The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1524: Come bad

Lu Li had quickly left in the distance, but a group of people were still unable to move. After a few breaths of time, the divine power in the body of a strong man went crazy, and then he barely messed up the power to suppress their space. A group of people This will move.

"Is this the true meaning of space?"

A divine superpower sighed, saying: "Space, time, destruction, life, these four true meanings are the highest true meaning. Lu Li's young age can realize such a powerful true meaning of space. It's true. "


Qi Shaobai was obviously a little unconvinced, and he snorted a few times: "This space can really suppress the super power of the **** world, can't it suppress the **** world supreme? How could Qingjia old nine be easily defeated?"

"With the character of Qingying's girl ..."

An old man explained: "She should not let Qingjia Lao Jiu take action. The Qingjia people have always been arrogant. Lu Li should not have lied."

"Hum ~"

Qi Shaobai snorted a few times, but did not refute, just now he was unable to move after being suppressed, obviously not an opponent of Lu Li. Whether acknowledged or not, Lu Li does have pride and arrogance.

"Let's go, go back, retreat!"

After pondering for a while, Qi Shaobai waved his hand in sorrow and angrily. As the son of Beiwangfu, he was suppressed even if he had no chance to make a shot. This time he lost face.

"Lu Li, you wait, the glory I lost will be recaptured by myself!"

Qi Shaobai bit his teeth, rushed down the mountain, and quickly disappeared into the distant mountains.


There Lu Lu rushed down the mountain all the way, but he was able to encounter the warrior constantly, and he was too lazy to kill. After each encounter, he used the power of heaven and earth to suppress it, and then quickly left.

Because there was a force who sold Lu Li's whereabouts, countless warriors gathered here, Lu Lu encountered five teams on the way down the mountain. Fortunately, there is no strong warrior, the strongest is the super power of the **** world.

More than a day later, Lu Li successfully descended from Zhoushan and encountered a lot of cyanite on the road, all of which was eaten by Xiaobai. When Xiaobai saw Lu Li, he would not go down to Zhoushan, and he was still reluctant.

"Let's take you back and we will leave first, otherwise in case of a few divine supremacy, we will be very dangerous!"

Lu Li and Xiaobai said something, and put it into the celestial bead. At the same time, he deliberately explored it and found that Chi Xier practiced quietly in it, with a slight sigh of relief.

A few days ago outside the cave, I accidentally bumped into a small solution of Chi Xier. Lu Li didn't know what to do at this moment. A girl as pure as a paper, the most mysterious area was seen by a man, how to explain this matter is not clear. Lu Li didn't know how to face Chi Xier, so he had to deal with it coldly ...

"咻咻 咻 ~"

Just after getting off Zhoushan, the two teams in the distance rushed over from left to right, and the number was still quite large. This group of people has good combat power. The strongest reaches the super power of the gods, and the weakest is comparable to the gods on the list. The gods have a lot of power.

"Lu Li is here!"

"Kill Lu Li, Hongling Tianbao is ours."

"Everyone starts to kill him directly ..."


A group of people yelled and killed before they approached. Many people also took out weapons, and they would release various magical powers to kill. Lu Liben didn't want to kill any more people. Hearing these words and seeing everyone acting like this, he became angry.

"Yao, suppress the people in front!"

Lu Li's angry rumored a word, the Golden God Mountain whistled away, quickly grew in mid-air, became a circle of about ten miles, and then suppressed at a horrible speed.

"Huh? What's that?"

"Hurry away!"

"Is this the Hongling Tianbao? Escape ..."

A group of people felt the powerful momentum in the mountain, and their faces changed greatly, and they wanted to retreat. But the speed of the suppression of Shenshan was too fast, and there was strong coercion during the suppression of Shenshan. A group of people were suppressed. Except for a superpower who retreated, the others did not escape.


Shenshan cracked down, and the ground nearby, including the surrounding mountains, shook slightly. Those more than thirty people were all pressed into the ground by Shenshan. Most of them became blood mud. Only one supernatural power and several supernatural powers can retain the whole body ...

"Hisse ~"

The man who escaped by taking a sip of air-conditioner immediately flew away in horror, Lu Li-Leng said in a voice: "Help me to tell everyone, who dare to come to me for trouble, let alone kill!"

"Go ~"

The movement here is so big, it is estimated that many people will soon come over, Lu Li is moving forward quickly, trying to avoid the center of the storm vortex.


He kept on advancing and encountering enemies. What he said may not be spread at all, or it may be spread that no one cares.


Lu Li was angry. Since this group of people were jealous of his treasures, and they wanted to kill him, they were ready to be killed. He is not a good man, and no one listens to good words, so kill the ancient demons all the way.

After Lu Li made up his mind, he never hesitated, rushing all the way to the dead of ancient demons, slaughtering all the way. Everyone who is close to him, and anyone who wants to make his idea, will not say a nonsense, let Shenshan suppress all the way.

This time because of the Hongling Tianbao, the ancient demon came in deadly with too many people. Some small forces led a team from a divine power and took dozens of ordinary gods to dare to enter the muddy water and fish.

I have to say that these people are brave and can't do it for the sake of treasure.

Three days!

In just three days, Lu Li straddled millions of miles and encountered unknown warriors. He did not remember how many warriors he killed. It is estimated that there are not five thousand and three thousand. Anyway, as long as he dares to approach him, as long as he shows hostility to him, he will not say anything, and the mountain screams away, killing directly.

These three divine mountains are indeed treasures, and there are three divine mountains in it, and Lu Li is not afraid of any superpowers in the divine realm. Even if there are dozens of supernatural powers, Lu Li can let two gods protect him, and the other one suppresses and can easily kill a large area.

Shenshan's defense is terribly powerful. Many gods have attacked with super power, let alone destroy Shenshan, even if you want to push Shenshan back an inch.

Today, Lu Liqian's footsteps stopped, and his complexion became extra dignified for the first time ~ ~ Because a beautiful lady standing on the top of the hill in front blocked his way, if Lou Shi If you are here, you will definitely try to hook up with this lady, because this person's appearance and temperament are all extreme.


This person's combat power is also extremely high. Although it is more than ten miles away from this person, Lu Li saw her dark eyes like pearls, but she still felt heart palpitations.

Just looking at this person, Lu Li felt extremely dangerous. The only person who can make him feel this way is ... the Supreme God.

This person's eyes locked on Lu Li. Although he did not have a strong murderous look on his body, Lu Li could see at a glance that this person was definitely not a good person, most likely from the mountain.


ps: I wrote a day, wrote four chapters, deleted two chapters, and today I have two chapters.

Cavinka was aching, and he sorted out the outline at night, four chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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