The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1401: New Hall Master

At a young age, Chi Xier usually looked soft and weak, but he was extraordinarily strong in his bones. Lu Li persuaded him many times, and ultimately couldn't change her mind.

Lu Li turned around and asked Xibo and a few elders to persuade her. As a result, she took out her dagger and said that if she dared to take her to Tiandifeng, she would commit suicide. Although her hands were shaking, her eyes were unusually firm.

The death of Chi Junfeng has greatly changed the personality of Chi Xier. In this world, Chi Junfeng is her closest relative. She hates the Moon Palace and hates her grandfather even more.

Although she is young, she knows how powerful her grandfather is. If her grandfather sends a word, she doesn't even need to take a shot, and she will not dare to slaughter the temple if she gives some courage to Yueying.

Therefore, Chi Xier believed that her grandfather had killed Chi Junfeng, let alone went to Tiandi Peak, I'm afraid that if there is time, she will come to help her father to get a fair ...

Xibo and others persuaded to go back and found Lu Li. Lu Li sat in a pavilion in the backyard and drank tea. When he saw the four of them frowning, he frowned and asked, "Don't make sense?"


Xi Bo talked, then shook his head and said, "This child is soft outside, rigid inside, very clever inside, and very clever. He knows a lot. It is impossible to forcibly take her to Tiandi Peak, even if he goes, it is likely that something will happen ... "

Lu Li's brows frowned even more. Xibo and the other three elders looked at each other suddenly. The four of them suddenly knelt together on one knee. Xibo looked at him with a sincere face and said, "Master, please look at Xiaoxi Let me help you, and help Xiao Xier. "


Lu Li sank, and said a little displeased, "What are you doing? Get up, I don't like it!"

Lu Li hates most people's coercion and moral abduction. So I didn't give a few people a good look. If these groups still do, he will leave.

Xibo and others could understand their faces, and quickly stood up awkwardly, Xibo said, "It's like this, we want to ask Lord Lu to be the house leader, leader and commander of our slaughter temple. Xiao Xi'er refused Go, we do n’t have much place to go. If Lord Lu refuses to stay, we have to die. ”

"The Lord of the Palace?"

Lu Li stunned that the four of them had the idea. They actually hit the abacus on their own heads, and also borrowed the name of Xi Xier.

Lu Li was silent, and after thinking about it, he realized why the four had asked him to be the master of the temple. The four are certainly not nowhere to go. There are more small forces in Youyan. What forces do the four want?

Everyone who wants to stay in Kunlun Mountain definitely values ​​the benefits here, or ... the value of Longmai can make a lot of gods.

In their eyes, Lu Li also seemed to be a profligate person who had no desire or desire. He had lived in Tu Temple for so long without any resources to ask Tu Temple to pass.

Lu Li was wearing a high-quality battle armor and holding a high-quality soldier. He was so powerful that it was obviously out of power. In other words, Lu Li can't despise the things in the Temple of Tombs. If he leaves Lu Li, he can not only counter the Moon Palace, but also allow them to share the resources of the Temple of Tolls.

Lu Li repelled the attack of the Moon Palace twice, and also fought with Moon Shadow alone, repulsing Moon Shadow. A man went to Longmai and snatched it back.

This shows that Lu Li alone can compete with Ziri Mansion and have the ability to crush the Moon Palace. The power is so powerful, and you don't care about the resources of the Tu Temple. Where can you find such a good boss?

Lu Li frowned and groaned, causing Xibo and others to be disturbed. If Lu Li insists on leaving, Tu Shen Temple can only be dissolved, and no one can withstand the pressure of the Moon Palace.

Lu Li sank and pondered, in fact, he did not particularly want to stay in Kunlun Mountain, because the development space here is too small. Lu Li's original intention was to join a big force. One was to use the resources of the big force. The second was to participate in higher-level battles and improve his combat power.

In a small water pond, fight with some small shrimps, even if you can become the king of the pond, what can you expect in the end?

Big forces have a big pattern, there are more things to learn, and more things to improve. Lu Li originally wanted to live in Kunlun Mountain for a year or two, to improve his strength, to inquire about the situation and then leave, but he did not expect Chi Junfeng to be killed ...

Lu Li doesn't want to be alone. He has a very ambitious goal. To become a top player, he must fight against the four super-god forces.

He wants to suppress the space-time mansion and the **** craftsman sect, otherwise he will not be able to return to the realm of the gods in his whole life, he will not be able to return to the realm of the emperor, and he will not find Lu Ling.

Therefore, Xi Bo asked him to be the master of the Temple of the Tu Temple, but Lu Xinli refused. But thinking of Chi Xier, Lu Li felt softened again. If he leaves, this sweet little girl is afraid that she will die in Kunlun Mountain.

After the full time of Sanxiangxiang, Lu Li shook his head and said, "No more, no more, I will stay in Kunlun Mountain temporarily, but ... I have a few conditions!"

Xibo and others waited for the time of Sanxiangxiang, almost desperate in their hearts, did not expect that Lu Li finally agreed? Xibo and others looked at each other, and said with joy, "You say, we listen."

"the first!"

Lu Xuanzhong had an abdominal case and said, "Everyone absolutely must listen to me. If there is a slight rebellion against my will, or secretly doing something against my will, it will not matter."

Hearing Lu Li's murderous glance at the crowd, although his breath was not strong, the murderous spirit was particularly strong. The four of them quickly focused their heads, and Xi Bo said, "This is natural, we will all obey the order of the Lord."


Lu Li continued: "I usually don't bother me with all the small things in the palace. You guys have taken care of it, and if I get out of the basket, I will also kill people!"


Xi Bo and others immediately bowed to take their lives, Lu Li said that they were overjoyed. Lu Li didn't care about anything, the Temple of the Slaughter was equal to four people, and all resources were at the disposal of the four people.


Lu Li paused and said again: "If there is a good place, I may go at any time. At this point, you must stop talking nonsense."


Xibo and others hesitated ~ ~ Lu Li may leave at any time, which leaves everyone's heart bottomed out. If the matter spreads to the time, Tu Temple will certainly be unstable.


Xibo and others looked at each other a few times, but nodded helplessly. Who will Lu Lu leave and forcibly leave him? He is willing to stay, at least under the pressure of the Moon House, and will live for two or three years.

"The temple master sits down!"

Xibo and others made eye contact, and Xibo said, "We will arrange it and tell everyone about it. I think many people will be very happy when they hear the news, and they are willing to stay."

"No need to persuade!"

Lu Li's overbearing waved his hand: "If you believe in me, stay, if you do n’t believe in me, do n’t have to be forced to stay, distribute some **** sources to send them away. I need a group of absolutely loyal men, and I promise to have my day, The Lunar Palace can never attack Kunlun Mountain. "

(End of this chapter)

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