The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1437: Zhong Pin Shen Bei

It was dark, and Lu Li wanted to go to Panwangdian immediately, watching the sky and thinking about staying one night, and talking tomorrow. It is not suitable to talk about things in the evening, in case Pan Yuqin is not in Panwang Hall, Ye Kai will still ask her.

Lu Li wanted to find someone to ask about the situation. If he could not go to Panwangdian to buy a monument, Lu Li didn't want to trouble Pan Yuqin because he didn't want to owe too much. In addition, Pan Yuqin's status may not be low. If it is just a lady of ordinary Panjia, Lu Li will not have so many scruples, but now she is afraid to go to her easily.

Lu Li's bones are somewhat arrogant, and he doesn't want to rely on women too much, which will make him feel like eating soft rice. That was the case with Bai Qiuxue and Jiang Qiling. Lu Li has been working hard to maintain a little dignity and pride as a man.

Entering the last inn, Lu Li lived in a separate courtyard, then called the waiter in, and threw a thousand gods to him. The waiter understood it and bowed down, "I have something to do with my lord, please tell me."

Lu Li casually said, "In addition to the Panwang Hall, what other big chambers of commerce can buy gods and treasures?"


The waiter quickly replied: "There are two major chambers of commerce, one is Youyan Hall and the other is Beixue Hall. These two are the Great Chamber of Commerce in Youyan Land. It has always been selling ordinary magical materials, with large quantities and low prices. "


Lu Li frowned slightly. He didn't like auctions very much. Because the original price is not high, if someone grabs it, the price will increase several times. His source of God is hard-won, and he cannot afford to splurge at will.

Beixuedian is only a low-level god, depending on the situation, there will certainly not be a monument. Lu Li thought for a while and asked, "Do you know which chamber of commerce will sell the monument?"

"Shin monument?"

The waiter had heard of such treasures, but he clearly didn't know the specific situation. He shook his head and said, "The stele is too honorable. That's the treasure. How can young people know? Adults can try their luck at Panwang Hall and Youyan Hall . "

"Okay, take the source of God and go out."

Lu Li waved his hand, and the waiter immediately thanked Shenyuan and took it out, his face was full of joy. After asking a few words, I got a thousand gods, but this is his year's death.

"Go to Youyan Temple tomorrow and ask."

Lu Li thought about it and decided to go to Youyan Temple first, if not, then he can only go to Panwang Temple.

There was nothing to say overnight, and the next day, Sanji Luli opened his eyes. After washing, he strode out and went directly to a huge castle on the west side of the square.

Entering inside, Lu Li said that he wanted to buy treasures, worth more than 100 million **** sources, and the maids in the hall immediately respected many and took a landing to leave a side hall.

"Good guest!"

Inside the side hall is a steward similar to Ye Kai, with a friendly smile on his face, very polite. Businesses often treat their guests very politely, especially high-rollers.

After refreshments, after the maid went down, Lu left Menjianshan and asked, "Zhang Guanshi, do you have a monument?"

"Shin monument?"

There was a little more smile on Zhang Guanshi's face, and he immediately replied, "At present, there are two sacred monuments in the hall, one grade is Chinese, and the other one is super. This super monument was just unearthed in the southwest. Obtained from the Ministry of Ghost Kings. "

"Chinese product? Super product?" Lu Li asked a little confused: "What's the difference?"

Zhang Guanshi glanced at Lu Li in surprise. Since he can afford the monument, Lu Li must have a strong background. Why don't he even understand these?

Zhang Guanshi still explained patiently: "Sacred monuments, like artifacts, are divided into sacred, super, upper, middle, and lower grades. The levels and quantities of the true Taoism contained in different grades of monuments are also different, such as Our Zhongpin **** monument contains six Zhongpin genuine meaning rhymes. The superpin **** monument contains one super quality genuine meaning rhyme, three top grade genuine meaning rhymes, and ten Zhongpin genuine meaning rhymes ... "

"So it is!" Lu Li nodded slightly and asked, "What about the price? Can I buy it directly?"

"The Zhongpin God Monument can be purchased directly!"

Zhang Guanshi said briskly: "I don't scream for the price, and the price is 100 million Shenyuan. The superb **** monument cannot be purchased directly. After three days, it will go to the auction and the higher price will be awarded."

"At the auction ..."

Lu Li secretly pouted, once any treasure was put on the auction, the price could not be controlled. Even if the news spreads, not only the big forces in the southwest will participate, but the big forces in the rest of Youyan Land may also participate in the auction.

Lu Li asked impassively: "What price does this superb monument usually auction?"

If there are more than one billion yuan, Lu Li intends to fight for it, and maybe he will have a rapid increase in his combat power. There are so many true meanings in it. Taking back to the Temple of Slaughter allows many people to quickly understand the true meaning and improve their combat effectiveness.

"In general!" Zhang Guanshi said in a moment of contemplation. "Last time there was a similar monument, and I remember selling it at the price of 30 billion yuan."

"Thirty billion ..."

Lu Li rolled his eyes and gave up completely. He only has more than two billion **** sources. Afraid that he has just reached the reserve price?

"Can you take me to see the Zhongpin **** monument?" Lu Li asked, if this Zhongpin **** monument is useful, then it costs 100 million **** sources to buy it.

"Yes, please!"

Zhang Guanshi got up and landed and walked towards the back. He turned seven or eight corridors and reached a large hall. There were two martial artists guarding it, and Zhang Guanshi waved, "Go and lift out the eighteenth monument."

The two warriors entered a room, and soon carried out a black stele. The stele was in the shape of a square column with a base below. It is more than one meter high, and the characters of dragon and phoenix dance are carved on it.

The monument has been around for some years, although the material should look good, but there are still some traces of the years, and a few words are hard to read.


Lu Li carefully discerned those big characters, and his heart suddenly touched slightly. Among the big characters of Long Fei Feng Wu, he found Dao Yun. Obviously, the master who engraved the monument has merged his true feelings into these large characters for future generations to realize.

There are not many big characters, a total of nearly a hundred, although there are a few characters that are not clear, but still can understand the meaning when connected. This is a life note of a strong man, saying where he ascended from, how many years he spent in the realm of the gods, and finally came to the land of Youyan and became a leader of a powerful force. This piece was engraved before Shou Yuan was exhausted Stele for future generations to observe and learn.

"Sure enough, there are six genuine Chinese products!"

After watching Lu Li ~ ~, he found that his soul was touched six times. It seems that these words contain six true meaning rhymes.

"Buy it!"

One hundred million **** sources is not much, even if this monument is not very useful to himself, at least it is still very helpful to the warriors who slaughtered the temple.

Lu Li and Zhang Guanshi bargained, and the final price was set at 80 million Shenyuan. After Lu Li paid Shenyuan, he put away the monument and went out.


As soon as he walked out of the hall, Lu Li found that a dark shadow hurled forward, very fast. It is absolutely impossible to use force in Panwang City. Lu Li relaxed his alertness, so the reaction speed was slower. And just now he was still thinking about the superb monument, and for a moment he didn't notice the black shadow that was rushed and flew away.

"Oh, your eyes are blind? Do you want to die?"

A raging Jiao sounded, and seven or eight people flew in the distance, and surrounded Lu Li and the dark shadow in an instant ...

(End of this chapter)

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