The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1539: Answer 1

Shenshan was bred from heaven and earth. I do n’t know how many catties it weighs. It can easily suppress the supremacy of the gods. A random collision can smash the bones of the demons who specialize in flesh.

The power of Shenshan is very horrible. If it is just an ordinary mountain, it will be crushed directly when it is hit by Shenshan. The general prohibition will be instantly broken when it is hit by Shenshan.

Lu Li is barely a master figure in the ban on the French Front. In his opinion, even the strongest ban will be a problem if it is hit by three mountains. At least there will be some strong reactions.

But apart from the light that just shined on the stone ladder, let alone damage, there wasn't even a trace of trembling. The prohibition in this stone ladder has surpassed Lu Li's cognition, so he feels that the world is not as simple as it looks, and it must have hidden countless secrets.

In the same way, he felt that the Seventy-two Shenzong was a superpower of the Divine Realm, and later learned that the Seventy-two Shenzong was actually nothing in the Divine Realm. When the master craftsmanship was fighting, the Lady Twelve Snow was not qualified to sit in the Accord on the second floor, which can be seen from here.

If the information is correct and Yinlong Mountain is indeed the territory of the Lu Ling family, then the strength of the Lu Ling family is beyond Lu Ling's imagination, at least their family is terribly strong in prohibition.


Lu Lidong used three sacred mountains to strike like this. If someone was on the mountain, he would have been shocked. Why didn't anyone show up?

Isn't this the landbuck family, it's just a monument? Just a place where a strong man lived in ancient times?

"Keep hitting!"

Lu Ling thought hard, and ordered Yaao and others to continue to strike. The three sacred mountains roared away, and violently rammed away towards the stone ladder again.

"Om ~"

The stone staircase lit up a thousand lights, and there was still no damage, but the three sacred mountains were rebounded away. Ya'ao never stopped. They struck a dozen times in a row like lightning, but the ending was the same.

"Don't hit the stone ladder, just grow bigger and hit the mountain!"

Lu Li thought about it and wanted to get tough. There is a ban on the stone ladder. Is it impossible for the entire mountain to have ban protection? The mountain was destroyed, and someone on the mountain would certainly be tempted?

"Om ~"

The three sacred mountains shone with light, all of them turned into Barry, and came from three directions with heavy shocks towards Yinlong Mountain.

"咻 ~"

Lu Li body retreated from the mountain in a flash, there should be a lot of prohibitions in the mountain, so if the collision caused the backlash of the prohibition, he would be dangerous on the mountain.


The three mountains carried the potential of wind and thunder, and the speed was too fast, causing space-level shocks. Lu Li's eyes widened, God's thoughts glanced, waiting for the shock.

"Woohoo ~"

At this moment, the mutation suddenly emerged

The heaven and earth aura in all directions gathered frantically towards the mountains, and then three golden hands phantom appeared on the top of the mountain. All three hands were more than a thousand feet tall, and they were arrested toward the three gods like lightning like three golden dragons.


Lu Li's eyes widened suddenly, his mouth opened slightly, and he was stunned again.

Because those three big hands have seized Shenshan, which is about to crash into Yinlong Mountain. These three gods that even the gods of the world can suppress, under the three big men are like little birds, easily grasped by the big hands, they can't even move.

Lu Li looked up at the three big golden hands, and his shock was beyond words. At this moment he felt like when he was a mortal, he saw the shot of the gods. The scene at this moment reminded him of the word "miracle".

Divine Realm Supreme Jade Sky, that represents the most powerful force in Divine Realm, but under the suppression of Shenshan, it is impossible to resist and be suppressed easily. I could only crawl out little by little, and eventually used a powerful mystery, and paid a huge price to escape.

From this we can see the strength of Shenshan. From Lu Li's point of view, Shenshan should be able to suppress most of the divine supremacy. The Divine Supreme is the most powerful warrior in the Divine Realm, but now these three golden big hands have subverted Lu away's cognition.

These three big golden hands easily grasped Shenshan, in other words, these three big golden hands can easily pinch the ordinary gods supreme?

Lu Li still had some self-confidence. He felt that his combat power was fair enough in the divine realm. At least he could easily kill the super power of the divine realm and suppress the general divine supremacy. You can flee at any time with the flying over the void, but in front of these three golden hands, Lu Li feels so small and feels powerless. These three big hands are too powerful to be contended.

"Om ~"

The big hand suddenly disintegrated in midair, and Shenshan could move again, but Lu Li never dared to control Shenshan to attack Yinlong Mountain, but immediately transmitted a message to Yaao to let Shenshan fly back.

The mountain was still calm and terribly quiet. After the mysterious strongman started, there was no action and no word came.

Lu Li thought for a moment, and bowed and shouted with the dragon's magical skill: "Sir, I have no intention of offending, but just want to go up the mountain to see Miss Lu Ling."

There was still silence above, when Lu Li thought there would be no response, an old voice suddenly sounded. The voice didn't ring in Lu Li's ears, but directly appeared in his soul, as if he was shocked by a thunderbolt: "Yinlong Mountain is forbidden, and no one will be seen. I will forgive you once this time when you are young. If you dare to attack indiscriminately, you will not be forgiven! "

The voice of the voice is very firm, giving an unquestionable feeling. Lu Li's eyes darkened, and he knew that if he dared to hit with Shenshan again, the next big golden hand would not grab Shenshan, but shot him directly.


Lu Li carefully read the old man's words and suddenly felt a sudden movement in his heart. He felt an unusual sense from the words.

Miss you young?

A large force's headquarters has been attacked. Will you forgive him because he is young? It's like if the Temple of Tu was entangled and had to go up the mountain to attack the prohibition of Kunlun Mountain, would the Temple of Tu handle it like this? Not to mention killing this person, at least punished? Otherwise, if things spread, everyone will come to slaughter the Temple ...

To that mysterious powerhouse, Lu Li is an ant.

Just now Lu Li shouted a few times, attacked the stone ladder more than ten times, and finally hit the mountain with Shenshan. This kind of behavior would be annoyed even with the strongest temper, and he would be punished at least if he did not kill Lu Li.

Why does this strong man show mercy to his men?

In addition, he just said that he wanted to see Ms. Lu Ling ~ ~ but the other party avoided it. If Lu Ling is not in the mountains, or does not belong to the Yinlong Mountain forces, he can completely say that there is no such person here.

Everything, let Lu Li more and more believe that Lu Ling is on the mountain, and now knows he is coming.


Lu Li's face agitated a little, and gave out a roar like a dragon and a tiger: "Sister, I'm Lu Li, and I know you're on it. I came to God's World from Dou Tian Jie, just to find you. I don't care what you are The reason didn't see me, at least answer me, sister! "

"Ticking, ticking ~"

On the top of Yinlong Mountain, a graceful woman was standing on the edge of the cliff, her face was covered with a veil, but at this moment two lines of tears fell silently, and the veil was wet.

A drop of tears fell down, floating in the air, blown by the breeze into a faint rain and mist ...

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