The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1541: Endlessly

Lu Li walked in the wilderness, his eyes a little blank. The sky gradually darkened, and his body fell into the night. There were no stars tonight, and the night was extraordinarily dark. He looked around blankly, blowing the night breeze, and a feeling emerged for a moment.

Where is the world, where is home?

After coming to the divine realm, he kept drifting around. There were only two places that made him feel at home, one was the artifact hall and the other was the slaughter temple.

The Lord of the Artifact Pavilion and the Elder Gu Taishang and the others were killed. At this moment, what the Artifact Pavilion became, Lu Li didn't know. As for the Temple of Slaughter, it is now a thing of the past, and Kunlun Mountain should now be occupied by other forces.

The vastness of the divine realm, the billions of deities, but Lu Li felt very lonely at this moment. In the divine realm, he felt like a rootless duckweed, floating around in the wind.

Divine Realm can't stay, go to Youyan's land, Youyan can't stay, and can only return to Divine Realm. I can't get the news of Lu Ling, but I haven't had the chance to meet him, and I can't even say a few words.


Lu Li felt very aggrieved and very upset in his heart. He jumped up a mountain and roared in the sky. The roar is endlessly lost, depressed, sad ...

"啾 ~"

In the distant woods, a group of violent birds was alarmed, soared into the air, and shouted from the sky towards the land. Some warriors nearby were also alarmed, and came to investigate in amazement.


Seeing a group of fierce birds coming, Lu was extremely unhappy at first, and took out the Slaughter Knife in a rage and chopped off suddenly. A blood-red light came on, and more than a dozen fierce birds were chopped down and slammed with a cry.


A group of warriors who wanted to come and watch was scared and changed their face. These fierce birds were not ordinary beasts, but they were killed by a dozen or so? The shouting roar just now revealed that Lu Xun's feelings were extremely bad, and naturally these people did not dare to approach the onlookers.

"咻咻 ~"

Lu Li chopped several knives in succession, killing all the hundreds of violent birds, and the radon in his chest was reduced a lot. He put away the sword of slaughtering monsters, turned to stealth with the Lingyin Warframe, and then quickly left.

Under Yinlong Mountain, he shouted his own name in anxiety, and if anyone nearby, he would definitely report immediately. Once it reaches the master craftsman, someone will be sent to track it immediately, so he must leave quickly.

He went to a small town overnight and teleported all the way, regardless of the direction of teleportation, teleporting at will. He just wanted to stay away from Yinlong Mountain so that his heart would not be so painful.

For three days and nights in a row, Lu Li didn't know where the teleportation went. He was tired and tired. After arriving in a small town, he casually entered an inn and fell asleep.


While Lu Li was asleep, many of the great forces in the entire world of God were not calm. Lu Roar's roars in Yinlong Mountain shocked some warriors.

Lu Li's Longyin skill easily covered a distance of 100 miles. During that time, a group of warriors passed by, which naturally shocked the group.

However, Yinlong Mountain is a forbidden area for many people nearby. The team of martial arts did not dare to approach, but just lurked nearby. I heard Lu Roar's roars later, and heard Lu Li's self-reported home.

Lu left the Land of Youyan for a few years, but things were too much trouble that year, and a deputy church owner died in the Shenzong Zongtang, so everyone in the world knows such a great thing.

So this team of warriors immediately went to the nearby city and sold the news to many great forces. The time and space government, the hall of life and death, the Tianji Pavilion, and the master craftsman all received the news.

There are more than a dozen Shenzongs in the east, and these great forces have also received news. The word Lu Li has affected many people's nerves, and many people are wondering if a new round of blood and rain is coming again?

Elder Leopard was removed from office, but was dispatched as soon as possible, and went to Tianjige headquarters. Many people from the Shenzong Sect quietly dispatched, and arrived in the east by the teleportation array of Time and Space.

More than a dozen people from the east of the Emperor Shenzong were dispatched, and began to secretly investigate Lu Li, as well as scouts from various provinces, and the whole world secretly searched for Lu Li.

For the artisans, the word Lu Li stands for humiliation!

Lu Li hid in the land of Youyan, and the God Craftsman was helpless and would not forcibly go and kill Lu Li there. But once Lu Li appeared in the divine realm, the master craftsman must find a chance to kill Lu Li and wash away his shame.

It is a pity that Tianji Pavilion has no blood left and can only send a large number of scouts to follow various clues. Lu Li Yirong was wearing a human skin mask and wearing a battle armor to cover his whole body. The breath is just the power of the divine realm. This is too much in the divine realm and it is very troublesome to investigate.


Under the linkage of countless large forces, some clues were found. For example, Lu Li continuously transmitted, and also transmitted more than a hundred times. The first transmission happened to be a small town near Yinlong Mountain.

According to this, a scion of the Sect followed him all the way, locking him in. There is no conclusive news, and this Sect's scout captain did not dare to report. He thought about going to Lu Lu first, and then quietly exploring. If he could be sure that Lu Lu, he would be rewarded again after he reported it to the God Carpenter.

After Lu Li slept for two days and one night, the scout captain locked the town where Lu Li was located, and directly arrived in the town by taking the time and space teleportation array.

He did not dispatch himself, and did not dare to act arrogantly. He took a disguise and lived in the inn where Lu Li was located. At the same time, he sent two other teams to move in separately and arrange for it.


He arranged for two groups of men to fight in the inn for a trivial matter, and both of them disguised as the grandfather's son. People on both sides of the inn acted, causing many inns in the inn to burst directly.

"咻 ~"

Lu Li's clothes were messy and flew out of a castle ruin. His eyes were full of Mori Han's murderous spirit, and the divine thought swept away in all directions for the first time.

When he saw that only two boys were jealous because of a beautiful woman fighting for the wind, and there were no strong men nearby, he was slightly relieved and flew down.

"White hair? This person is most likely Lu Lu!"

The eyes of the scout captain pretending to watch the battle flashed in the corner. Lu Li was asleep ~ ~. He was not wearing a battle armor. When the castle collapsed, he rushed out for the first time and forgot to hide the silver-white hair. . In addition to the clues tracked before, the scout captain made a decision in his heart.

"Well? Not good."

The captain of the scout just made a judgment, and a blood-red light shone. Lu Li actually shot, releasing the killing of the emperor and using the power of heaven and earth to suppress it.


The scout captain was not too powerful, and burst into a mist of blood. Lu Li split a few knives again and killed all the warriors in the two teams. After the slaughter of all the people, he quickly painted in the void.

Before flying across the void, he spread the word throughout the city: "Please help me to tell the Master Craftsman, I'm back. I want to report the revenge of the year, please let go. In addition, help me tell all the forces in the **** world, I don't want to cause trouble, any Help the artisans to chase down my forces, and I will stay with them forever! "



: There is a chapter in the evening, updated before 10 o'clock.

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