The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1285: Pupilless monkey

瞳 The pupils without pupils are very famous in the south of Divine Realm, but it is not long before they just entered Divine Realm.

This group is a born assassin, and this group is also a professional assassin. This group never appeared outside, once it appeared, they took the task and assassinated.

That is to say, where pupilless monkeys appear, they are often accompanied by assassinations, but when you see this group, they come to assassinate you or to assassinate nearby people.

Usually they never appear outside, and you can't walk to the place where their ethnic group lives.

The pupilless monkey has appeared in the southern part of the Divine Realm for at least a million years. I don't know how many people were assassinated by them. I don't know how many strong people want to find this group, but no one can show where their group is.

This group has branches in the big city. There is only one small castle with no one, as long as you put in the information of the person you want to assassinate, and then put it into enough sources. The pupilless monkeys will be dispatched as soon as they take orders. If they can't be assassinated, they will repay the double source.

If 6 Li knows the identity of the pupil without a pupil, he will definitely be the first to judge that this group of assassins did not come from the artifact hall, but ... came from him.

The Artifact Pavilion has always been low-key, and has not enemies with the great forces in the past 10,000 years. Asking the pupils without pupils to risk offending the Artifact Pavilion will definitely cost a great deal, so it must be a big force.

Big forces usually have some scruples about shooting, after all, they will offend the Godcraft Pavilion, so they are generally revenge.

6 Li Lingdu was killed by the attack, this is the revenge ...

Please ask the pupils without pupils, even if all pupils without pupils are arrested, they will not be offered behind the scenes. This has been verified for millions of years. If the black hand behind the scenes is Ling Wanjian, he need not worry about exposure.

"Bang, bang ~"

Miss Dan Long Yunhai and others were shot one by one. Although Miss Dan and others were not stabbed to death, they were all injured. They were all scared. They ran away wildly and didn't dare to stay there. Miss Dan rushed towards the depths of the mountains with a few ladies, and there was an elder over there to rescue him.

"Go ~"

6 Li dare not stop here, what if a group of pupilless monkeys emerge on the ground? His head fluttered, thinking that the group of pupilless monkeys had been drilled from the depths of the mountains. He thought about rushing towards the periphery of the mountains.

He walked without the slightest sound of wind, drifted low-key in the mountain stream, and quickly left the mountain.

He felt a faint crisis in Dashan inexplicably. There were too many pupilless monkeys in it, and he didn't dare to stay inside.

It has been thousands of miles away from the mountain, 6 Li chose a small cave to lurk, he thought about waiting for the battle to pass before looking for the ancient elders and others.

"Bang ~"

At this moment, 6 Li suddenly felt a violent shock on the ground, and then the ground burst, and a pupilless monkey child burst out and stabbed at him suddenly.

"This pupilless monkey child is so strong, it should be close to the power level of the **** world, right?"

6 A deadly crisis emerges from my mind, and this sense of crisis is unprecedented. This person's breath was too scary. He wanted to avoid the fact that his body was moving slowly and was suppressed by this person's breath.

"Bang ~"

6 Lisheng was hit hard with a dagger, and he felt hit by the mountain. Even though he wore a sacred artifact armor, he felt that the bones in his back were broken by many shocks, the internal organs were broken, and his body was blown away.

"Hey ~"

The pupilless monkey was chasing like lightning, and stabbed at his head fiercely. The eyes without pupils were all cold and could see 6 away from him.

"The enemy's target is me!"

6 At this moment, I finally understand why the attack on Miss Dan and others has actually attracted the attention of the elders. The pupilless monkey children attacking Miss Dan Long Yunhai and others are not strong. This strength is at least ten times stronger!

"Om ~"

6 Li Tianxian's evil light shone, and the **** corpse appeared. Instead of attacking the pupil without a pupil, the **** corpse held 6 Li in his arms and blocked his pupil's attack with his back.

"Oh ~"

The dagger stabbed heavily on the back of the **** corpse, making a dull sound and lighting up the sparks. The defense of the corpse is not weaker than the artifact, and it is almost impossible to break the defense of the corpse.

"Oh ~"

The pupilless monkey moves like lightning, and 6 Li hasn't responded yet. His chest is stabbed severely. He feels that another mountain-like force is coming. The ribs on his chest were shattered one by one, the internal organs were completely shattered, and the blood in his mouth was pouring out. At this moment he even smelled the death.

This pupilless monkey child did not release the true meaning of powerful magical powers, but made him desperate by virtue of the abnormal degree and strength. If he still does not want to do anything, it is estimated that he will be killed by live shocks soon.

"Om ~"

6 From the hand, Tian Xie Zhu flashed, and he entered the bead. The **** corpse grabbed Tian Xie Zhu with one hand, and the other iron fist slammed it against the pupilless monkey child.

At the same time, 6 Li crushed the jade charm of the ancient elder, he thought it was a delay. Tianxiezhu is held by the corpse of God, will not be broken in a short time, right? As long as the ancient elder comes over, he is safe.

He thinks too much ...

The pupilless monkey dagger collided with the corpse, and then the other hand suddenly split on the arm of the corpse, and did not know what **** he used. The arm of the corpse trembled involuntarily. Was dumped and flew out.

"Bang ~"

The pupilless monkey child suddenly attacked the **** corpse, the **** corpse was smashed and flying, the pupilless monkey child turned and flew towards the sky evil bead, and stabbed into the sky evil beast dozens of times in a row.

"Wipe ... Tianxiezhu consumes energy fast!"

6 Li sensed the energy of Tianxiezhu, and suddenly secretly tongued out. He knew that he must fight back, otherwise Tianxiezhu would be broken immediately.

A blood crystal appeared in his hand and teleported the God of War skull. This was his last blood crystal and it was extremely precious, but at this moment there was no way to use it.

"Om ~"

Tianxiezhu's light shone, and then the God of War skeleton appeared outside, and it released a huge black light all over his body. A pair of large bones suddenly grabbed at the pupilless monkey child.


A pupilless monkey child is slamming into the sky evil pearl, and a bone suddenly appears? And the breath was so horrible, he twitched in his heart, drew a dagger and slashed the hand of the skeleton that stretched over the skull of God of War.

"Bang ~"

A spark lit up, and the big hand of God of War's skeleton had nothing to do with it ~ ~ Instead, the bone hand suddenly caught on the arm of the pupilless monkey child, and his arm was smashed.

"Hisse ~"

Seeing the skeletal hands constantly twisting, his arms were fragmented, and the pupilless monkey took a breath of air, and his body receded like lightning. He felt a deadly crisis, and if he did not retreat, he would be hanged by the God of War skeleton.

"Om ~"

6 Flashed out of his body, and took in the corpse of the **** for the first time, and then collected the immortal God of War skeleton, and then took in the evil bead.

This is a very dangerous move. If the pupilless monkey returns, he will still be easily killed by the quake.

"Woo ~"

There was a loud howling sound in the distance, followed by a familiar divine thought, which was the divine thought of the ancient elders. 6 Li secretly fortunately he came out in time, otherwise the corpse and the God of War skeleton will be exposed.

"Want to run away?"

Elder Gu soon locked the pupilless monkey who ran away in the distance. A vicious color appeared in his eyes, and an oval sphere appeared in his hand, and he threw it away suddenly.

"Tianlei Yin?"

6 Withdrawing from the corner of the mouth, his body retreated like a dragon. This thing is said to be capable of killing even the god-level power ...

(End of this chapter)

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