The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1571: Returning non-clothing brocade

Under the reputation of the Nether Worm, it must be very terrifying. Emperor Emperor and the ancient master died in the hands of the Nether Worm. The 6 instinct was scared. He hurried from the void to Chaos Purgatory, and was about to succeed, but God made a huge joke for him. .

He was still thinking he was the darling of heaven, and his luck was scary, but now he was slammed. Emperor Emperor was said to have reached the power of the Divine Realm that year. Since Emperor Emperor could not carry the Void Worm, could he resist it?


6 The divine power runs away from the body, and he attempts to use the divine power to force all the Nether Worm out of the body, as long as it is out of the body, it will be fine.

It's just that if the Void Worm is so easy to force out, Emperor Hengdi will not die. 6 Divine Power runs past, and the Void Worm is not affected at all, because the Void Worm can become a Void, which is why the Void Worm can enter his body silently through the 6 Lie Thunder Armor.

Divine power passed, and the Netherworm did not respond. 6 Li ruthlessly took out the dagger, concealed the thunderbolt into his body, and then stabbed his thigh severely. He wanted to dig out a void bug directly.

"咻 ~"

Who knew that after the dagger was inserted, the Void Worm immediately dived away, and the rest of the Void Worm began to swim around, taking a sip and a sip. Nether worms are small and many, there are hundreds of them, 6 Li shook his head and gave up the idea, even if he cut off his arms and thighs.

Because the Voidworm has entered the head, unless he also cut off his head ...


The Nether Worm lurks inside the body. There is nothing to do with 6 Li. The divine power cannot shake it. He can only count on Xuelinger. Blood Linger is a spirit body, who can easily enter his body, maybe there is a way to deal with Nether Worm?

Blood Linger quickly penetrated into the tentacles, and walked through the body at 6 away. After a while, he heard the voice: "Master, sorry, I can't deal with these bugs. These bugs can become entities, not completely spirit bodies. Any way to kill them! "


Blood Linger is useless, so you do n’t have to try other spirits such as Ya'ao. Ya'ao's Pupae are all spirits, and they must not be able to deal with the Void Worm that owns the entity.

6 Unstoppable, transmitted a voice to Yaao, who came out of Shenshan and penetrated into his body. After a scent of incense, it returned to Shenshan, and there was no other way to pass 6 to it.

"If Dragon Soul can help, there may be a glimmer of hope!"

6 Centrifugal thoughts are silent in Dragon Soul, I hope Dragon Soul can help. However, the Dragon Soul is not under his control, and the Lord will be automatically protected only when the 6-soul soul is attacked. The rest of the time, the 6-soul can't be called ...

For a while, 6 Li had no choice but to give up. He thought of a solution that was not a solution, that was to cover the bugs with divine power and suppress them a little.

And these worms stopped eating for a moment, and seemed to need digestion? 6 Li felt a little relieved for a moment. If it was only this appetite, he could still stand it. The flesh and bone marrow that ate, he could use the natural treasures to grow up again, but suffered some.

"It certainly won't be that simple!"

6 It didn't take long for me to think that Hengdi had returned to the Nine Realms before he died? If the Void Worm is just this capable, then the Emperor Hengdi will certainly not die. It is estimated that the Void Worm will have other means.


After a few sticks of incense, the problem appeared at 6 away, because the Void Worm began to split, one became two. It used to be more than one hundred, but now it is more than two hundred ...

"No wonder the Emperor can't stop it!"

6 His face became paler and paler. He thought about gnashing his teeth and flying towards the distant beam of light. For the time being, regardless of the Nether Worm, he should not be killed for a while. He had to go to Chaos Purgatory, fight Luo Luo back or kill him, and then find a way to kill the Nether Worm.

He flew towards the beam of light, and when he arrived nearby, the white air currents outside the beams of light appeared to look like clouds. No wonder it would emit white light.

The white air flow slowly creeps and looks inseparable. 6 Li tries to approach with his hands. Now the white air looks like air flow, but it has an invisible force that prevents the 6 air from entering.


6 Leaving to follow the white air flow, looking for weak places in space. After flying for a while, he found one. The white airflow is relatively thin here, and a crack may occasionally appear.

"Too small to rush in!"

6 Li observed and gave up, and continued to wander around. After a while, 6 Li stopped. It wasn't that he found the weak space, but the Netherworm began to devour his body again.

Netherworms do not eat too much, because Netherworms are too small and too small, and Netherworms eat as if they were biting. However, more than two hundred Netherworms devoured at the same time. At 6 Li, the whole body was still cold and sweaty, and the whole body was shaking.

"Woohoo ~"

The Nether Worm just ate for a few tens of minutes and then stopped. 6 Li swallowed a few elixir. After waiting for a few centipedes, the Nether Worm began to divide again, and more than two hundred became more than five white ...


6 After biting his teeth and continuing to fly, he must grasp the time, otherwise when the Void Worm splits into tens, millions, only fear that he will be able to eat his flesh instantly, and he has no time for treatment.

He flew towards the distance, and after spending half an hour, he finally found a place. From time to time, there will be a huge crack. Although it will heal in a moment, if the 6 degree is fast, there should be a great chance to rush in.


After watching for a moment, 6 Li body rushed in like a sharp sword, a white light flashed, and then 6 Li now could not feel any scenes at all ~ ~ he ignored it, rushed forward and rushed forward, I don't know if I rushed for too long, he felt the light in front of him dim, and he slammed into the ground fiercely.


6 The first time to get away from the divine thoughts, glance around, and then cheer up. Because this place is vaguely familiar, it seems to be a dark prison in Chaos Purgatory.

Fire wood earth gold, ice wind dark soul thunder!

This is the tenth heaven of Chaos Purgatory. The Dark Prison is the eighth floor. As long as he descends from the Dark Prison and reaches the Golden Prison, he can enter the realm of the emperor.


6 Rising from the air, turned into a lightning and flew away. With his God-level power, the dark prison is too small for him, and he can't wait to go to the entrance of the dark prison to confirm that this dark prison is a familiar dark prison.

There are some dangers in the dark prison, which is extremely horrible for ordinary warriors, and it is not enough for the combat power of 6 away.

"That's right!"

When Liu Li reached the entrance and rushed out of the prison from the dark prison, Liu Li shuddered. There is a big mountain at the entrance of Feng prison, which is the one in his memory. He finally returned from the **** world successfully!


This time he was not returning to Yijin, otherwise he could call me Hu Hansan back.

He came back to save people, and he had hundreds of Netherworms on his body. Although he may have returned fortunately like the Emperor of the year, he may soon die.

"No matter, go to Golden Prison first!"

6 Li shook his head, this is not the time to think about it. Everything has a lot of unknowns. He must go to golden prison as soon as possible to see if Luo Yan and others are still there?

See ... Is his family member or relative still alive?

(End of this chapter)

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