The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1559: Slaughter clean

"So amazing!"

Lu Li stood by the lake for three full days and three nights before he opened his eyes, his face full of sigh.

He now has complete control over this state, which should be an advanced level of the ethereal realm. It was because he had experienced too many things, the change of mood and the moment of coincidence that the mind was completely relaxed before entering the state!

"The ethereal realm, this state is more powerful than that, then call it mystic realm!"

Lu Li gave a name to this state, which is too mysterious to explain in words. Can be described as mysterious and mysterious, so Lu Li named Xuan Ling realm.

In the territory of Xuan Ling, Lu Li feels integrated into the nearby world. It felt like it was completely integrated, he was heaven and earth, and heaven and earth was him. If in this state, anyone wants to sneak up and assassinate him, even the Supreme Divine Supreme, he can sense it instantly.

Because he is integrated into this world, any change in the world cannot escape his induction. Previously he was particularly sensitive to space, judging by the abnormality of space. At this moment, he is judging by all the changes in the surrounding heaven and earth. Even if the enemy turns into a grain of sand, he can feel it.

In addition to being particularly sensitive to the surrounding space, Lu Li's discovery of the territory of Xuan Ling will definitely increase the speed of realizing the laws of heaven and earth.

Just like in the small world under the dragon vein of Kunlun Mountain, the laws of space there are extraordinarily clear, so he becomes particularly enlightened, and the space twist is enlightened in it.

of course!

All of this is inferred from myself. Whether or not it has this effect will be known after trying. It is said that the thousand and ten thousand are in a wonderful state, which cannot help him improve his combat power.


A weak voice sounded, Lu Li looked back and saw Chi Xi'er's face afraid, she reached out and grabbed Lu Lidao: "What happened to you just now? Why do I feel like you disappeared? You were so unreal just now, It looks like a stone ... "


Lu Li laughed and put Chi Xi'er into his arms: "Brother just realized a mysterious state, just integrated into the world, don't worry too much, brother will always be with you."

"Well ~"

Chi Xi'er smiled sweetly, and pulled his hand away toward the cabin. Back in the wooden house, Chi Xier said a little embarrassedly, "Brother, I'm hungry!"


Chi Xi'er's thick and shameful look made him happy. He got up and got busy, helped Chi Xier to cook some fish and shrimp, and accompany her to eat some, and the two walked into the wooden house again.

I realized a miraculous state. Lu Xinhua was in a good mood and did not practice at night. He accompanied Chi Xier to sleep together.

Chi Xier was a woman at first. She was very curious and enthusiastic about the joy of men and women. Although she did not ask for joy, she fell asleep and felt hot and soft. Shaking, pretty face is a little bit red ...

The beauty is emotional, this is the most beautiful scenery in the world, and it can make any man feel spring.

Lu Li is also a normal man. He had been suppressing his emotions before. At the moment, he let go of it, and he didn't care so much. Turning on your horse, the atmosphere in the room gradually became choked.

Ten days!

Lu Li did not practice, and she accompanied Chi Xier for ten days. She accompanied her around every day, grilling fish, swimming, hanging out, and doing things she loved to do at night.

Chi Xier feels that these ten days are the happiest ten days of her life. The young girl is in love and has always dreamed of being accepted by Lu Li. At this moment, the two are in love. There is nothing happier for her in this world.

Ten days later, Lu Li retreat, he sat by the lake and entered the state of mysterious spirit, and continued to realize the "sword marks" killing tricks. He has been enlightened for this killing move for a long time, and the remaining three true meanings have made some progress, but it is estimated that it will take a long time to fully understand the fusion.

Lu Li set up a magic gathering array nearby, so that he and Chi Xi'er could practice divine speed faster. He also gave Chi Xier a lot of soul nourishing elixir, which was what he could get by beheading several divine realms, which are all the top soul nourishing elixir.

Chi Xier was sitting next to Lu Li in retreat. She knew that Lu Li ’s enemies were very powerful, so she also hoped that her combat power would be improved and help Lu Li some more instead of becoming a burden on Lu Li.

Her talent is actually very high, and she can become the power of the gods at this age. This talent is not weaker than the wickedness of many genius lists of the gods.

She has a simple mind and has not been affected by the secular world. This kind of mind is actually more in line with nature, and the speed of understanding the laws of heaven and earth will be faster.

Xue Linger came back once, and she realized the ancient **** forbidden not far away. There are a lot of remaining ancient **** bans here, enough for Xuelinger to study for a long time.

Xiaobai has also been very comfortable lately. It penetrated into the high mountain and was covered with cyanite in all directions. It was so happy that it was ready to retreat here during this time until all the cyanite was eaten.


Lu Li's peaceful practice in Mount Weidi, but I don't know someone outside began to arrange a plot against him.

There is a very famous mountain in the south of Divine Realm, named Nanhai Yunshan. Recently, a small force in this mountain range was slaughtered cleanly. Old men, young women, men and women together, more than 20,000 people, were all slaughtered.

All the heads were piled together, piled into high mountains, and left a note-dare to provoke me to leave, kill no pardon!

The whole south of the Divine Realm shook, and then the whole Divine Realm set off a raging sea. Lu Li's ferocity once again shocked the world. This time, even the elderly and children were spared, and Lu Li's name of killing the gods was fully established.

The elder grandmother was furious, and personally took the elder leopard elder cow and a large number of strong men to the southernmost part of the **** world. The elder Wu vowed to kill Lu Li, otherwise he would resign from the master of the artisan suzerain himself and not be the elder of the battle hall.

In the southernmost part of the divine realm, the elders of the eunuchs mobilized a large number of sergeants, all the army troops were mobilized, and the world began to pursue land. And news kept coming, Lu Li appeared in the southern part of Divine Realm, and was almost caught several times ...

Lu Li was on Mount Weidi, and the small power in the southernmost part of the kingdom of God was certainly not his slaughter. In fact, this small force was secretly killed by the drug lords, and there were three purposes for doing this-the first to get rid of the calamity and cause anger. The second is to see if he can anger Lu Li and let him take the initiative. The third is actually to prove that Elder Chen and others have been in the south of Divine Realm recently to help them avoid suspicion!

"Lord Luo, everything depends on you and your brothers!"

In the mountains outside a huge city ~ ~ Farewell to the poisonous arch archer Luo Luo and the two dark temple elders.

Luo Yi waved his hand and said, "What is the poison brother saying? I and Lu Li have deep blood and resentment. Without killing Lu Li, I will not have to confuse myself in the realm of God. But ... this is done, hope poison Brother, do n’t forget your promise. "

"rest assured!"

The drug puppet waved his hand and said, "You don't understand the character of Elder Puppet, as long as you kill Lu Li, you will be enveloped in the future when you rebuild the dark temple."


Luo Yan's eyes flashed murderously, and he waved, "Let's go, let's go to the lower bounds, grab all the people and relatives of Lu Li, and slaughter all the creatures on the interface where Lu Li is!"


The eyes of the two elders also revealed their unforgettable hatred. Their relatives were all slaughtered by Lu Li. They could not help but want to enter the lower bound and slaughter everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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