The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1163: The other way

Thousands of magic cold refining top-grade artifacts have been reported to the artifact cabinet. Miss Dan just heard the rumor shortly after leaving customs. At this moment, Shenqian glanced at the magic soldiers of thousands of magic cold.

Happy event, was so troubled by Miss Dan, Qian Huanhan was in a bad mood. Several disciples in his current collection of the Library stepped out to see the excitement, but reluctantly gave the sword in his hand to Miss Dan and said, "Please enlighten me!"

Miss Dan handed the white bow in her hand to a lady next to her, took the sword sword jade finger on the blade, the sword suddenly made a soft whistle, and the water-like pattern on the sword fluctuated slightly. It's flowing.

"This sword embryo is flashy!"

Miss Dan gave a glance at Qian Huanhan and said softly, "This sword embryo should be made of diamond, Tianyang stone, Yuehua stone as the main material? When you were refining, the furnace fire lacked some heat, and you should Use the ground crystal to heat up, so that the sword embryo will be more perfect. Brother Qian Fantasy, I wonder if I'm right? "

Qian Huanhan froze, then nodded expressionlessly: "Sister Dan is right, it really owes some time, and it does not use Yanjing."

"Huh ~"

The power of Miss Dan was infused into her hands, and Liu Mei frowned slightly, then shook her head disapprovingly: "Master Qian Fantasy's accomplishments in law formation still need to be improved. There are four formations inscribed in you, tenacity, blast, Fiery and violent, these four magical arrays have been well coordinated, which can increase the magic power of this artifact by a few. But your fiery magical and blastic magical engraving moments are too close, which can easily lead to The artifact is hot. The service life of this artifact will be greatly reduced if it is used for a long time. If it is used frequently, it will be scrapped for up to six months. This is a semi-waste artifact ... "

"Rustic ~"

Disciples kept coming around to watch, Miss Dan's comments made Qian Huanhan's face more ugly. It is just that Miss Dan is not talking nonsense, but is justified, and the situation she commented on does exist and cannot be refuted.

With so many people watching, Qian Hanhan could only continue to nod his head: "Miss Dan said that I still need to strengthen the law front."

"Ah, this instrument ..."

Miss Dan suddenly exclaimed with a pity on her face. She was filled with divine power in her hands, and a fire flame inside swam around. She shook her head again and again, "Master Qian Fantasy, you do n’t know that this fire flame is a fire property, but Is it overcast? Your Divine Sword was originally a fierce route, but it sealed a fire puppet with a dark attribute. This attribute conflict will greatly reduce the longevity of the sword. It took so many high-level magical materials to refine It is a huge waste to make a magic soldier that won't take too long. This is also the ancient elders protecting you. If other disciples are afraid of being punished already ... "

Qian Huanhan's face turned blue and white, and the original artifact was originally refined, and the joy of becoming a master was completely gone. He worked hard to make the top-quality artifact, which was said by Miss Dan and became worthless ...

"And the fixture!"

Miss Dan did not seem to let go of Qian Huanhan, and she said with a sarcastic expression on her face: "The level of the fixer is so low, I doubt whether you are the disciple of the ancient elders. And you get in the master craftsmanship Third, I came back to retreat for three years, but only made such a bad top-quality artifact? At that time, I made a top-quality artifact ten times better than you, but missed the rematch. I do n’t know when you were How did you get into the rematch, did you secretly bribe the elders of the Master Craftsman? "


Thousands of imagination chilled and shivered, Miss Dan's words were sharp, and he stabbed him in front of so many people, and also mentioned that he was cheating? This is to make him completely unable to look up in the Artifact Pavilion.

Qian Huanhan was held to a very high position by 6 Li. If his strength did not keep up, it would be easy to be killed. The higher you stand, the worse you fall. Today is the best example.

Qian Huanhan closed for three years, and finally the level of the refining machine rose, and the top-level artifact was refined. Miss Dan was so hit. It is estimated that if his heart does not collapse, he will doubt himself, which may have a great impact on his future exhibitions.

Qian Huanhan's psychological quality is obviously not good, otherwise he would not be so excited and angry when he met Meng Feier that day.

6Looking at Qian Qianhan with a trembling complexion, he knew that something must be done, otherwise Qian Huanhan might be blown to a halt, and his future might be ruined.

He turned his eyes and looked at the white jade bow held by the lady next to Miss Dan. He smiled and said, "Sister Dan, this bow is very beautiful. Did you make it?"

Ms. Dan glanced for 6 minutes and had a secret alert, but the lady said proudly: "Yes, this is the result of Dan Mei's recent refining, and the top-quality artifacts are all excellent works. Dan Mei has been working for three years The level of the refiner rose sharply, and the two elders praised her very much. She felt that the next master craftsmanship seven years later, she is likely to become a new generation of master craftsmen. "

"Oh, really?"

6 Admiration was revealed from his face, and he rubbed his hands and said, "Can such a good artifact show me how to learn? My brother has always been admired and curious about Miss Dan's refining technique."

The lady was smug, looking at Miss Dan, who was hesitant. She always has a bad hunch, just that so many people are around, and if she flatly refuses, it will make people feel guilty.

6 Hesitant to see Miss Dan, hehe smiled and said, "Why? Sister Dan can't see this artifact? Or maybe it's a ... wasteware?"

Missing sharp words from 6 Li Miss Dan had heard before that when Jiang Lianxue was in trouble, 6 a group of people were speechless in Lilingtang, and at this moment she was personally in charge.

She smiled lightly: "Since the 6th brother wants to see, Sister Fu will show him."

Sister Fu handed Longbow to 6 Li and said with a scornful look: "Be careful, don't break it. This is a top-quality artifact. I'm afraid you can't make it in your life?"

"Ha ha!"

6 I'm not annoyed at all, I didn't look at Yu Gong, and asked Sister Fu: "Sister Fu, are you afraid that the bow will break, or are you afraid that I will be crushed with light force? If the top grade artifact is so easy to break, Sister Dan made not porcelain, but porcelain. "


Sister Fu now slaps herself in the face, and then becomes angry, she yells: "Hurry up, don't talk so much nonsense, it's not Dan Mei's kindness, you don't have this opportunity."

"is it?"

6 The corner of his mouth rises slightly, as if smiling but not smiling. He stretches his hand and gently bounces on the long bow, and the long bow groans, and he frowns: "The embryo of this bow is well made, but ... this bow is for The shape is beautiful. I chose Yueyun Iron as the main material? This magic material is very precious. A value of thousands of gods source ~ ~ Endless use, but unfortunately insufficient flexibility. As the main material of bows, it is really It ’s violent, but it is also the granddaughter of Sister Dan who is the master of the cabinet, so dare to waste it. If we are afraid that it is the criminal law court in the cabinet that wants us to trouble? "

In his own way, give him back!

Miss Dan did not expect that she had just ridiculed Qian Huanhan by using this matter, and Liu Li slammed back in an instant. The most important thing was that Liu Li was not bad at all.

"Yueyun Iron is so scarce, it is not recorded in many books. How do you know 6 Li?"

Miss Dan murmured inwardly. She felt that this was just an appetizer of 6 Li, and it was estimated that the counterattack of 6 Li would be like a storm, continuous, and eventually her face was swollen.

(End of this chapter)

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