The Invincible Big Shot Is About To Be Born

Chapter 234: The Descendants of the Lord of All Gods, the True Gold Alliance is True Gold (Part 1)

Seventeen planes, one hundred masters on the list of gods.

However, the Sea Clan of Chaotic Star Sea has seven of them. It has to be said that the Sea Clan is very powerful.

Like the Demon Dragon Palace and the Kunpeng Divine Sect on the Hengyuan plane, there are only one or two plane masters, but there are six thousand plane masters of the Chaos Xinghai Sea Clan!

The 100 billion army of the Chaotic Star Sea Sea Clan is not an ordinary army, but an army composed of hundreds of billions of gods.

The weakest in the army are all in the Divine Spirit Realm!

Although the Chaotic Xinghai Sea Clan is not the number one force in the Seventeenth Plane, they have the most experts in the Divine Spirit Realm among the Seventeenth Plane.

Hearing the words, the Dragon Horned Taurus smiled and said, "There are only seven people on the list of gods? Only six thousand are the masters of the plane? Only one hundred billion in the army? So few? It's not enough for me to slap me."

Huot and the powerful from all sides are all choked.

There are seven people on the god list, how many?

Only six thousand plane controllers?

Lu Yiping glanced at Huot, and suddenly punched out, and saw Lu Yiping's fist, and the light of time and space burst out, causing everyone's eyes to hurt.

The power of the fist broke through the air and hit Huot, with a loud bang, the stone pillar was blown away and broken into countless knots, and Huot who was hanging on the stone pillar was also blown away by the punch. The huge golden hair on Holt's chest was also blasted out from behind Holt.

When Holt fell to the ground, everyone looked and saw that Holt's body continued to dry up, and his whole body seemed to be drained of vitality.

Huot's hair was withered and yellow, and his skin was shriveled, like a dying person.

"Time God Fist!" Many people were surprised.

"How could this Lu Yiping know the Time God Fist of Old Demon Time?"

The old devil of time, a terrifying existence more than 200,000 years ago.

And now the second on the list of gods is the descendant of Old Demon Time.

Now everyone sees that Lu Yiping can also know the Time Fist, and they can't help being commotion.

At this time, Yu Dawei, the lord of the Gaefeng Sect, stepped forward, bowed to Lu Yiping and said, "Thank you, Dawei, for your help."

"It's nothing more than a little effort." Lu Yiping said, asking the other party to get up.

Chi Yue said to Yu Dawei, the patriarch of the Gaefeng Sect, "Are you Yu Fei's disciple?"

Yu Dawei looked at Chi Yue in surprise: "I don't know what your lord is?"

"Chi Yue." Chi Yue said.

Yu Dawei stared at Chi Yue in disbelief: "Are you Master Chi Yue?"

Chi Yue nodded and sighed: "I was imprisoned, and it was the master who rescued me."

Yu Dawei looked delighted: "Master, these years, Master and the others have been looking for your whereabouts. If Master and the others know that you are back, they must be very happy."

"Leave here first." Lu Yiping said, and then left the scene of the Sea Clan Competition with everyone.

Yu Dawei, the Patriarch of the Gale Wind Sect, did not hesitate, and led all the masters of the Gale Wind Sect to follow Lu Yiping and the others to leave.

After leaving Sea Emperor City, Yu Dawei nervously invited Lu Yiping and others to Gale Wind Sect.

"In a few days, I still have something to do." Lu Yiping said.

He did have something to do. Earlier, he asked Zhenjinmeng to help him inquire about the tree block. When he left the deserted island, Zhenjinmeng sent a letter to inform him that there was already news of that kind of tree block.

Therefore, he had to go to the real Jinmeng headquarters.

At the beginning, he offered a reward of 100 million heavenly grade spirit stones to the Zhenjin League, which was a huge amount, so he could go directly to the headquarters of the Zhenjin League to receive news.

Hearing that Lu Yiping said that something happened, he would go again in a few days, Yu Da, the lord of the Liefeng Sect, was overjoyed and said respectfully: "Thank you sir, then we of the Liefeng Sect will look forward to your visit when the time comes."

Then he said to Chi Yue: "Master, let's go back to Gale Wind Sect first."

Yu Dawei nodded.

However, before leaving, Lu Yiping took out the tree ginseng, and treated Yu Dawei and the two injured Gale Wind Sect disciples with the medicinal energy of the tree ginseng.

Under the treatment of tree ginseng medicinal energy, the three of Yu Dawei recovered from their injuries very quickly. Not only did they heal, but with the help of tree ginseng medicinal energy, the strength of the three of them all improved.

Yu Dawei and the others respectfully sent Lu Yiping and the others off, and returned to Gale Fengzong after Lu Yiping and the others disappeared for a long time.

The headquarters of the True Gold League is in Sujia City in the Void Plane.

Su Family City is one of the oldest and largest cities in the Void Plane. There are many legends about Su Family City. Some people say that the Su Family, the largest family in Su Family City, is the descendant of the Lord of All Gods.

In the Void Plane, among the top ten super powers, the Maha Clan is the first, the second is the Void Island, the third is the Chaotic Star Sea, the fourth is the Xinghai God Sect, and the Su Family ranks fifth.

The Su family has a profound heritage, even though it is ranked fifth, even if it is Sunken Sky Island, Chaotic Star Sea and Sea God Sect, they still avoid three points in front of the Su family.

Su Ye, the great ancestor of the Su family, is now fifth on the list of gods, while the great ancestor of Luan Xinghai is only sixth.

And some people said that the Su family still had a more powerful existence than Su ye, but it hadn't been born for hundreds of thousands of years, so it didn't make it into the list of gods.

It is also said that the Su family still retains many terrifying methods.

No matter what the argument is, they all agree that the Su family is far stronger than the ranking.

It was noon when Lu Yiping and the others arrived at Sujia City.

The noon sun was a little strong.

However, Longjiao Taurus likes noon the most in a day, because the sun is the brightest at noon, and his golden retriever is also the brightest under the sun at noon.

Looking at the bright sunshine in the sky, Longjiao Taurus touched the golden hair on its head, making it more and more shiny.

He likes to start on the front forehead and work his way to the back of the head.

"Su Family City." Longjiao Jinniu looked at the three characters on the gate of Su Family City, and said: "That kid in Su City had many women back then, and he kept a lot of seeds. This Su Family must be the seed left by a certain woman of his."

Su Cheng, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Gods, commands the Ten Thousand Gods. Naturally, there are many women around him. As far as the Dragon Horned Taurus knows, there are twenty or thirty of them.

"But this kid is eating what's in the pot, and he's still thinking about what's in the bowl. There are so many women, and he still can't forget Luoshui." Longjiao Jinniu said again.

When it came to the Lord of All Gods, Heixie, Chiyue, Badao, and Longgu all listened attentively.

Lu Yiping glanced at Longjiao Jinniu: "You had more women than that kid in Sucheng."

The dragon-horned Taurus, who was combing his golden head habitually, couldn't help but froze, his face was dull: "Master, you can't blame me for this, as you know, I am too handsome."

"You look a little special." Lu Yiping said, referring to the golden hair all over.

Longjiao Jinniu couldn't help squinting when he saw that Heixie and the other four were still listening.

Heixie and the others immediately looked up at the sky: "The clouds are so white today." Then they began to count the stars and the clouds floating in the sky.

Lu Yiping smiled, then stepped into Sujia City, inquired about the headquarters of the Zhenjin League, and came over to the headquarters of the Zhenjin League.

After a while, several people came to the gate of the headquarters of the Zhenjin League, and saw that the buildings of the headquarters of the Zhenjin League were all made of gold, which was more golden than gold, and the golden light shone.

The dragon-horned Taurus suddenly felt that his golden head was not that golden yet?

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