The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1501: Broken bones

Although the Demon Emperor is very strong, the Demon Realm is so big after all, not many are strong. In addition, the demon domain lacks a lot of materials, and many gods have to buy them from Youyan, so Yuqingtian is not afraid of sorrow.

Qi Meng was very boney, he grinned with his teeth grinning at Yu Qingtian, "then you kill me, kill me."


Yu Qingtian raised his hand and made a large golden fingerprint. The whole person was photographed and fell into the ground. A portrait appeared in Yu Qingtian's hand and asked, "Don't cry there, look at this portrait carefully, Have you ever seen this person? This seat is just asking you something. You have to fight and kill yourself. "


Qi Meng looked up and found that the portrait was familiar, and he looked at it with a few laughs and laughed: "You are looking for this person? This kid is yours? Hahaha, don't look for it, he is dead!"


Yu Qingtian froze slightly, and asked in a condensed voice, "Specifically."

He Meng pointed to the north and sneered and said, "The boy entered Soul Mountain, and you said he would die? I advise you to die this heart. He has been in for many days. Even if you can find him, he is dead. ? "

"Soul fog mountain?"

The muscles on Yuqingtian's face shook slightly, and a little terror appeared in the eyes. At that time, he entered the dead land of the ancient demon and was trapped in the soul fog mountain for many years, and finally broke through the Divine Supreme before forcibly rushing out.

His face calmed down quickly, and he was no longer the strength of that year. Although the soul fog mountain was terrible, it was no longer a must for him now. And he knew the trick, and he could rush out whenever he entered.

"Go look for it!"

Yu Qingtian wasn't assured without seeing Lu Li's body. After all, Lu Li was said to be very capable in banning the law formations, what if Lu Li broke through? And without taking Lu Li's body back, he can't convince the crowd and can't block the mouth of the quiet crowd.

"咻 ~"

Yu Qingtian flew up and rushed towards the soul fog mountain. Simon just got up and whispered in a whisper, Yu Qingtian took a backhand and smashed him on the ground again ...

Yu Qingtian was very fast, but just a few Huoxiang arrived outside the soul fog mountain, he did not rush into it. Instead, he turned around and observed that it was no different from the previous Soul Mist Mountain before striding in.

Even after entering, even Yu Qingtian's divine thoughts could not be explored. He did not know how to break the array, and could only move around in it to see if he could meet Lu Li, or ... find Lu Li's body.


Lu Li also sat and practiced. He didn't know that the crisis was approaching. One of the most powerful men in the **** world had entered the Soul Fog Mountains and was looking around for him.

With Yuqingtian's combat power, once approaching Lu Li, let alone can't cross the void, even if he can leave, he can't escape. Moreover, Lu Li took out all the Thunder God's wrath, and also could not kill Yu Qingtian.

Lu Li is aware of the true meaning of the power of space. There is an infinite possibility of extending this sense of true meaning. At least the power of space that Lu Li can use is only ten miles away. If he can use the power of thousands of miles, thousands of miles, or even millions of miles, it will not be a problem to suppress the Supreme God.

The idea is very good. How the final result takes time and luck. Lu Li's realization of this true meaning does not mean that he can realize this true meaning to the great consummation.

For example, his true intention to kill the emperor, he has been enlightened for many years, but has not made much progress. This is one of the top ten true meanings of the gods, and the killing of the emperor was also a famous supreme powerhouse.

Time passed quickly, I do n’t know if Lu Li had good luck, or it was too singular in the soul fog mountain. It took 20 days for Yu Qingtian to find Lu Lu.

Lu Li suddenly woke up today, because he felt a touch of crisis, it seemed that some kind of danger was getting closer ...

"It feels weird!"

Lu Li blinked confusedly, and the strong were keenly aware of the crisis. But there was a warning sign in his heart just before the crisis, and it does not mean that he can predict when the crisis will arrive, unless Pan Yuqin, like the **** of magic, can avoid evil.

After pondering for a moment, the sense of crisis has been around Lu Li's mind, not particularly strong. Lu Li got up suddenly and decided to take a walk. See if this sense of crisis still exists after leaving this neighborhood?

He ran to the left, but as a result the sense of crisis persisted, he turned left again, but the sense of crisis became stronger and stronger. He resolutely turned and walked backward, this time the sense of crisis continued to weaken, the sense of crisis disappeared after he ran for dozens of miles.

"what's going on?"

Lu Li's eyes were shocked. He lived for so many years, experienced so many life-and-death battles, and encountered various situations. This is the first time I've encountered this situation, it's incredible.

Lu Li thought about it and found that there were only two reasons for the situation. The first was that Dragon Soul sensed danger in advance, so he sent a signal to him. The second is that a strange creature or a strong one sent him a signal in the dark through some powerful magical power, informing him that he was in danger of approaching.

What is the danger? Is this dangerous signal from the Dragon Soul or the mysterious powerhouse?

Lu Li couldn't figure it out. After groaning for a moment, he resolutely walked away, and the farther he left the better.

After walking for a day, Lu Li didn't know where he was. He found another place to sit and wait for Xuelinger to come.

The later days became calmer, and after 19 days, Lu Li was shocked again-the faint sense of crisis in his soul reappeared, just like before, making the creeps creep suddenly. a feeling of.

"Go ~"

As he ran, he sensed the fluctuations of the Dragon Soul in his soul, and found that the Dragon Soul was very quiet, without any fluctuations.

Obviously, this warning did not come from the Dragon Soul. He sensed it all around, but it was quiet and terrible all around, even without any breath of life ...

After walking for more than ten miles, the sense of crisis disappeared again. Lu Li thought for a while and went forward, no matter whether the sense of crisis was real or not, he decided to stay away.

What Lu Li didn't know was--

Every time after he left ~ ~ Yu Qingtian approached where he sat.

After Yuqingtian came this time, his eyes were full of suspicion. He glanced at the place where Lu Lipan was sitting, and muttered in suspicion: "Some people have sat here, and obviously there is still a human breath, and I feel very young. It seems that Lu Lu has left. But ... why twice can he leave early? Can he perceive me coming from a distance? "

Yu Qingtian couldn't figure it out, he rubbed his forehead with a headache. It's too difficult to find someone in this ghost place. Although Lu Li left shortly afterward, even if he locked Lu Lu's position and followed him, he would definitely not catch up.

Because the magic array here is changing every moment, Ming Ming and Lu are only ten miles away, but under the influence of the magic array, perhaps he may not be able to approach for a lifetime.

"Don't force me!"

Yu Qingtian's complexion cooled down, and he stared into the air, gritted his teeth and said, "If the next time Lu Li can escape, I will pull Shenshan to suppress it. Shen Shan shrouded in a circle to reach a hundred miles, I will suffer a bit at most, Lu Li But I ca n’t bear it anymore. I ’m going to die. ”

(End of this chapter)

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