The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1412: Holy land

"Don't do it!"

Zhao Xi and several other elders quickly grabbed Lu Li. Zhao Xi watched Lu Li for a moment, and he explained: "You are now our backbone, there is nothing in it, you still don't have to go to risk easily. In case something goes wrong Accidentally, the Temple of the Slaughter will perish immediately ... "

"Yeah yeah!"

Chen Yue then said: "The owner of the palace is distinguished and ca n’t take risks. Elder Zhao and Leader Li both said that the space inside is unstable, and if it collapses, they will be caught in the turbulent space by then, then it is dangerous. ... "

The other two elders persuaded that their mood was understandable. Lu Li is now the soul of the Temple of the Slaughter. At this moment, the Tu Temple is thriving and continues to grow. Once Lu Li has an accident, everything is over.

Lu Li naturally would not retreat because of the words of several people. He waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'll go and see. Li Tong leads them to stay in it for so long, it's okay. What will happen if I enter?

After speaking, Lu Li threw the whip towards the corpse, and the corpse seized it, so that Lu Li could come out at any time, and he controlled the whip to stretch slowly toward the black hole.

"Well, suction is horrible!"

Lu Li's body was swallowed and entered, and he also found that the space in this passage was a bit weird and very unstable. It seemed very difficult to move in this passage, no wonder the corpses could not fly out.

Soon Lu Lu reached the side of the passage, and he appeared in a small space. He looked up and saw a faint white light in the distance, but felt very far away.

"This space is indeed weird!"

Lu Li stood there for a moment, and found that the gravity here was very weak, and the surrounding space was also very unstable. Occasionally, there would be small cracks in the space. Even if I felt that I would release the attack, the world would collapse.


Lu Li Shennian glanced around, and soon felt a strange charm, just like the strong man who practiced the true meaning of the fire system felt the heat. He easily sensed the Taoism in some spaces inside, and there was a sense of unclear Taoism in it.

"Good place!"

Lu Li's heart suddenly became fiery. This place is likely to be a small space made by a peerless spaceman. And this space has not been completely formed, so this space has some real elements in it, and it feels very clear.

"Om ~"

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared far away, and the ray of light passed by, but it caused the small world space to shake. The space of the whole small world fluctuated like water ripples, almost scared that Lu Li almost wanted to escape from here.

This small space is inherently unstable. Just now Lu Li thought he was about to collapse. You must know that space collapse will have a powerful force of space distortion, and Lu Li will be hanged in it instantly.

Lu Li felt inside a bubble, and a gust of wind blew in the distance, and the bubble almost burst. After the space gradually stabilized, Lu Li was relieved. He stood there and groaned for a moment, and controlled the long whip in his hand to retract. The **** corpse over there held the whip firmly, and Lu Li could go out with the force of the long whip contraction.

He rushed into the channel, and surely felt a strong suction. He could not move in the channel himself, and would definitely not be able to get out without external force.


The whip began to shrink, and Lu Li was quickly dragged out, and soon appeared in the mine.

Zhao Xi and others outside were relieved when they saw Lu Li coming back. Zhao Xi arched and said, "Master Dian, set up a prohibition here? Seal this up, no one is allowed in and out, it's dangerous."

"It's a ban!"

Lu Li waved his hand and said to Commander Li: "Let's go down first, and let the order go down. No one in this small space can spread the word, nor can it be approached here, otherwise the killing will be ignored!"


Li Tong tied the person down, Lu Lize and Zhao Xi said: "You all go back, I need to retreat here for a while."


Zhao Xi and others were all confused, and then Zhao Xi reacted and said in horror: "Do you want to retreat inside?"


Lu Li said in an unquestionable tone: "Don't worry about my affairs. I won't be in trouble. I have my consideration in this retreat, and I need to say more."

"This ... okay!"

Lu Li said so, what else can everyone say? Lu Li ignored them, and began a ban in the vicinity. Here he did not arrange a very complicated prohibition, but only arranged a defensive array, a few touched the prohibition, if someone lurks in, he can perceive and discover.

After being busy for a long time, Lu Li and Zhao Xi waved: "Go back, arrange the things in the hall, crush the jade charms. In addition, Xiao Xier take care of me, she can't come here."


Zhao Xi and others retreated, Lu Li opened the ban, and then kept the corpse of God outside the black hole. If the **** corpse blood spirit child does not control, it will always stand here like a tree, even if it has been standing for 10,000 years ...

Lu Li entered this small space again, and he was not too far away from the passage, because if the small space collapsed, he would still have a chance to escape.

He sat close to the aisle, observed it, and soon meditated to begin to sense this strange space. In this space, he can clearly sense the various fluctuations in the space, as well as various peculiar Tao rhymes.

He had a faint feeling. In this small space, even if he could not understand the supernatural powers of the space beast, he could understand the original meaning of a space system.

It only took a moment to sense that Lu Li's heart became more and more excited. The law of space here feels particularly clear and feels particularly transparent. There seems to be a wordless scripture here. As long as you can understand it, you can appreciate the true meaning of the various origins of space.

"Om ~"

But a moment later, the space fluctuated again, Lu Li's eyes suddenly opened, and he rushed to the side of the passage, for fear that the space would collapse here.

Fortunately, the space just fluctuated a bit, then calmed down again, and Lu Li returned to the plate to sit down. My heart secretly said that if the space here does not feel that it will collapse at any time, it is a peerless treasure.

"What's outside this little space?"

Lu Lichao looked at the distance for a while, but did not dare to go too far, and did not dare to go to the edge of a small space, because the more you walked to the edge ~ ~, the more dangerous you feel.

In the distance, he could see the dim light, it felt distant, and he felt it was outside this small space.

What's outside the small space? What's hidden?

Lu Li is very curious, but at the moment has no strength to explore, and can only wait to become strong enough to explore later.


Lu Li shook his head, expelled those thoughts, and began to retreat to understand the true meaning of the laws of space.



PS: Recently, Hunan Province is going to set up an online writers association. Lao Yao has been elected as the executive vice chairman, so there have been many recent meetings and no time code. Today I wanted to supplement the chapter from yesterday. I do n’t have time to write it depending on the situation. I can only push it to tomorrow.

Life is so difficult ...

(End of this chapter)

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