The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1305: Win-win

6 stayed in for half a day before walking out. Qian Huanhan waited outside for a long time, if it wasn't for this, he would rush in.

"Li Li, what are you doing in there? Why do you come out now?" Qian Huanhan greeted him and asked in confusion.

6 Li casually replied: "It's nothing. After staying for half a year, I can't bear it."

Qian Huanhan rolled his eyes, and then came over and whispered, "Leaving brother, I have successfully refined an artifact two days ago, and the Master guided me. Hehe, but it is the lowest level artifact."


6 Li gave a thumbs up. Although there were ancient elders pointing, but he didn't have any knowledge, it would be useless to give pointers. It seems Qian Qianhan has not been lazy during this time, even if it is the lowest level artifact, as long as it is refined, it can be regarded as a refiner.


Qian Hanhan touched his head and said, "Li Li, you have been enlightenment of the forbidden formation. If you explore the next two steps first, you can also make artifacts. Your talent is much better than mine."

"Don't say that, go back first."

6 waved away and walked towards the courtyard of the ancient elders with Qian Huanhan. When he returned to the courtyard, he first met the ancient elder, who was still studying how to improve Tian Lei Yin, and nodded expressionlessly after seeing 6 Li back.

"Thousands of magic cold, you continue to go to the refiner, strive to independently craft artifacts and become a true refiner!"

The ancient elder waved his hand and let Qianhan Han go down first. After he left, the ancient elder said, "6 leave, have you stayed there for half a year?"


6 I thought of the Blood Fairy Vine, and thought of giving the elder Gu the heart first, otherwise he would be shocked when he progressed too fast. He said, "I have made some progress in the ban of the formation law, and I am preparing to explore the spirit and There are two steps to the fixation. After a while, you should be able to try to make artifacts. "

"Well, then look at these books, if you don't understand, please contact me anytime!"

The ancient elder was slightly hesitant, and took out more than a dozen books to 6 Li, which is about the spirit and the fixer. 6 Li took over and thanked the ancient elders, and was about to leave. The ancient elders remembered one thing and said, "Yes, half a year later is the master craftsmanship. Do you want to open your eyes? If you want to go, I will help you go to the court The Lord wants a place. "

"Wanjiang fighting method?" 6 Li frowned and asked, "Is it the party of the refiner?"

"Precisely a grand event for the young generation of refiners!" Explained the elder Gu: "This is organized by the Master Craftsmanship. Once a decade, young refiners can participate. If you can make good artifacts, or Arranged strange arrays, refined interesting embryos, and so on. In short, it is related to the refiner. As long as it performs well, it can be rewarded by the master craftsman. This time is also the God Material Trading Conference. The old guys also They will go and exchange ideas with each other.


6 Li knows a little, he thought about it and shook his head: "I still won't go, I just learned the refining machine, and in the past I will humiliate the Master. I will still be honest at home, and wait for the next session of Master Craftsmanship. Then you can go to honor for Master. "

"Well, go!"

The ancient elders knew that it would not make much sense to go at the level of 6 away and the thousand magic cold, seeing the world the most. Since 6 away did not want to go, he was not reluctant.

After 6 Li returned, chatted with Qian Huanhan, and immediately got into the room. He left the books given by the elders aside, and quickly took out a copy of Tian Lingzi's collection.

It used to take a long time to read a book from 6 at first, after all, it was not just read, but also the truth in it.

Now 6 Li, do n’t have to think about anything, just write down every word in your heart and pass it to the Blood Fairy Vine for her own enlightenment.

This efficiency is too fast, you can read ten books an hour away, and you can read a hundred books a day. His soul is now very strong, and he can basically remember it ~ ~ It is very fast. If you continue at this level, after reading the tens of thousands of books, that is less than a year.

I watched it for four or five days, and read hundreds of books. At six, I let the blood fairy vine reach out the tentacles to transmit the information, and then the blood fairy vine tried to get involved. If the blood fairy vine can be enlightened, then pass it on to him, and he will have nothing to do in the future.

Just one day later, Xue Linger's voice sounded in the mind of Six Li: "Master, all the knowledge you have passed on, I'm fully aware, no problem."

"it is good!"

6 Li was very excited, and began to read the book quickly, keeping the knowledge in the book in her mind, and then passed it to the Blood Fairy Vine for her to enlighten.

The blood banquet's knowledge of the matrix law forbidden enlightenment will soon be passed back, and directly incorporated into the knowledge of the soul of the six li, becoming his own enlightenment. It felt like he had this kind of knowledge in his soul, so that his efficiency would be faster.

6 Li furiously absorbed the knowledge left by Tian Lingzi's collection of books, almost to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. It's just that the soul is too tired to stop and take a rest.

He has been practicing divine power. At this point, he no longer needs to eat, and can replenish the energy needed by the body by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

He barely went out a few months after returning, but the elder Gu called him once. He went to see the elders, and spent the rest of the day reading books in the room.

In five months, Liu Li has read more than 10,000 books, plus thousands of books he has read before. He has read most of Tian Lingzi's books.

During this time, he was digesting the knowledge transmitted from the blood fairy rattan every day. He felt that he might not be very proficient in the refiner, but he had definitely made a leap forward in the ban on matrix formation.

Not to mention that the elders, at least the average core disciples, are definitely not as deep as he is about the ban on matrix formation.

The blood fairy vine has a very innate talent in the forbidden formation method. If these books rely on him for enlightenment, it will be difficult to enlightenment for a few years or even decades. It is almost instantaneous to learn from the Blood Fairy Vine. During this time, Blood Fairy Vine's ability to form and restrain is greatly improved. She and 6 Li are a win-win.

Refining is a very tedious thing ~ ~ The big reason is that the knowledge of formation and prohibition is too vast. Even master masters dare not say that they are proficient in any formation and prohibition.

The divine world has existed for tens of millions of years, and many ancestors and seniors have researched and created a variety of matrix laws. It will take many years to master various basic matrix law bans. If the talents are not enough, there is not much achievement in studying a lifetime.

6 talents in this area are okay, but the blood fairy rattan spent five months to replace him for several years or even decades.

"Om ~"

Room 6 was touched when 6 Li was exhausted and was about to take a break. 6 Li opened the door and came into the room with a thousand chills, and said excitedly, "Li Li, the master craftsmanship is about to begin. I just received the news, and many geniuses in the refining industry will dispatch. Miss Dan will also Go, I will ask Master to help us win two places? "

"No interest, don't go!"

6 waved his hand, and the elder Gu told him about it five months ago. Although he has made some leaps and bounds in the ban on formation of law during the past five months, he does not want to be too pretentious, and he does not want to participate in this boring fighting method.

Qian Huanhan was not discouraged, his eyes brightened and said, "Hey, if I say the names of several people, I think you are definitely interested in going ..."

(End of this chapter)

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