The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1534: Bloodblade Hall

The road behind has been very calm. Although the Cao family is pursuing it, Lu Li's transmission speed is very fast.

Moreover, Lu Li changed his appearance. The human skin mask can't really detect the difference, unless the Supreme God can detect it.

Chi Xi'er also changed his appearance. The two had left the northern part of the Divine Realm at this moment, and many scouts of the Cao family did not spread here.

After spending more than ten days, Lu Li and Chi Xi'er finally arrived in a small town outside the Snow Eagle Mountains. Lu Li did not venture up the mountain. He believed that there must be a branch of the Blood Blade Church in this small town. He decided to contact the branch first to see if the Blood Blade Church took the order.

Chi Xi'er has been reluctant to enter Tianxiezhu, and Lu Li didn't force her behind. Anyway, I put her back in when there is a problem. At this moment, he has a strong self-confidence in his combat strength. Unless he is a powerful god, or two or three gods at the same time, he can easily resist with the help of the mountain. You can fly across the void to escape.

Accompanying Chi Xi'er for a meal in the small town, Lu Lishen thought quietly spread out in the city to investigate. He didn't take the liberty of investigating anyone, or went straight into some yards, which would irritate others.

He just quietly explored the streets and lanes, watching for some mysterious and strange places. Just half an hour, Lu Li withdrew the divine thought, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He found the Blood Blades Division!

This branch is not hidden at all, it can even be said to be semi-public, just in an alley to the north. Few people were passing by this alley. There was a dark house. There was a deep house courtyard in the middle of the alley. There was no guard at the gate, but a blood-red edge was engraved ...

But here is just a branch, even if it is found? If it's not obvious, how can someone contact Bloodblade? How to find Blood Blade Hall for business?

After eating, Lu Li and Chi Xier walked towards the alley. As soon as he entered the alley, Lu Li immediately sensed that several divine thoughts swept quietly, and felt that the wind was blowing. Coupled with this alleyway, Chi Xier shuddered and quickly took Lu Li's hand.

"do not be afraid!"

Lu Li smiled slightly and led Chi Xier toward the gate of Blood Blade Hall. The door was opened, and there was a cold hall inside. There were no furnishings in it. Most people felt intimidated if they looked at it for a few moments.


Lu Li strode toward the inside, Chi Xi'er was pretty pale, but she had a lot of courage to hold the hand that landed away, and gathered up the courage to follow.

There is nothing in the hall. There is only a gloomy hallway. The light in the hallway is very dim and long. Ordinary ordinary people must have no courage to continue.

"How does Bloodblade Tang do it?"

Lu Li stood in the hall and said coldly without expression: "A guest is here, don't know to say hello? Or maybe ... you're not doing business anymore?"

"桀桀 ~"

An eerie laughter sounded, I do not know where it came from, scared Chi Xier to shiver, and quickly drilled into Lu Li's arms.

The man laughed a few times and preached: "This noble guest wants to do business, please apply for the registration number. Or ... come in by yourself, our blood blade church does not do business with ordinary people!"

"Oh, really?"

As soon as Lu Li's eyes were cold, Chi Xi'er was scared enough to make him feel a little bit angry. The magic sword in his hand suddenly appeared, splitting sharply at the front. A large hole burst in the front wall, and Lu Ji and Chi Xier did not walk through the corridor, but directly penetrated the large hole in the wall into the large courtyard inside.

"咻咻 咻 ~"

There were many lofts in the courtyard, and dozens of warriors flocked out immediately. These people were obviously like killers, their whole bodies were shrouded in black armor, and only one pair of eyes could be seen. Although these people swarmed, they walked without any sound, and they all liked to walk against the walls and under the shadow of big trees. They looked like assassins walking in the dark all year round.

Lu Li, expressionless, stood in the courtyard with Chi Xier's crossblade. He swept around and found that the strongest here was only one supernatural power. He locked his eyes and laughed: "Your blood Rentang doesn't do business with ordinary people. It ’s not ordinary for me to come in like this? Do n’t be nervous. You are unintentionally provocative. Your yard is broken.

"Your Mightiness!"

The strongest old man came over spookily, his whole body shrouded in a black robe, and a pair of turbid eyes landed and departed: "It is not our courtyard wall that you broke, but the face of our Blood Blade Hall. Please Your Excellency gives us an account! "


Lu Li smiled lightly, and suddenly swept his sleeves, an invisible force suppressed down, suppressing everyone in the yard. At the same time, Lu Litian's three sacred mountains whistled out. Lu Li looked at the old man indifferently and said, "Is this explanation enough? If you don't want to do business, then you will not do well!"

"Om ~"

The power of land away from space disappeared, all the people were able to move again, and all the assassins were suddenly murderous. Lu Li actually suppressed them in the Bloodblade Church branch? This is a shame and shame for them.


The old man suddenly waved his hand and said to the assassins around him, "All back down, this is a noble guest, it is our rudeness."

This old man should be the head of the branch. When he spoke, everyone immediately retreated and disappeared into the rest of the attic.

The old man took off the cloak on his head, and bowed down, "The old eyes are clumsy, and the VIPs have been neglected. Please forgive me. Please follow me, our Bloodblade Church naturally does business."

The old man's attitude was sloppy and respectful, Lu Li's heart was a little bit confused, and Chi Xi'er was very puzzled. However, since the attitude of the other party has changed drastically, Lu Li's desire for Blood Blade Hall will certainly not be soaring.

He secretly guarded himself, and communicated with the eyes of Chi Xi'er, and collected her into the evil evil beads. Assassins are more powerful than ordinary warriors. This old man is the superpower of the **** world. He should still be a strong assassin. If he suddenly breaks down, Lu Li fears that Chi Xier is in danger.

Seeing Lu Li stole Chi Xi'er, the old man didn't say anything, smiled and walked towards a small castle in front. Lu Li secretly followed in, and three mountains behind him kept flying behind him.

"Ha ha!"

After the old man went in, he took the throne, and after the two maids came in and served tea, the old man said, "You do n’t have to doubt our ulterior motives. Our Blood Blade Church doesn't want to take its own life.


Lu Li slightly stumbled ~ ~ He heard something from this discourse, his eyes shone with cold light and asked: "Do you know my identity?"


The old man bowed slightly: "Lu Gongzi is full of gods, and the land of Mighty Swallows. Our Bloodblade Church also has a branch in the place of Youyan. We know a little about Lu Gongzi's fame. Knowing the identity of Lu Gongzi, we dare not have any disrespect for you. Our Blood Blade Church only deals in business, but we do n’t want to learn the artisan sect and Batianfu. We hope to be friends with Lu Gongzi. Our chief church owner once said After-Lu Gongzi is one of those who have the opportunity to change the world. "


After listening to the words of the old man, the cold light in Lu Li's eyes became more prosperous. The consequences of his identity exposure are very serious. If Blood Blade Tang colluded with the four super-god forces, he would not know how to die ...


PS: Chapter 5 is here.

(End of this chapter)

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