The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1580: Green Valley Mountain

"Master, I'm sorry, just now the man suddenly burst out with a powerful force and raised the top of God Mountain. I didn't notice it for a while and he fled!"

Yaao controlled Shenshan to fly over to convey the sound. Lu Li did not blame Yaao. The divine supremacy has vast magical powers and numerous means. Didn't Yu Qingtian also escape?

Just now Luo Ming called Elder Chang to rush into the emperor's realm, apparently in order to tune the tiger away from the mountain and distract Lu Lu's attention, and he must have paid a great price.

Otherwise, he cannot escape immediately after escaping, and he should find a chance to attack Lu Li. He escaped immediately and was injured. There was no way to kill Lu Li, and he was afraid that Lu Li would kill him.

Lu Li sighed slightly, this time did not kill Luo Yan, it may be more difficult to kill him in the future.

And it will cause endless troubles, such as what Luo Ying said before leaving—when he comes next time, he will bring a lot of gods, and one person can keep the emperor's kingdom by Lu Li?

And it is estimated that next time Luo Luo will bring Elder Leopard and Elder Leopard, etc., when there are several divine supremacy, can he suppress them all? Obviously unlikely.

"Come here!"

Lu Li Shen roared, and several scouts flew in the distance. These were scouts of the imperial realm. Lu Li had ordered them to lurk in the vicinity, waiting for the call at any time.

"Great Emperor!"

Several scouts bowed, and Lu Li waved his hand: "Immediately mobilize a large number of scouts, monitor the Golden Prison, Ice Prison, Wind Prison, and report any strange strong man coming and strange situations, and report immediately!"

Scouts are not powerful enough to go to the wind prison. If I let scouts go to the dark prison, I'm afraid that they will all die in it. He doesn't have a good way to deal with it at present, but can only send someone to monitor it.

"咻 ~"

He himself quickly flew around the Golden Prison, searched, and after confirming that Luo Yan had fled back to the realm of the gods, he returned to the realm of the emperors. When he arrived at Shencheng, he did not summon to the law enforcement elder Lu Renhuang and others, and did not go to see Bai Qiuxue and others, but stood alone in the Shencheng castle for contemplation.

The Netherworm is constantly splitting, and he has no good idea yet. Although Luo Yan was repelled this time, it brought greater hidden dangers. He frowned into the word "Chuan", his face became a bit ugly, and he felt a little breathless as the mountains pressed against it.

"咻 ~"

He pondered for a long time and walked into a castle, which contained an altar and a statue, which was the statue of the Great Emperor Dou Tian.

He didn't know how to do a lot of things, and wanted to discuss it with the Emperor Dou Tian. Perhaps the fighting power of Emperor Dou Tian is not as good as him, but the Emperor Dou Tian has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, encountered many things, possessed a lot of wisdom in life, and it is always good to ask his opinions.

The statue lighted up quickly, and a mighty spirit spread out, and then the voice of the Emperor Dou Tian sounded: "Lu Li, are you back to the emperor's realm? It's so fast, what's the situation now?"

Lu Li bowed and said, "Yes, I have been back for a few days, and I have repulsed Luo Ye and killed his two men not long ago."

"Ah? Great!"

The Great Emperor Dou Tian was overjoyed, and the light in his eyes shone with emotion: "Lu Li is too good for you, and you have successfully returned to the Nine Realms, and you can repel the Supreme Divine Realm. How old are you, what are your future achievements? Maybe it can really subvert the four super-god forces and become the masters of the divine realm! "

"Master of the Divine Realm?"

The bitterness of Lu Li's face became stronger, he shook his head and said, "I am not the one who won the victory with you this time, but I ask you to help me find a way."


The Emperor Doutian heard that Lu Li had a bad tone and quickly asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lu Li was silent for a moment, and sighed, "Imperial, I am in the chaos of time and space ... Void Worm!"


The Great Emperor Dou Tian was shocked, and his tone became extra dignified: "You really hit the Nether Worm? Why are you so careless? This worm is one of the most poisonous poisons, and many powerful people in the **** world have died in the hands of the Nether Worm. "

"It doesn't make sense to say this now!"

Lu Li waved his hand: "Emperor, do you know if the Void Bug can be cracked? Can these bugs be killed?"


The answer given by Dou Tiandi made Lu Li's face even more ugly. He said: "Many people in history have been trapped in the Void Worm, but all are known to have died. At present, no one has announced that they can crack the Void Worm. Maybe someone Cracked, unknown to the world, maybe the four super **** forces have the ability to crack, but no one can crack the known situation. "


Dou Tian great emperor paused and said, "If you can return to Divine Realm, you may go to Green Valley Mountain Man, who is said to be the divine man who knows most about poison. This person is not strong, only Divine Realm. Power level, but his poison can poison the Divine Supreme. And he once killed a Divine Supreme, Megatron. But no one knows how he is related to the four super **** forces, if you go If you look for him, in case he has a good relationship with the master craftsman, he may have poisoned you directly ... "

"Lvgushan people? What a strange name!"

Lu Li's eyes flickered, and he was undecided that what Dou Tian said did exist. If the Green Valley Shanren has a good relationship with the Shenzong Sect, he is likely to be poisoned alive. Or the Lugushan people secretly notified the Godsmith Sect that they sent several strong men over to kill them.

Lu Li thought for a moment and talked about the second thing. He said, "The emperor, the Green Valley Mountain people will not talk about it. Luo Yan fled. He left a message before he left, and may bring a master. Zong ’s people went to the lower realm, he had to kill all the interfaces between the Nine Realms and the surrounding area. If this really happened, I would not be able to block so many people alone. If I came down to a few divine realms, I would n’t Way. "


The Emperor Dou Tian is also silent ~ ~ If the **** craftsman shameless, it is likely to send a few divine supremacy, with a large number of sergeants, all interfaces will be dangerous at that time.

It is very small for the gods to destroy several mortal interfaces. Mortals have a very strong reproductive ability. It only takes tens of thousands of years for this interface to reappear with tens of billions of human races. Therefore, the extinction of the world is nothing to the gods, just like the slaughter of a beast ...

"You have to go back to the **** world!"

After a while, the Great Emperor Dou Tian said: "You need to return to the God Realm as soon as possible. Before coming up from Thunder Prison, you place a strong restraint there and block the ascension channels. As long as the Nether cannot fly, the God Realm and the Nether Realm Without the bridge, they can't teleport the Nether. "

"Can this still happen?"

Lu Li was slightly confused, and the layout was simple. He could easily arrange a large array to seal the entrance of Leiyu Tongtian Mountain. However, if the seal is not released, the power of the Nine Realms can never rise.

"it is good!"

Lu Li contemplates for a moment, and decides: "I will go to Divine Realm as soon as possible, and temporarily seal the ascension channel. After I have the ability, I will stand firm in Divine Realm and then unlock it ..."


Lu Li's body was gradually filled with murderousness, and he whispered, "Luo Ye was secretly instructed by the Master Zong this time. When I enter the **** world, I will let the Master Zong pay the price. And he will make this public. , Let the artisan Zong Qianfu point, the smell is unheard! "



: Did anyone play today's headlines? Lao Yao recently got a headline, and his name is Yao Ye. Someone who plays today's headline, search for "Yao Ye" and pay attention to the wave. The old demon will post some Dragon Emperor related things on the headline.

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