The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1444: Better to die than to live

It took one billion **** sources, and Lu Li bought a lot of divine medicine, various elixir, divine art, **** armor, heaven and earth treasure, soul tonic elixir and so on.

One billion **** sources have exchanged a total of ten space rings. With these gods, it is estimated that the warriors who slaughtered the temple could not use up for decades?

Lu Li resigned and left. When he went out, the silver demon mask changed a bit and turned into a grimace. At the same time, a dragon armor appeared outside his body, which turned into another person. He wouldn't recognize him if he wasn't familiar with his breath.

He quietly left from the other gate, and then immediately entered a hidden state and rushed towards Kunlun Mountain.

After running for thousands of miles, Lu Li walked around and searched several times to make sure that no one followed. Then he continued to run with confidence.

After three days, Pan Wangcheng's side has gradually subsided, mainly because many people can't guess the identity of Lu, this matter can only be regarded as a doubt. In addition, the Youyan Temple has recently started auctioning the treasures in the Valley of Ghost Kings. It is said that there is a superb monument in it. Many people in Panwang City were attracted by this auction.

Time passed eight days again, and a flying slug chariot came out of Panwang City, with seven or eight people sitting inside the chariot. Waiting for seven or eight people to fly down, He Tong, who was on duty at the door, immediately smiled and welcomed him.

"Good Lord Yuan Gong, good Elder Yuan and you elders!"

He Tong took the initiative to salute, because the visitor was Yuan Yuyu, the host of the Heavenly Palace. Yuan Yuyu and the elders of Panwangdian seemed to have something to do with him. He naturally did not dare to offend.

Yuan Yuyu was not in a good mood at all. There was no smile on his face. He looked at Yuan Changshang, who immediately took He Tongling to the side and said, "He Tongling, have you seen that brought in these days? A white-haired young man in the city with a silver mask on his face. "

"It's him!"

He Tong led his face blankly and nodded, "He came to Panwang City a few days ago, and he almost made a big deal."


As soon as Yuan Yuyu heard the cold light on her face, she walked over and said, "Master He, do you know where he is now? Is it in the city? If you help me immediately take him down in the city, this palace will have a renewal! "

"Take him down?"

He commanded the tiger's body to shake, thinking he heard it wrong? He opened his eyes and asked, "Are you sure you want to take him down?"

Yuan Yuyu somehow wondered, coldly nodded: "What's wrong? Is there any problem? The palace not only has to take him down, but the palace also has to strip his skin and draw his muscles to solve my heart. Hate. "

Yuan Changshang also answered: "This man is full of evil, and he dares to challenge us to break the Heaven Palace. If we don't kill this person, we will never stop breaking Heaven Palace!"

"Never give up?"

He commanded his nose tentatively and touched his nose. Some yin and yang said weirdly: "This time, you can't stop it. You can't move this person. You can't afford the consequences of moving this person!"


Yuan Yuyu and Yuan Changshang looked at each other, their eyes were full of mistaken eyes, thinking that Leader He was joking with them.

Lu Li is only the leader of a Chinese product, and his comprehensive combat power can only be more powerful than the Divine Realm. Commander He actually said that the consequences of moving him can't afford it?

After confirming that Commander He was not joking, Yuan Yuyu smiled coldly: "Is that right? Then Commander He may wish to talk about what is strange about this person or what strong backing we can't afford?"

"Hehe ~"

He Tong led a sneer, pointed to the Panwangcheng and said, "This man's backing is in the city. Can you afford it?"


Yuan Yuyu, Yuan Changshang and several leaders changed their faces slightly. Yuan Changshang asked intently: "Which elder wants to protect him? Shouldn't it ... he is a little figure, but an elder fancy him? Is it because Wanlong Locked Up? Not right ... "

Pan Wangcheng has a more powerful law formation than Wanlong Locked Dome, so Yuan Changshang can't figure it out, why there is a big figure in Panwang Mansion.

"Elder? Huh!"

He Tongling said with a cry: "I won't tell you more. I just want to tell you one thing. The grandfather had a conflict with Yang Lier, the young lady of Tianhan Palace, a few days ago. Later Panning came out to help Yang Lier. Son Panning was imprisoned for a thousand years by the government. This person ... you can't mess with it! "


Several elders such as Yuan Yuyu and Yuan Changshang were completely calmed down. Lu Li actually turned over a son of the Pan family? Does Lu Li really have a sky-high background?

Yuan Yuyu groaned for a moment, and Chao Yuan Changshang winked. The ring lightened slightly, and then he reached out and shook his arms, and the plumpness on his chest was deformed. Yuan Changshang quietly passed over a space. Caution, sighed and said, "He commander, you give us the bottom line, what is that man?"

He Tong led the calmly retracting space ring. After a divine sweep, he found that there were thousands of gods inside, and his complexion eased slightly.

He hesitated, and finally whispered, "He has ... Pan Wangling, and it is genuine. Panning offended him and was taken away by the eighteen elders and locked up directly. If you don't believe it, just enter the city. Inquire, many people in the city know about it. "

"Pan Wang Ling!"

Yuan Yuyu and others turned pale, and Yuan Yuyu and Yuan Changshang looked unbelievable. How could a small leader from Lu Li have a Pan Wang Ling, which is incredible?

Leader He has turned and returned to the gate of the city. After a full silence for a while, Yuan Yuyu waved: "Into the city!"

Everyone entered the city quickly, and then began to explore the news. As a result, many people in the city really knew about it. Lu Li had almost everyone knowing Pan Wang Ling's possession.


In a castle, Yuan Yuyu smashed a table with the palm of her hand after getting the confirmation message.

She felt deep humiliation ~ ~ and endless humiliation. Lu Li originally helped them arrange a large array, and they gave 3 billion gods. This is a normal transaction. But she felt that she was being fooled by Lu Li, or was humiliated by Lu Li, but she couldn't let it go, she could only hold it in her heart and become a shame in her life ...

She felt even more ashamed when she thought of the two sisters standing outside the palace waiting for Lu Li's favor. If Lu Li juggles with the two, it ’s okay to say that Lu Li has no intention of juggling at all, and only treats the two as monkeys!

"The palace master is angry!"

Yuan Changshang sighed slightly. Her mentality was adjusted very quickly, and Lu Li could not afford to arouse them. Since it was so aggrieved, it was nothing.

She looked at Yuan Yuyu, who looked slightly distorted, and said, "Forget it, lord of the palace, we really can't provoke him."

"Can't mess it up?"

These four words made Yuan Yuyu feel a little bit more angry, and her eyes were cold and murderous, and she said quietly, "I have never suffered such humiliation in my life. Don't give me a chance Once I have a chance, I will make him die! "

(End of this chapter)

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