The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1289: Only hope

There was no change in the appearance of the elders of the ancients. He looked at the 6 staidly without saying a word. He now has no blood crystals, and the God of War skeleton can't use it. If the elder Gu wants to kill him, he can only hold hands.

The ancient elder watched for 6 and a half pillars, and then said coldly, "Do you really take off? How long did you kill the army?"

6 Li nodded and replied: "Yes, I offended several gods before ascension, and after the ascension happened to be found by a deity. She colluded with the army to kill me, I had no choice but to kill the army . "

The elder Gu slightly hesitated and asked, "Why did you kill Ling Feidu later?"

6 Bitterness is revealed from his face. The ancient elders can even find out this? He thought for a while and said, "Elder, in fact, both Twelfth House and Snow Maiden knew that they wanted to kill me several times in the tomb of Yuedi. I was forced to do nothing but to kill him. Join the artifact behind Pavilion, the elders should know the reason. Only by joining the Artifact Pavilion, Lingxiao Pavilion dare not kill me brightly and honestly! "

"Hum, you're a good abacus!"

The old elder hummed, and then his eyes turned and said, "This incident on the Brown Blood Mountain should have been arranged by Ling Wanjian? Unfortunately, there is no evidence, otherwise Ling Wanjian would have to die!"

6 Li dare not answer, standing honestly, waiting for the treatment of the ancient elders. He knew that the current situation was extremely dangerous. If he said something wrong, he could easily be killed or expelled from the Artifact Pavilion.

Elder Gu was silent again, and he was uneasy from the heart. After a long time of incense, he said, "Is there any problem with your current combat power killing the gods on the list?"

Elder Gu suddenly asked such a question, let 6 Li do not know how to answer, he hesitated for a moment and then gritted his teeth and said: "Generally, it is okay, Ling Feidu was killed by me, that pupilless monkey child I also abolished my arm. But ... if it wasn't for the elder's rescue in time, I would still not be his opponent, and I would definitely be killed. "

The ancient elder had no expression and could not see his emotions. He could only stand tremblingly at 6 Li. The elder paused for a moment and asked again: "If you were given a chance to come back, would you ... still kill Ling Feidu? ? "

When the ancient elder said this sentence, his eyes showed a touch of murderous power, and his invisible breath permeated. 6 Tighten from the whole body. He knew that it was critical at this moment, and if he answered this question incorrectly, he would probably be shot dead.

His mind turned wildly, thinking about the intention of the elders asking this question. Is he related to Ling Xiao Ge? Or maybe you want to try him ... Is he the kind of impulsive person?

Silai wanted to go 6 and finally gritted his teeth and said, "My personality is like this, and I never make trouble, but if someone makes me alive, I can only fight back! If I come back, Ling Feidu still wants to kill me. Then, I can only kill him desperately. "

After speaking, 6 Li relaxed the whole person. He closed his eyes and didn't want anything. If the elder Gu wanted to kill him, he would recognize it.

The elder Gu didn't do anything, but his killing was still very strong. Time passed by bit by bit. After a moment, the elder said coldly, "If I send you to kill someone now, do you have the courage?"

6 Li Ran asked, "Who is the elder trying to kill?"

The ancient elder uttered three words without expression: "Jiang Ruodan!"

"Who is Jiang Ruodan?" 6 Li frowned, and then came to his senses and asked, "Is it Miss Dan?"

The ancient elder nodded expressionlessly, and twitched from the corner of his mouth, a headache. What's crazy, Elder Gu? How could he let him kill Miss Dan? He pondered for a moment and gritted his teeth again and said, "Although Miss Dan has some grudges against me, she didn't want to kill me, so ... I can't kill her!"

"If you don't kill her, I'll kill you!" The elder Gu lit up a black light in his hands, and said murderously: "Give you a chance, kill her, or you die!"


6 Li shouted in his heart, biting his teeth and looking at the elders with red eyes and said, "Please elders give death!"

"Aren't you brave? Even Ling Feidu dare to kill, why don't you dare to kill Jiang Ruodan?" Elder Gu asked without asking.

"This is not courageous or courageous!" 6 Li shook his head and said, "I am a man worthy of being worthy of heart. If it is my enemy or she is an unpardonable person, as long as I have this ability, even the 72 cases I dare to kill the lord. Miss Dan and I have no deep hatred, and I can't get it. "

"Seventy-two God Sovereign Lords? Great breath!"

The elder Gu sneered, and he paused and said, "Then change the person and let you go to kill the young palace master of Disha Palace. Do you have the courage? I can guarantee that this person will never be pardoned, bullied weak, raped ~ killed the girl, did Many evils that are intolerable in the world! "


6 Li some do not understand the purpose of the elder Gu today, he thought for a while and said, "If I have this ability and can guarantee that I survive, if I am sure that this person is unforgiving, I ... dare to kill him."

"it is good!"

The elder Gu stood up suddenly and said: "6 departures, I will now give you two choices. First, I will tell you the things to the cabinet owner, and the artifact cabinet will not kill you, but you will definitely be expelled from the cabinet. Wan Jian should do everything possible to kill you. Second, you helped me to kill the Lord of Disha Palace, Qiu Qianjun! "

The fox finally showed his tail. It was at this moment that Liu Li understood the intention of the ancient elders. Do n’t think about the first option. If he is expelled from the Artifact Pavilion, he will be chased down by Ling Xiaoge within a few months.

There was only the second way to go, and 6 would not be stupid, so he would not easily agree. He said with a bitter smile: "Elder, Disha Palace is one of the 72 deities. Even if I have the courage, I do n’t have the strength. And I If you kill the owner of Disha Palace, once exposed, you will definitely be chased by Disha Palace? "


The ancient elder waved his hand and said, "If you kill Qiu Qianjun ~ ~ Once exposed, you will not only be chased by Disha Palace, but you will also be chased by Time and Space. Because ... Disha Palace is actually Time and Space Subordinate forces. "


6 Li rolled his eyes, but the four **** powers of Shikongfu are offensive, even if the master of the Artifact Pavilion is offended?

The ancient elder did not look at 6 away, and a sorrow appeared in his eyes: "Do you know who is buried in the tomb in my backyard?"

6 Nodded his head, but did not answer. The ancient elder's face became more distressed. He said: "The blood cloak of my son's daughter-in-law and granddaughter is buried in the new tomb. My son and the woman were killed by Qiu Qianjun. The reason is that Qiu Qianjun liked my granddaughter ... "


After leaving for a while, he then asked in surprise: "Since Qiu Qianjun has done such a bad deed, why didn't the elders report to the Master Sect and ask them to be the master?"

"No evidence!"

The ancient elder shook his head in pain: "If there is evidence, it will be easy. Another thing is that a grandfather of Qiu Qianjun is the elder of the time and town government. I can only revenge on myself, and you ... is my only hope now! "

(End of this chapter)

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