The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1460: Infinite fear

Lu Liyi slept for seven or eight hours, and he was refreshed after waking up. After passing through the thunder array and crossing the "Sword Mountain", he is equivalent to passing two levels, and each passing level will get closer and closer to the exit.

Heaven closed a door for you, and always opened a window.

The original intention of the Ghost King to lay down the prohibition was definitely not to kill everyone who came in, otherwise he didn't need to be so complicated. Anyway, he was already dead and could not see any drama. It would not be necessary to directly kill everyone who came in. .

Therefore, Lu Li determined that as long as he can pass through several levels in a row, not to mention that he can get the treasure left by the ghost king, at least he can go out alive. Every time he passed, Lu Li felt that he had walked around the gate of the ghost gate. This feeling of the rest of his life made him feel good.

After a short rest, he sat up and looked away. The goal is a plain, but there are high mountains on both sides of the plain, and he vaguely sees that the mountains are getting more and more compact, and the plain in front is getting narrower ...


Just a few glances, Lu Li concluded that there was a huge canyon ahead. This canyon should be long and very ... dangerous.

The first level is a thunderbolt, which can kill most of the incoming gods. The second level is more horrible, with millions of swordsmen, and there are bursts in the battle. Even if a powerful **** cannot break the battle, he will eventually be trapped alive. Inside, it becomes a ghost under the sword.

The third level has become a canyon, the terrain has become smaller, and the danger has increased a lot. Although there are high mountains on both sides, Lu Li doesn't have to think about it, he can't cross the high mountains on both sides. If you want to pass the third level, you can only walk through this canyon and reach the end across the canyon.

"Let's go ~"

No matter what is ahead, Lu Li can only go forward with his teeth. He waved his hand and rushed down the mountain with the dead body, and soon dashed down the plain, and the deep canyon appeared in Lu Li's sight.

"open circuit!"

Old rules, the corpse of God opened the way in front, Lu Li slowly followed. Still the same as before, Tudao and Thunderfury were both held in their hands, and Tianxiezhu was taken out, the thunder armor appeared, and they proceeded cautiously.

"There is a bone!"

Arriving at the mouth of the canyon, Lu Lishen swept inward and found a body inside. The corpse had not yet completely decayed, and the body armor was still intact, and it was a superb artifact. There is also a space ring and magical soldiers nearby. The magical weapons spear is also a superb artifact.

"It looks like a giant disciple!"

Lu Li nodded secretly, this person's combat power is also estimated to be good, otherwise he would not break into the third level. Lu Li didn't go to get the Warframe magic soldier, but his face became extremely severe. This man was born with a wealth of treasures. He broke through two levels and died immediately after entering the third level. How horrible is this valley?

"God Corpse, go and see!"

Shen Nian observed for a moment, Lu Li didn't find anything, he could only wave his hand. The corpse slowly walked forward, Lu Li was on alert, ready to attack at any time.


What made Lu Li startled was that the corpse of the **** arrived near the corpse, but as in the previous two levels, there was no abnormality in the canyon, and the corpse of the **** did not receive any attacks ...

"Enter the sky evil pearl, let the corpse rush forward with it?"

A thought emerged in Lu Li's mind, and the Tianxiezhu lighted up in his hand, but an invisible force suddenly diffused and opened, Tianxianzhu actually failed, and he could not enter.

"It seems that the ghost king has taken care of everything!"

Lu Li laughed at himself, thinking that if he broke through so easily, it would not be the style of the ghost king. A master craftsman and a Xeon man, how can he arrange things so easily?

"Bring things back!"

Lu Li waved his hand toward the corpse of the god, and the corpse of the **** grabbed the armor of the warrior and rushed out. Lu Li took the treasures and put away the armored soldiers. The two treasures were easily included in the space ring. It seems that only the space artifacts are limited here.

"Om ~"

When the master died, the space ring was a thing without a subject, and Lu Li easily refined. He explored with divine thoughts and found that there were a lot of gods and a lot of treasures. There was also a set of super-quality battle armor and magic soldiers, as well as two magic books. There are millions of gods, and they really are the children of the giants.

"Go ~"

Lu Li waved his hand, no matter how many treasures he had to go out, otherwise he would die here, and his treasures would be cheaper for future generations. It does n’t make sense to manage those treasures now.

The corpse continued to explore the road, Lu Li followed slowly, and he stopped suddenly at the moment when he stepped into the canyon. Because he felt a dangerous atmosphere, this valley contained endless crises.

"Bang ~"

He stepped slightly forward, and the space in front of the canyon suddenly fluctuated, and then a clear wind spread over Lu Li.

"Silent soul wave?"

Lu Li froze, and then there was an urge to laugh. The third pass is actually the Silent Soul Wave. This is his least feared attack. According to the speed of the Dragon Soul devouring soul invasion energy, even if it is a hundred times stronger than the Silent Soul Wave at the mouth of the ghost king, Dragon Soul can withstand it.

"The intensity of Silent Soul Waves here is not bad. The more you go inside, the more horrible it is?"

Lu Li sensed it, nodding slightly. If it is an ordinary warrior, there is no strong soul to protect the treasures, this level is really sad, the soul attack is the most horrible, accidentally the soul flutters.

Continue to take a step forward, and the space deep in the canyon is undulating again, and it is another wave of silence. Lu Lidun stepped forward five steps in a row, and it really caused five silent soul waves.

"Did that warrior rush straight inward? Dozens of silent soul waves have been triggered in succession, so the soul flew away instantly?"

Lu Li glanced at the corpse not far away, raised his legs and stepped forward, step by step, and waited until the energy of the invading soul was devoured by the dragon soul, and then he proceeded.

Be careful sailing for thousands of years, what if this is not just a silent wave attack? Lu Li prefers to slow down. It doesn't matter if you have a few more days. Safety comes first.

Ten steps ~ ~ One hundred steps, one thousand steps!

Except for the silent soul wave in this canyon, no other attacks appeared. Only after a thousand steps, Lu Li clearly felt that the power of the Silent Soul Wave had increased.

"Om ~"

The dragon soul in the sword-shaped soul in Lu Li's mind shone endlessly, and it seemed ... a little excited? It's like seeing the little white of cloud crystal.

The gorge is not straight, but crooked. There can only be a seam on top of the head. The light here is very dim, and it seems darker and darker at the moment.

The corpse of God has always been with Lu Li's side, and he is ready to block the dark arrows fired around by Lu Lu at any time, but no other attacks have occurred along the way.

"Well? There are corpses again?"

After walking more than 3,000 steps, Lu Li detected a corpse a few kilometers away, and the corpse did not rot, but his whole body seemed to be scratched? It looked extremely terrifying, and there was infinite fear in those dead fish-like eyes ...

(End of this chapter)

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