The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1491: Never show mercy

After Chi Xier refined the silkworm skirt, she really felt much better, at least not sweating. Lu Li himself is not affected, only the deaf person is sweating alone.

Fortunately, after walking for an hour, the temperature was not as hot as before, and Lu Li and others finally encountered someone.

Lu Li Shennian is very powerful, and he understands the power pattern of space. He is particularly sensitive to the fluctuations of the nearby space.

From a distance, he detected a warrior lurking in the quicksand in the hill in front of him. Originally, there was no killing heart, but after they approached, the hill suddenly burst, and then the warrior flew.

"Leave a space ring, I will spare you."

The warrior's body was shrouded in black armor, his face could not be seen, only a pair of cold eyes remained. This person's strength is not bad, the power of the gods, and it should still be very powerful.

Lu Li was expressionless, the deaf Taoist knew that Lu Li's combat power was not worried at all, but Chi Xi'er was eager to try and whispered, Lu Lu said, "Brother, should I try?"


Lu Li shook his head and whispered, "This man is very good in combat. You should not be an enemy of him. He should have been a **** power for thousands of years."

"Oh oh!" Chi Xier spit out his tongue and said, "Go and get rid of him."

Although the two spoke very quietly, the opposite was powerful, and they could be heard even at a lower voice.

The man's eyes became a little bit colder. Although Lu Li and Chi Xi'er were both divine powers, he looked down on at least. Because Lu Li and Chi Xi'er's life are very young, although they have broken through the power of Divine Realm, they certainly haven't broken through for many years.

In his opinion, Lu Li and Chi Xi'er should be children of the big family, and they broke through so quickly. However, the foundation is unstable, and the combat effectiveness must be low and poor. He did not kill him as soon as he came out. He just wanted to rob the money and did not want to offend the family behind Lu Li and Chi Xier ...

Hearing Lu Li and Chi Xier's dialogue, the person was a little upset. Listening to Lu Li's tone seemed to be able to suppress him?

"call out!"

He decided to give Lu Li a bit of trouble. He got into the ground like a sharp sword, and at the next moment appeared at Lu Li's feet. The sharp sword in his hand spun toward Lu Li.

"Ha ha!"

Lu Li wasn't nervous at all, and the power of the Divine Realm was now completely unstressed for him. He took Chi Xi'er with one hand and turned to the side. Then he flicked his hand gently, and an invisible force suppressed it. The man could not move just as soon as a head emerged from the ground.

Chi Xier and the deaf Taoist Xiaobai were also suppressed. Lu Li himself had no problem at all. He lifted his thigh high, and slammed heavily against the head that came up. He stepped directly into the ground, and his tone became cold: "Get out, show me again, and show no mercy. "

The power of space is gone, and everyone can move. The warrior's eyes were all terrified, and he never dared to stop any longer. He quickly drifted away from the quicksand under the ground, and soon disappeared into the distance.

"Giggle ~"

Chi Xi'er's Divine Detective discovered that this man's eyes were disbelieving and frightening, and he laughed like a silver bell.

How many years has it taken for the deaf people to look away with emotion? Lu Li could easily suppress the power of the gods. He has been in the demon world for thousands of years. If it is not Lu Li, the combat power at this moment is estimated to be comparable to ordinary gods.

"Let's go!"

Lu Li didn't take it to heart. With a wave of his hand, Xiaobai shot away from his shoulder and ran forward happily. Xiao Bai was very obedient and did not run too far.

There are deserts here and there is no way at all, so Lu Li only pinpointed the northwest and ran all the way. For three hours, Lu Li and others finally encountered the first ban.

The reason is that Lu Li found an oasis in the distance and a small water pond. After turning in this desert for so long, Lu Li and others will not miss such a good rest place.

When they walked towards the oasis, they found that something went wrong. When they stepped into the oasis, the surrounding scenery changed suddenly. It turned grey, and the eyes were filled with yellow sand. The divine mind was limited here, the visibility was less than 100 meters, and the wind was fierce.


Fortunately, Lu Li has been holding Chi Xier's hand, so Chi Xier was not blown away by the wind. The deaf person was weak and was blown away by the wind. Xiao Bai was very clever and his claws caught Lu Li's neck.

"Om ~"

Lu Li took out Tian Xie Zhu as soon as possible and wanted to take in Chi Xier Xiaobai. As a result, the space here was suppressed and Tian Xie Zhu couldn't use it.

"Xi'er don't let go at any time, Xiao Bai goes in my sleeve."

Lu Li Shen Sheng said, Chi Xier quickly stretched out his hands and grabbed Lu Li's arm. Xiao Baier got into Lu Li's sleeve so that the wind wouldn't blow it away.

"I don't know where the deaf were blown away?"

Lu Li frowned. He moved slowly, glancing around to explore this strange fantasy formation.

The wind was getting stronger, and Lu Li's footsteps were getting more and more floating. He walked forward for a while and found that the surrounding scenery remained unchanged, and his brows frowned slightly.

"This illusion is very advanced and completely different from the illusion I have seen before."

Feeling the wind is getting more and more fierce, Lu Li Chuanyin sent a word to Xue Linger. A tentacle was found in Tianxiezhu and pierced into the ground. Lu Li himself also felt the situation around him, looking for the array of eyes.

"Master, there are no lines below."

After a while, Xue Linger heard a voice and said, "This array of fantasy arrays is not placed on the ground. It seems this is a live array."

"I know where the lines are."

Lu Li Chuanyin said in the past, "The sky is full of sandstones. Sand and sand form a complex formation. This is indeed a live formation, or a very advanced living formation. There are too many formations. If the usual means Breaking is a bit difficult. "

"Is there a way for the master?" Xue Linger asked.


Lu Li said confidently, and said, "This law formation is very mysterious. It treats all sand as a formation stone. When the sand floats around, it automatically combines the magical magic formation of the city. And as time goes by, the sand is flying faster and faster. This large array will change, and the magical array will eventually become a killing array. "

"But ... I'm not ready to break the battle immediately!"

Lu Li's eyes opened, and a message was sent to Xuelinger: "This law matrix contains a lot of the principles of heaven and earth rules ~ ~ That is to say ... this law matrix is ​​transformed from the laws of heaven and earth Yes, I want to see it, maybe it will be of great help to my future cultivation. "

Lu Li heard a sentence before, saying that the array was transformed from the laws of heaven and earth. If there is a deep research on the legal array, its own combat power will certainly not be too bad.

Lu Li always thought that this sentence was just a rhetoric. Today he saw this illusionary array and realized that this sentence is indeed true. At least the law of heaven and earth in this law formation is very clear. If you can understand this law formation, you may be able to understand the true meaning of a law of heaven and earth.

"Xier hold me tight, don't be afraid!"

Lu Lipan sat up, closed his eyes and realized the fluctuations around him. Chi Xi'er quickly sat up with the disk, grasping Lu Li with both hands.

The wind was getting stronger, and soon Lu Lu and Chi Xi'er were blown up. The two fluttered in the air, like two huge sands.

Not only did Chi Xier not have any fear, but she was extremely excited, and Lu Li was beside her. She had an inexplicable peace of mind. Not to mention just floating in the air, it doesn't matter if you go to **** ...

(End of this chapter)

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