The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1475: Come over

Lu Li is still in retreat, totally unaware that such a big thing happened outside, I do not know that his most beloved Chi Xier is suffering at this moment, and may be defiled at any time ...

However, he woke up five days after the army of Tushen Temple arrived at Xingchen Mountain. When he opened his eyes, he looked excited. After so long retreat, he finally made some breakthroughs. At this moment, the control of the power of space is definitely several times stronger than before.

If he could only rely on the power of one mile of space before, now he can at least use the power of ten miles of space. And the control of the power of space is much stronger, just like a person realizes the true meaning of the fire department, no flame is driven without control.


Lu Li didn't move too strangely. He raised his hands directly, and there was no fluctuation in the world. He just felt an invisible force to suppress it. Xue Linger found that the corpse was completely immovable.

"Master, you have more control over the power of space."

Although he didn't know the specific situation, Xue Linger instinctively felt that Lu Li had made great progress, and Lu Li grinned and nodded, "Let's go and try."

Lu Li got up and walked towards the abyss. On the way, he sensed the divine power and physical body, and once again felt that this was a unique treasure. Cultivation is too fast here, and the speed of increase of divine power and physical body is too fast. He has been here for more than seven years, but feels faster than staying outside for a hundred years.

Reaching the abyss canyon, Lu Li still did not take the risk on his own, but took out the silver whip and let the corpse move forward. The **** corpse strode toward the iron cable bridge. After walking ten meters, the power of heaven and earth suddenly descended, and Yunyan quickly condensed into a long sword.


With a big wave of Lu Li's hand, an invisible force came, suppressing all the space in Fangyuanli. The corpse of the gods can no longer move, and the clouds and smoke in the air can no longer move. The condensed sword stopped in the air, as if the space was frozen.


Lu Li bowed his head slightly, and the big hand waved the space to suppress it again. Lu Lishou gently pulled the corpse back. He said, "Okay, now I'm walking in front, you control the dead body to follow me."

"Master be careful."

Xue Linger came over and Lu Li smiled confidently. The power of the space he can control is too strong. He is confident that he can suppress all the clouds and surrounding space.

Lu Li strode forward, just ten meters away, and an invisible force suppressed him, suppressing him and the dead body.

Lu Li didn't care at all. The divine power in his body moved around in a strange way. His hands were able to move immediately, and he cracked with the power of space.

"咻咻 ~"

The long sword condensed in mid-air began to shoot, and Lu Li's big hand waved violently, and the space actually fluctuated slightly this time. A force of space ten times stronger than before was suppressed, and those clouds and swords were suppressed.

"Go ~"

Lu Li grabbed the dead body with one hand and moved forward. He was not affected by the force of space, but the dead body could not move. Fortunately, he had enough strength to easily grab the corpse and strode forward.

Lu Li's speed was not too fast. He walked forward step by step. Clouds and smoke in the distance looked like horrified wolves, and they gathered and grew swords and flew towards Lu Li.

But each time he approached a mile, Lu Li swung his big hand, and those long swords did not move, and he was suppressed by the force of Lu Li's control of space.

"The power of space I can mobilize now should be able to suppress even the ordinary superpowers of the **** world?"

Lu Li secretly sighed, his pace was getting more and more stable, but he crossed the iron cable bridge in half a column time. The clouds and smoke in front of it are getting richer and denser, but even if it is richer, even if there are more swords condensed, Lu Li can easily suppress it.

There is an invisible mysterious force field around Lu Li. Everything that is close to him and left and right can't move, even if the wind can't blow ...

"The last paragraph is the hardest to make. As long as this section is passed, this level is broken."

Lu Li didn't feel complacent. He stared at the last section of the Chain Bridge. The smoke over there was reddish-brown. It was horrible at first sight, depending on whether he could suppress it.

Moving forward step by step, Lu Li was getting slower and slower, and finally reached the last section of the road. The clouds and smoke over there were dragged into the sky, and the red-brown long sword flew into the sky.

Lu Li slammed with one hand and drank angrily: "Suppression!"

The space fluctuated slightly, a violent force suppressed it, and Lu Li's heart hung in the air. If he could not suppress it, he would still need to retreat, and he did not know how long it would take.

"Okay ~"

Soon Lu Li burst out loud and drank, although the red-brown long swords were not completely suppressed, but the speed was greatly reduced. He hardly hesitated, seized the divine power in the body of the war to run wildly, reached its full speed, and turned it into a sharp sword.

500 meters, 300 meters, 100 meters, 50 meters!

Just as Lu Li was about to cross the cable bridge, the surrounding space suddenly violently vibrated, the force of Lu Li's suppression space suddenly disappeared, and then the red-brown long swords in all directions violently shot at him and the corpse.

"Master, go!"

Xue Linger found that the corpse was able to move, without any hesitation, and slammed it on Lu Li's back, and then controlled the corpse to shoot up, blocking those long swords.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang ~"

There were loud noises, Lu Li suddenly glanced back, and found that the corpse of God was smashed and flew over. He swept away diligently, and when he discovered that many scales on the surface of the corpse actually cracked, he was shocked.

If it wasn't for Xue Linger taking the initiative to control the dead body to block those swords, would he be punctured by the sword at this moment? Fortunately, Xuelinger responded quickly. He just wanted to use space to suppress it. If he did that, he would definitely take a slow step and eventually die tragically under the iron cable bridge or the abyss.

"Woohoo ~"

He gasped, after making sure that there was no movement on the Iron Cable Bridge, he heard a voice and asked, "Blood spirit, will the corpse be destroyed without it?"

"There is some damage, some of the magic arrays have been shattered!" Xue Linger said, "But the master is assured that I can repair these magic arrays and the scales on the surface can be repaired, but it takes time."

"It's okay ~ ~ You fix it slowly, we've come over."

Lu Li was relieved, and the powerful defense of the corpse was like a powerful shield, which helped him many times. If the corpse is destroyed, he will lose a powerful helper.


Lu Li probed forward, and found that there was also a canyon in front, but the canyon was divided into two, and actually there were two roads.

"Don't ..."

Lu Li felt a little excited inside, he waved his hand toward the corpse, and strode forward. At the bifurcation, he chose a path, but after walking for a while, he reached the end of the canyon.


He saw an ancient altar at the end of the canyon, and glanced at God's thoughts, and suddenly became ecstatic. Based on his knowledge of the magic array, he can see at a glance that the altar in front is a teleportation array, a teleportation array that is likely to connect outside the ghost king's palace.

(End of this chapter)

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