The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1395: 1 gets stronger

The corpse of God has been refined by Bloodlinger for a long time. Most of the divine formations in it have been broken, leaving only the innermost core formation that has not been cracked.

The original combat power of the **** corpse can be compared with the army. During this time, some legal arrays were cracked according to the words of blood spirits, and some of the gods on the list were suppressed. If the final core circle can be cracked, the general divine power can suppress it.

The next few thousand people are basically ordinary gods, and the strongest elders can only compare to the gods on the list. So the corpse rushed in, and it felt like the wolf rushed into the flock.

In fact, the corpses of the gods are now comparable to the gods on the list, and the warriors rushed down by the slaughter temple have some gods on the list.

The difference is ... the defensive power of the corpse!

The rest of the gods on the list dare to run wild and smash unbridled? God dared! The other gods rushed in, even if they could slaughter one, they would be hurt, the **** corpse would not.

The corpse's defense force is extremely horrible. Not to mention the super power of the **** world, the attack of the power of the **** world can be resisted at will. Therefore, Xue Linger was not worried at all, and controlled the corpse of the **** to ram through the army and slaughter all the way.

This deterrent is very powerful!

A group of people over the moon wheel palace attacked around the corpse, but found that the corpse of the corpse could not be destroyed, the morale inevitably dropped, and many people showed panic on their faces.

At first the morale fell, and morale fell. Many people are now resigned. On the other hand, morale on the side of the Tu Temple was so uplifted that it went away and there were serious injuries and injuries in the short period of time on the side of the Moon Wheel Palace, but hundreds of people were killed in just a few minutes.

"Woo ~~"

There was a deep sound of horns in the distance, and the sergeants over the moon wheel palace were relieved and rushed back. After killing for a while on the side of Tu Shen Temple, after leaving 70 or 80 people again, they all withdrew back.

"Master of the temple!"

Several elders ran back with excitement. This was the first victory in several battles with the Moon Palace. No wonder this group of people was so excited and excited.

Lu Li beckoned the corpse and rushed back. He collected the corpse, nodded toward Chi Junfeng, and flew back. He entered his room and closed it.

That night the Shrine was filled with banquets to celebrate the victory. Chi Junfeng sent someone to invite Lu Li, but Lu Li was unwilling to come out.

Chi Junfeng had no choice but to send Chi Xier out to invite Lu Li. This time, Lu Li gave his face, and came out holding Qi Xier's hand.

When I saw Chi Xier Lu Li, I thought of Prajna. Chi Xier also had a characteristic on her body, very simple and kind, which always made people involuntarily approach her and like her.

Chi Xier was very good with Lu Li. This time Lu Li helped the Tu Temple to fight off the powerful enemy. In the eyes of Chi Xier, Lu Li was the most powerful and came from a level with his father. Children like to worship the strongest, and the soft light in Lu Li's eyes makes her very close.

The elders and leaders of the Tushen Temple were very kind to Lu Li. Lu Li was very mysterious and powerful in their eyes. In particular, the finger array of the Void broke the lunar circle's legal array. After spreading, everyone looked at Lu Li with a touch of reverence.

Lu Li has been sitting high and inferior. He treats everyone with a sense of blandness, but he will show a sincere smile to Chi Xier, and he will pass some barbecue to Chi Xier from time to time.

Chi Xi'er had a mouth full of oil, his face was dirty, and he grinned at Lu Li from time to time, very cute.

Full of food and drink, Lu Li is going back, Chi Xier actually wants to send Lu Li back. Lu Li toward Chi Junfeng glanced, and the latter smiled slightly and said nothing.

Chi Junfeng was completely relieved at this moment. Lu Li killed so many people in the Moon Wheel Palace, which was obviously not the spy of the Moon Wheel Palace. I haven't heard of Lu Li in the land of Youyan, so Lu Li is most likely just coming from the side of the gods.

Lu Li's extraordinary style should come from the big forces. He is really good to Chi Xier, and sees the glory of Chi Xier with a touch of doting. Chi Junfeng can still see this, so he is assured that Chi Xier is away from landing.

"Xiao Xier, how about your mother? Why didn't you see your mother!"

On the way back, Lu Li asked with some curiosity, reasoning that today's banquet, Chi Xi's wife, was going to attend. Even if you don't attend, someone will be brought back to Xi Xier at this moment, right?

"My mother is not here!"

Speaking of this Chi Xi'er's eyes darkened, and her face was missing, she bowed her head and said, "My grandfather will not let my mother and her father be together, and bring her back to the Emperor's Peak. The grandfather is the vice palace of Tiandi Palace Lord, my mother-in-law was secretly with my father at the time. My grandfather was said to have nearly killed his father. It was the mother-in-law's death that forced the grandfather to do nothing, but the mother-in-law was taken back ... "

Chi Xi'er said that his eyes were red. Lu Li felt distressed for a while. He reached out and touched Chi Xi'er's head and said, "Xiao Xier, don't be sad. At least your mother is alive. My mother died when I was born. Well, I have never met my mother! "

"Well, Xier is not sad!"

Chi Xier clenched his fist, his eyes became firm, and he looked up at the landing and said, "My father said that I should work hard to cultivate, as long as I become strong, I can go to the Emperor's Palace to pick up my mother. The father also Will work hard to become strong, and grandfather will not stop by then. Brother Lu, don't be sad ... "

"Ha ha!"

Lu Li gently touched Chi Xier's face and squatted down and said, "Then Xiaoxier goes back to practice, the big brother is going to practice too. Let's work hard together to get stronger. We will turn away the bad guys and take your mother in touch. come back."

"it is good!"

Chi Xier grinned, then ran away happily, still standing halfway back and waving. Lu Li watched Chi Xier leave, then turned around and walked back to the room to open the ban.

There are actually some risks in shooting today, because the dead body may be exposed, after all, such a special shape. There is no one in the realm of God who knows the corpse of God, at least Wing God and Savage Witch God know that there may be a spread of ~ ~ at that time, his position will be locked.

Of course, this possibility is very small, even if it is locked, unless the sect of artisans quietly sneaks in, assassinates him and leaves.

According to the deaf Taoist, the divine supremacy of the divine realm cannot enter the land of youyan, otherwise it will be attacked by the nine kings.

Lu Li was very comfortable staying in the Tu Shen Temple. He wanted to improve his strength in a short period of time, and inquired about some more conditions, and he would not be late until then.

Therefore, he must keep the Temple of Slaughter, or he will be destroyed by the Moon Palace. Where can he settle down? In addition, Chi Xier really likes it. If the Temple of the God of Slaughter is destroyed, Chi Xier can only follow Chi Junfeng and wander around.

"forget about it!"

Lu Li will not regret what he has already done. He enters the state of emptiness and begins to retreat.

Only when he realizes the rift in space can he further try to understand the horrible supernatural power of the space beast and let the killing of the emperor really advance.

(End of this chapter)

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