The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1506: Give pleasure

Lu Li was lethargic for two days, and his body began to recover on his own. After two days, he recovered some, and some bones were automatically connected to slowly begin to heal.

Of course, some bones cannot be cured without the use of divine power. For example, piercing the bones of the internal organs makes it difficult to recover. When you leave the body a little, the internal organs will experience the pain of heartbreaking. This time it is really heartbreaking ...

After Lu Li woke up, he opened his eyes weakly. He sensed that Yu Qingtian was still out of the mountain, and he had the urge to not heal. Because after the injury recovers, Yu Qingtian will attack Shenshan again, and he will once again suffer the pain of crushing his bones.

"Well, wrong ..."

Lu Li remembered the strangeness of Xue Linger before his coma. He felt a little hope in his heart. He transmitted the voice to Xue Linger again, but what surprised him was that he could n’t transmit the voice. The connection became extremely weak.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Li pondered for a moment, thinking that there were only two reasons for the weakening of the spiritual connection. Either Xuelinger had been away from here, or Xuelinger had entered the forbidden circle of the innermost layer of Shenshan.

"Did Bloodlinger abandon me? Going high and flying?"

A thought came to Lu Li's mind, and he immediately rejected it. If Xue Linger was leaving, he would have left him long ago. Besides, Xuelinger is the existence of a spirit body. Shenshan has no influence on it. Even if he wants to leave, he can wait until he is completely dead.

Recalling that Xuelinger did not return the previous voice, a bold idea appeared in Lu Centrifugal, did Xuelinger enter the prohibition inside Shenshan? In other words, Xuelinger has a chance to refine Shenshan?

"I can't die!"

There was a hint of hope in Lu Li's heart, and he decided to go ahead and persist until Xuelinger refined Shenshan, maybe he would have a chance to escape by then.

He began to mobilize divine power to repair the physical injury. He controlled the divine power to slowly wrap the ribs out of the heart and lungs. The severe pain made him unable to take a few breaths and snorted.

"Ha ha!"

Sitting outside on the ground, Yuqing Tianpan was quietly sensing the situation of landing. He found that Lu Lu was very happy after he was injured. If Lu Li could not heal, it would not be fun. He just wanted to wait for Lu Li's injury to be healed, and then let him be hit hard again and again and again, making Lu Li better than death ...

The time passed little by little, and the three days passed quickly. Lu Li's injuries recovered for more than half after three days of injury, the bones began to heal, and the heart and lungs slowly healed. If they would be completely restored within two or three days.

Unfortunately, Yu Qingtian was not ready to give him this opportunity. Yu Qingtian stood up and patted him gently on the mountain. The golden mountain of God emits a magnificent light. Under the strong pressure of gravity, many of Lu Li's original bones healed. Broken, he grinned and grinned, and he couldn't help yelling violently: "Yu Qingtian, you old dog, you kill me, kill me!"


Lu Li spoke for the first time, still scolding herself, Yu Qingtian laughed instead of being angry. The more angry Lu Lu was, the happier he was. If Lu Li didn't say a word, he wouldn't have any pleasure, like punching in the water, it wouldn't be fun at all.

"Don't worry!"

There was a smirk on Yu Qingtian's face, and he sent a message to Lu Li: "Little miscellaneous, don't scold, save some strength, because you still have to enjoy this pain for a long time. You said that I broke your bones ten times, or broken? How about thirty times? "

Lu Li yelled furiously: "Yu Qingtian, I swear to you, Grandpa, how are you a divine supreme, dignified overlord, who is like a villain who must report? If you are a man, give it to your father I'm so happy! "

"You want to die? Not so easy!"

Yu Qingtian took a single-handed shot on the mountain, and then he said darkly: "Have you ever thought about today when you killed my grandson? Have you thought about this when you broke my distraction? When you rushed into the overlord city slaughter Have you ever thought about the day that fell into my hands? You have committed such a terrible crime and want to die easily? It's not that simple! "

Yu Qingtian attacked Shenshan again and again, Lu Li kept yelling and yelling, the more Lu Lu called the more happy Yu Qingtian was. Soon Lu Lu fainted again, and Yu Qingtian also stopped attacking, sitting in retreat and waiting for Lu Li to wake up.

For Yuqingtian, it's nothing to waste in this period of time. He has unlimited life, even if he wastes ten or eight years. He had thought about killing Lu Li before. After Lu Li scolded him, he made a decision to torture Lu Li crazy, and to make Lu Li better off than death.

This is exactly what Lu Li asks for!

Lu Li has no urge to be abused, but now he has hope of living. Xuelinger is very hopeful to control Shenshan. How can Lu Li give up? He knew that the more he cursed Yu Qingtian, Yu Qingtian would not kill him for a short time. He could delay for a while, waiting for the blood spirits to work wonders.

Of course, everything is just Lu Li's unilateral thoughts. Perhaps Xue Linger has left, or Yu Qingtian is tired after playing a few times and kills him directly. Maybe Xuelinger could not refine the law circle that controls the core of Shenshan. Then he would suffer for nothing.

Lu Li has been lethargic for a longer time. He has been lethargic for three days and three nights. A continuous injury will hurt the origin of the body. When the body consumes too much, its recovery ability will be weaker.

This is like an old person. All the functions of the body will be aging. If it was not a warrior, a serious illness might take his life.

Lu Li started to heal after waking up. This time Yu Qingtian gave him more time. He recovered for five days and five nights, and his physical injuries were all good. Start attack ...

"Old dog, old dog, old dog!"


Lu Li's rage broke openly and cursed, forming a sharp contrast with Yu Qingtian's happy laughter. Almost all the bones in Lu Li's body were healed, but at this moment they were crushed little by little, and the internal organs were also crushed. The kind of heart-breaking pain that most people certainly can't bear is crazy.

Lu Li's willpower is very strong, and his pain tolerance is extraordinarily strong, which he trained in the mortal world. For three days and three nights in the Witch Mountain, Lu Li was no less than a trip to hell.

Lu Li fainted again. Yu Qingtian didn't feel much fun this time. He thought for a moment and said, "Last time, wait for the boy to wake up and let him know him again after suffering. I have to find a way to get away from the mountain and take his body back. It will take some time. Well ... just do that. "

Yu Qingtian sentenced Lu Li to death, and when he woke up again, Yu Qingtian would finally ask Lu Li once. If Lu Li is still not surrendering, he can only take the dead body back ...

(End of this chapter)

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