at all, he made people feel that he looked like an emperor, and his temperament was different from before. He was full of aristocratic aura, like a noble among kings.

"What's the matter, principal?" Chen Mu looked at the principal's yellow eyes and stared at them. He asked casually, and he knew why the principal was so surprised.

With the blessing of the system's attributes and temperament, he is naturally different now.

"Student Chen Mu, you..." The principal thought for a moment, but didn't know what words to use to describe Chen Mu's change at this moment, "This admission letter for guaranteed admission to graduate school is still effective." The principal handed the admission letter in his hand to Chen Mu, "You are really a good role model for our students from Tsinghua and Peking University!"

"Thank you, principal." Chen Mu took the admission letter for guaranteed admission to graduate school and turned to look at the person who sent the letter, "I have no plans to go abroad for the time being."

"There is no rush for this, you can go whenever you want, as long as you are willing to come to our Harvard." The visitor quickly took over his words, fearing that he would miss such an excellent student as Chen Mu.

"Yes, yes, yes, Chen Mu, you can't not go to Harvard! This is a great future for you." The principal hurriedly persuaded.

"Then I will consider it later." Chen Mu hesitated for a moment and gave an answer.

"Okay, okay, okay, this is no problem." The visitor nodded hurriedly, fearing that Chen Mu would regret it.

"Teacher Jiang, do you have anything else to say?" Chen Mu turned to look at Jiang Yi, whose face was pale and whose hand holding the thermos was shaking like he had Parkinson's disease, and asked with a sly smile.

From now on, these two role models will never dare to look down on anyone again.

"No, nothing else." Jiang Yi's expression was difficult to control, and his mouth twitched and he shook his head.

"Principal, I'll take my leave first." After saying this, Chen Mu turned and walked out of the office. He couldn't wait to take a look at the off-road vehicle named King Kalman.

After waiting for others to leave with Chen Mu, the principal said directly to Chen Bing, "Go! We can't keep you in Tsinghua and Peking University!"

"Principal, I..." Chen Bing regretted it.

However, the principal didn't listen to anything Chen Bing said, and left.

When Chen Bing chased out, there was no one else in the corridor.

Chen Bing quickly climbed up the guardrail and looked down, his legs instantly weakened.

Downstairs, there was a heavyweight luxury car parked. If he guessed correctly, this was the most expensive domestic car that person had just mentioned!

Those people, it turned out, were not actors hired by Chen Mu. What they said was true!!!

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