The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1483: Jianghu Luyuan

Until he heard Lu Li's voice, Chi Xier couldn't believe it was Lu Lu. She forced herself not to shed tears, her body shot up, and flew into Lu Li's arms, grabbing him with both hands, as if afraid that Lu Li would disappear in one second.

The tears in her eyes poured down like the river of a dyke, and Jiao's body continued to tremble, and she cried for a full half of the time. She raised her head and looked up and landed away: "Brother, is it really you?"

Looking at the near, beautiful and exquisite face, Lu Li sighed that God is really good to Chi Xier. Chi Xi'er looks comparable to Lu Ling, with almost no flaws. But the style and temperament are not the same, Chi Xier is more feminine and more classic.

Although attached by a young and delicate body, Lu Li has no affection ~ desire, but has deeper compassion in his heart. He really took Chi Xier as his sister. He reached out and gently wiped away tears for Chi Xier and said, "It's me, my brother is back, and I will never leave you again, I promise."

"Woohoo ~"

The more tears Lu Chi rubs into the pool, the more tears Lu Lu sighs. The woman is indeed made of water. He pouts and smiles: "Girl, don't cry, it won't be beautiful if you cry again, there are still many things waiting Brother handles it. "

"Uh-huh ~"

Chi Xier quickly resisted crying, Lu Li calmed and parted her, but Chi Xier still grabbed his arm by one hand, for fear he would disappear again.

Lu Li smiled and patted her arm, and took her out. Chi Xier had nothing to do, and his anger gradually subsided. His face became somber and he began to think about what to do afterwards.

He killed Meng Yanshan, Meng Yanyun, and Changshu Yulinglong. He killed tens of thousands of people in Xingchen Mansion. But it caused endless troubles. One can't handle it well, and everyone will die.

Divine Supreme!

If it is the super power of the **** world that can still fight, the supreme **** world will not even think about it, and there is no need to count on Pan Yuqin. The Supreme Master of the Divine Realm had to give some face even if the King of the Pan had faced him. Lu Li's face was too harsh this time, and the feud was too deep. Pan Yuqin's appearance didn't work.

Lu Lidao didn't worry about himself. He had crossed the void, so he could bring Chi Xier's waves to the horizon, and just find a place to hide.

The question is what to do with so many people in Tu Temple?

More than 10,000 people were killed in the Tu Temple, and there were more than 10,000 people. How could he take them away? Take them on the horizon? The target is so big, it is easily caught and killed by Yu Qingtian.

Outside, there were sergeants in the Temple of the Slayer everywhere. They began to loot the Star House, and found out all the valuable things in the Star House, and piled them on the square.

Lu Li took Chi Xier to the outside, and Chi Xier saw that the sergeant of the Tu Temple had actually laid down the Xingchen Mansion, and suddenly looked away with admiration.

Lu Li didn't bother Chi Xier, just grabbed her hand, gave her some warmth, and let her settle down. After the Sergeant Tu Shendian had been busy evacuating the Star Mansion for a long time, he asked Chen Yue to summon the Sergeant of the Star Mansion.

"See the Lord of the Temple!"

More than 10,000 people kneeled neatly on one knee. Although many people were heart-scratched, they were convinced to Lu Li. In particular, many people have heard of some legends such as Lu Li in the Divine Realm, who are all proud of the boss who landed.


Lu Li glanced at the audience, and Shen Sheng said: "You have seen today's events. The death of more than 10,000 members of the temple, I am deeply guilty. My temple owner has no responsibilities. Yu Linglong is dead, I do not regret it However, the Tu Shen Temple has been dissolved since today. You have divided all the spiritual materials and treasures here, Chen Yue, and each of you has dispersed and fled. I will go to the King ’s Palace to pay attention and give everyone enough time to escape. If I can rise in the future and be able to carry overlord's palace, if everyone is still willing to follow me, I should rebuild the Temple of Slaughter, and welcome everyone back at any time! "

A decision was made by Lu Li just now, but the Temple of the Slaughter cannot be left at present, otherwise everyone will die. Demobilize everyone and let them flee the southwestern region. It is impossible for the overlord house to chase down the sphere of influence of the other **** kings, and the large forces over there will not ignore it.

"Master of the temple!"

When Chen Yue was anxious, he groaned and said in a hurry: "Dear Lord, my Chen Yue's life belongs to the Lord. I will go wherever the Lord Lord goes. Don't abandon me."

"Dear Lord, we are willing to advance and retreat with you, live and die!"

Many of the old gang members who slaughtered the temple shouted, with determination in their eyes, although they did not follow Lu Li for a long time. Lu Li is really good for them. For example, if Chen Yue didn't provide so many talents and monuments, how could he break through the power of God so quickly?

"All right!"

Lu Li arrogantly waved his hand: "I have decided, Chen Yue has executed the order! Divide the talents and leave a copy for the brothers left by Zhao Xi and Kunlun Mountain, and then you will flee immediately. I can only delay for a month , How far you can escape. "

"Master of the temple!"

Chen Yue shouted in sorrow, her voice choked, and Lu Li's face was like iron, without the slightest softness. Chen Yue could only helplessly stood up and started to be busy.

Many trophies were obtained this time, especially the space ring of the tens of thousands of sergeants in the Star House. There were a lot of divine resources and treasures in it. In addition, the magical treasures in the inner library of Xingchen Mansion are also piled up like a mountain. How can the accumulation of top-quality forces for years be underestimated? Although there were more than 10,000 people on the side of the Tu Shen Temple, everyone got a huge amount of divine treasures.

Dividing treasures for more than an hour, Chi Xi'er has been standing quietly beside Lu Li. After the treasures were almost divided, she looked weakly and landed away: "Brother, you drove them all away, me? Would you also chase me away?"

"Don't go!" Lu Li smiled slightly: "I'll take you away, you follow the elder brother."

"it is good!"

Chi Xi'er smiled sweetly and asked nothing. For her, as long as she was away from the landing, it didn't matter where she went. Even if he went to **** and Lu left, she didn't feel afraid.

"Okay, let's go!"

When the treasure was divided, Lu Li waved his hand, and UU reading books Chen Yue and others did not leave immediately, but all stood silently, without saying a word, so they just landed away.

The look in their eyes was very complicated, some confused, and some worried, of course, they were more reluctant. After all, the rivers and lakes are far away, maybe there is no chance to see Lu Lu in this life.


Lu Li laughed and glanced around and said, "It's all the big lords, what kind of system are you twisting? I can't die again, maybe I will destroy the overlord's palace in three or five years, then everyone will come Let's get together in the city of overlords. If you don't leave, I will take a step first. Brothers, see you again! "


Lu Li grabbed Chi Xi'er's arm with one hand, leaped high, and flew down the mountain. Chen Yue and others all turned neatly. Chen Yue took more than 10,000 people on one knee and said, "Congratulations to the Lord, the Lord is treasured!"

"Congratulations to the Lord, the Lord is treasured!"

More than 10,000 people burst into drink, their voices were shaking, and they sounded for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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