The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1499: 5 Zagamiyama

The Demon Strong did not chase it in, but left his head shaking his head. In his opinion, Lu Li's entry into the Soul Mist Mountain was tantamount to death.

Why would a dead person care? He didn't dare to enter this soul fog mountain, not only him, but many of the Demon Powers did not dare to go in, because some of the Demon Powers who entered in history basically never came out again.

"So dense fog!"

After Lu Li came in, he found that it was shrouded in white mist. The white mist here is much richer than the ancient ghost king. The visibility is less than ten meters, and the gods are completely unusable.

The fog here is a bit different from ordinary fog, the color looks white, and upon closer inspection, it feels beige. The mist is not transpiration, but occasionally lingers ...

After Lu Li came in, he didn't dare to walk around. After sensing that the breath of the demons behind him disappeared, he stood still and waited. After a while of incense, he determined that the Demon Strong did not chase in, and his complexion became slightly difficult to look at.

The Devil Strong is behind him, but he doesn't come after him? Either the Devil Strong did not dare to come in, or he was teleported away after entering, and was not near him. In either case, this is not a good thing, and it is likely to be a very scary area.

"Om ~"

Lu Li took out the evil bead, and after a flash of light, the deaf Taoist appeared outside. He was slightly relieved, at least for the day when the evil bead could be used.

"Deaf Taoist!"

Lu Li told the deaf person about the white mist he saw, and then asked, "Do you know this place? Is it dangerous?"

Deaf people's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a faint joy in the depths of their eyes, and then their complexion changed again and became ugly.

He pursed his lips and asked, "Master, do you faintly see the five mountains that pierce Yunfeng in the white mist?"

"Yeah!" Lu Li nodded and asked, "What? Is there a problem here?"

"Soul Mist Mountain ..."

The deaf Taoist became short of breath, and he took a few breaths before saying, "This is one of the few terrible places in the ancient demon's place. My grandpa and grandpa both died in it. Only my father was consumed by my grandpa. All the power was sent forcibly ... "


Lu Li Yiyi, thought of the grandfather and grandfather of the deaf Taoist who died here? No wonder the deaf man was both happy and shocked, but he kept thinking about looking for the bones of his ancestors. Lu Li didn't think much about it just now. He thought it was just an ordinary magical array, so he just broke in.

"This soul fog mountain is amazing!"

The deaf Taoist went on to explain: "This Jedi can move, and it is not fixed. There are times when it appears in the deepest place of the ancient devil, and sometimes it appears in the outer area. Some people call this one of the five most terrifying places of the ancient devil. One."

Lu Li's face became more and more dignified, he waved his hand and said, "Don't say this, talk about why it's so scary? Is there any danger, didn't your father go out from here? He should know this place well, right?"

"There are three dangers here!"

The deaf Taoist thought about it and explained: "The first is the lost formation. The lost formation here is extremely horrible. It is almost impossible to completely break the formation. Only very powerful men can forcibly withstand the pressure and fly out without reaching the realm of God. The Supreme can hardly get out. The second point is that there is an invisible soul attack here. The soul attack here is not like an ordinary soul attack. It is usually not perceivable at all, and will unknowingly enter into an illusion. Do it yourself, and even kill yourself. Half of the strong men that my grandfather brought in that year died in his own hands or committed suicide. "

The deaf Taoist paused and continued, "The last one is the most terrifying. Has the owner seen the five mountains outside? They are the five sacred mountains. If you are unlucky, you will trigger the prohibition. When the time comes, the mountains will fly up. Suppress us directly. If you are strong enough, you may not die, but you will be trapped for a lifetime. If you are not strong, you will be crushed to death instantly ... "


Lu Li was speechless. The five mountains pierced the sky. I do n’t know how big it is. If the volley flies and suppresses down, it is sure that people can resist it? If you do n’t reach the Divine Supreme, you ca n’t carry it?

Break into a place casually, but did not expect to enter such a Jedi!

The main thing is that Xuelinger is not here. It is too difficult to break the magic array. Even if he finds the pattern and finds the eyes, it will be very difficult to break the array without Xuelinger.

Soul attack Lu Li is not afraid, after all, he has dragon soul, no matter what kind of soul attack, dragon soul should be able to withstand. Regardless of any form of soul attack, there will surely be energy flowing into the soul. Once you enter the dragon soul, you will find it and will actively devour those energy.

"What else needs attention? If there isn't, you can enter the Heavenly Evil Pearl."

Lu Li asked a question. The deaf Taoist thought for a while and said, "My father once said something. It is best not to jump from the ground, not to fly, and ... the slower the speed, the safer it is. If it is, it is very easy to touch the prohibition and be suppressed by Dashan. In addition, if the owner finds my grandfather their remains, please tell me. "

"Got it!"

Lu Li nodded and put the deaf Taoist in Tianxiezhu. Then he released Chi Xi'er. Xiaobai ate a lot of cloud crystals and fell asleep. Lu Li ignored it.

"Brother ~"

Chi Xier screamed happily as soon as he came out, grasping Lu Li's arm with both hands, like a tired kitten.

She coquettishly said, "Brother, what have you been doing recently? Always keep me in the sky evil beads, I'm suffocated, what happened to those three evil people?"

"That's three demons!"

Lu Lichong drowned and touched Chi Xi'er's face and said, "Three demons have been killed by me. They dare to blaspheme my family and seek death. Many places here are dangerous, so I put you in Tianxiezhu. It will be safer inside. If it is safe, I will release you or practice with you. "

"Well, brother is the best!"

Chi Xi'er smiled sweetly, she glanced around and said doubtfully, "Brother, where is this? Why is it so thick white fog."

"Here is Soul Mist Mountain!"

Lu Li didn't explain too much, said softly: "The magic array here is very powerful. I need a period of time to crack it, so you have to retreat within the sky evil pearls. I will release you after the break. . Now letting you out, that is to say. "

Chi Xier's eyes darkened at a glance. She thought for a moment and asked weakly, "Brother, can't I follow you? I'll watch you by the side ~ ~ No!"

Lu Li shook his head and said, "The magic array here is very powerful. Even if you hold your hand, you may lose it unknowingly, and you will not find me by then."


Chi Xier had a pretty face, and quickly shook his head. "Then I'll go into the evil pearl of the sky. If I lose it and get lost in it, I will go crazy."


Lu Li's purpose is this. He touched Chi Xier's satin-like hair, and said, "You enter into a good retreat, I will always take the evil beads, and my brother is by your side. You can practice in peace and wait. I'll let you out immediately. "

"it is good!"

Chi Xier suddenly stomped her feet and kissed Lu Li's face softly, her face covered with red clouds, she said tenderly: "Brother, you have to cheer, I don't want to be sullen in it for too long, and I am alone Afraid ... "

(End of this chapter)

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