The Invincible Big Shot Is About To Be Born

Chapter 276 The Banquet of the Northern Wilderness Palace Master (Part 2)

In the shocking eyes of everyone, Yuan Jinhua's whole body began to disintegrate little by little, and finally disappeared between the sky and the earth, completely disappeared, not even the blood mist.

Tang Qing, Tang Xueyao and others' eyes widened.

A master of the Nine Great Totems, the existence of the twenty-fifth god list, was killed by a single blow like this?

Lu Yiping looked at the undead and other masters of the Vault of Heaven Palace.

The undead race, the Vault of Heaven Palace, and the hundreds of masters of the Demon Gathering Sect who had just rushed up all backed away in horror.

As Lu Yiping's eyes passed, all the masters gathered around the Cang Lei Shen Sect backed away in fear.

"Kill." Lu Yiping said indifferently.

When Lu Yiping finished speaking, the dragon-horned Taurus moved, and the Dragon-horned Taurus instantly came to Chen Jiucheng, another nine totem masters of the Vault of Heaven Palace, and slapped it down with his palm.

Before Chen Jiucheng could react, he was slapped by the falling corner of the Dragon Horn Taurus.

The undead and the masters of the Vault of Heaven Palace looked at Chen Jiucheng who had been photographed, and his face turned pale with fright. Is it another Xeon ancient god with ten totems?

Everyone just finds it ridiculous.

You know, there are only three top ten totems in Beihuang Shenfu.

But in front of him, Lu Yiping, master and servant, are all ten totems?

The Dragon Horn Taurus kept striking, and with one step, it came in front of the other three masters of the Nine Great Totems of the Undead Race. This time, it didn't make a palm move, but a small fish was in its hand, and it swept out.

When the little fish swept out, it swelled up like a mountain in an instant.

The three nine great totems of the undead were blasted out and smashed into the distant mountain range. When the three nine great totems were smashed into the distant mountain range, they all exploded, and the flesh and blood poured out in the blood. sprinkle.

Then, the Dragon Horn Taurus took another step forward and came in front of Meng Lin, Zhuang Buyi, Hu Na, and Ling Xi.

Meng Lin and Zhuang Buyi were terrified, but when the four of them were about to turn around and flee, the small fish in the hand of the dragon-horned golden bull swung towards them, and the four of them were all blown away just like the three nine totem masters of the undead clan before. .

After blasting the four of them away, the dragon-horned Taurus smiled and walked towards the eight great totems.

At this time, Ruan Zhen looked in the direction of Cang Lei Shenzong at the mansion of President Tianji.

Elder Jiang on the side shook his head and said, "Undead, the six nine totems of the Firmament Palace are dispatched together, and together with the four members of Meng Lin from the Demon Judgment Sect, there are ten masters of the nine totems. The Cang Lei Shenzong can't protect the road at all A flat."

Ruan Zhen nodded and said with emotion: "It's a pity."

I don't know if it's a pity for Lu Yiping, or the chaotic water of stars on Lu Yiping's body.

Masters from the Undead Race, the Vault of Heaven Palace, and the Demon Judgment Sect flocked to the Cang Lei Shen Sect. Naturally, it was impossible for the Skyrim Chamber of Commerce to be unaware of such a big movement.

Jiang Lao said: "It is said that Lu Yiping's totem is huge, and it is an eternal miracle. However, no matter how evil a genius is, once he falls, what is the use?"

At this time, a master of the Tianji Chamber of Commerce came in and reported: "Master President, Mr. Jiang, Yin Wei said that he has something urgent to see you outside."

"Urgent matter?" Ruan Zhen looked puzzled.

Yin Wei is in charge of intelligence at the Tianji Chamber of Commerce. Ruan Zhen asked him to pay attention to the movement of Cang Lei Shenzong, and reported to him if there was any result. Could it be that there is already a result?

However, the masters of the Undead Race, the Vault of Heaven Palace, and the Demon Judgment Sect seem to have arrived at the Canglei Sect not long ago. Could it be that the Canglei Sect was defeated so quickly?

"Let him in." Ruan Zhen said.

After a while, Yin Wei, who was in charge of the information of the Tianji Chamber of Commerce, came in hastily.

"Master President, Old Jiang!" As soon as Yin Wei came in, he hurriedly said: "The Cang Lei Shenzong just received news that Wu Tong is dead!"

"What?!" Ruan Zhen and Mr. Jiang were taken aback.

Wu Tong is the fourteenth on the Northern Wilderness God List, second only to Mr. Jiang who is the Thirteenth on the Northern Wilderness God List.

"Who is it?!" Ruan Zhen couldn't help asking.

"It's under the elegant middle-aged man next to Lu Yiping." Yin Wei said.

"It's him!" Ruan Zhen and Mr. Jiang looked at each other, and the scene when Lu Yiping said that his subordinate was a great master came to mind.

"Is it the top ten totems?" Mr. Jiang still didn't believe it, and asked again with certainty.

Yin Wei said: "Yes, and each of the ten totems gathered by this person has reached one hundred and twenty miles." Speaking of this, it is difficult to hide the shocked expression.

"Top ten totems in one hundred and twenty miles!" Ruan Zhen and Jiang Lao were equally surprised.

After a long while, Ruan Zhen regained his composure, and said with a complex expression: "Even if this person is only at the early stage of the top ten totems, his combat power is probably comparable to the late stage of the top ten totems!"

Top ten late totems!

This is already the strength of the top three in the Northern Wilderness God List.

Since Lu Yiping hadn't killed Yuan Jinhua when the news came from there just now, Yin Wei didn't know about Lu Yiping's killing of Yuan Jinhua yet.

At this time, Yin Wei's letter talisman was startled, he took it out and took a look, he was stunned, he stammered: "Master President, Mr. Jiang, this is the latest news from Cang Lei Shenzong." After finishing speaking, he handed the letter talisman for two people.

Seeing the change in Yin Wei's expression, Ruan Zhen and Mr. Jiang couldn't help wondering, could there be any new changes in Cang Lei Shenzong?

The two took the letter and looked at it, both in a daze.

"Lu Yiping and another of his subordinates are also the top ten totems?" Ruan Zhen didn't know what to say for a while.

The content of the letter was the news that Lu Yiping killed Yuan Jinhua and Longjiao Jinniu killed Chen Jiucheng.

Although Lu Yiping and Longjiao Jinniu didn't use their totems, they were undoubtedly the strongest ancient gods among the top ten totems who could easily kill Yuan Jinhua and Chen Jiucheng.

At this time, in the ancestral land of the undead, Wu Zhen was drinking a small wine leisurely, and at the same time was flipping through a book of cultivation experience of a strong man in the middle ages, reading it with great interest.

He was watching with relish, when Wu Ming, the patriarch of the undead clan, ran in in extreme horror and reported to him the news about Che Zipeng, Lu Yiping and Longjiao Jinniu killing Wutong, Yuan Jinhua and Chen Jiucheng.

Wu Zhen didn't even notice when the jug in his hand dropped.

He sat there in a daze, and the undead patriarch Wu Ming called out repeatedly, but he was in a daze.

After a while, the entire undead became silent.

The same is true of the Firmament Palace.

Half an hour passed.

Canglei Shenzong and Lu Yiping looked indifferently at the Undead Clan, Sky Palace, Demon Judgment Sect, Blood Sea Sect, Stone Bone Gate, Ghost Hall, and more than 500 masters were blasted to death.

The rocks and leaves of the surrounding mountains were covered with drops of blood.

Lu Yiping, Longjiao Jinniu, and Che Zipeng returned to Xingyue Peak after they dealt with several masters from the sect.

Some other masters of the evil faction gathered far away saw the figures of Lu Yiping and the three going away, and some couldn't help it any longer, and fell to the ground, feeling weak all over.

The news about Cang Lei Shenzong quickly spread, and the chaotic plane became quiet.

The next day, when Lu Yiping was practicing, Xu Teng and Zhou Can carefully knocked on the gate of Lu Yiping's palace.

"Oh, Beihuang Mansion mainly entertains me?" Lu Yiping said.

"Yes, the commander of the Northern Wilderness Divine Palace is outside, do you want to see him?" Xu Teng asked cautiously.

"He came in." Lu Yiping said.

(Third update at 6:30 p.m.)

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