The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1586: Green Valley Mountain

6 Li soon had a second operation, also in the southern part of Divine Realm, destroying a Divine Material base.

This base is owned by the God Craftsman. There are 50,000 to 60,000 troops stationed here, and two god-level powers. All except the miner's miscellaneous service, all were slaughtered by 6 away.

6 Li also engraved the word with a long sword, indicating that it was his doing. Those miscellaneous personnel fled, and the matter was aired, and the divine realm was boiling again.

6 Li is not a joke, he is really going to fight against the master craftsman sect, and he will destroy all the forces of the master craftsman sect.

Many members of the Shenzong Sect are in danger of themselves, and countless requests for help came to the city of Shenzhang, asking for the divine supremacy to sit in the town.

Many sub-powers have no divine supremacy. From now on, they can easily kill the divine power, and there is no shadow to go. Who knows if he will come to the door and slaughter everyone?

The master of the artisans and masters made a response, sent a lot of divine supremacy, and went to the main forces to sit down.

However, Luo Zheng returned to the **** realm and will report on the chaos purgatory. This matter makes many strong masters of the master craftsman feel tricky, because 6 li can actually suppress the divine supreme? Although Luo Yan's combat effectiveness is not good, he is also a real God Supreme.

In the event that one of the gods sent out is beheaded and killed by six or two, the face of the master craftsman will be completely lost. What can the Master Craftsman do? There is no 6-leaf now. The 6-leaf may attack the rest of the forces at any time, and can only send the Supreme God to guard it.

No offense at 6!

He wanted to keep attacking, but if it was delayed, he would soon die. Void bugs would double in just one or two bodies, and he had no time to delay.

He disguised himself as he teleported all the way. He went to the west of Divine Realm. He didn't have time to find Chi Xi'er and Xiaobai. He went to look for the Lugushan people.

Green Valley Mountain people are in Kaiyun House in the west of Divine Realm. There is a large Green Valley over there. Green Valley Mountain people will call themselves such an nickname.

The teleportation went smoothly, and the 6-skinned human skin mask helped him a lot. As long as he did not encounter Divine Supreme, he could not reveal his identity. There are only so many divine supremacy at this moment, all of them are stationed in the major forces, and 6 can't leave the main city, unless they have very bad luck.

Continuous transmission, non-stop day and night, it took half a month and 6 to finally arrive at Kaiyun House. After resting for a long time in a small town, he went out to Green Valley.

Before 6th, I went to Bloodblade Hall and looked for a way to crack the Void Worm. Bloodblade Hall had no way. The Lugushan people have information and they are indeed the first people in the realm to use poison.

If the Lugushan people have a relationship with the God Craftsman Sect, or with the four major **** powers, this trip is very dangerous. But he was about to die, and he had no choice but to come here to try his luck.

"Sure enough, there is a big green valley!"

Upon arriving outside the Green Valley, 6 Li Shennian quietly scanned it. Now there is a huge valley inside, all of which are green trees, without any flowers, and the inside is green.

6 Li did not venture into the valley. He sensed that there was a dark whistle at the mouth of the valley, and walked outside the valley to archway: "Under the master craftsman Luoyang, please see the Green Valley Mountain People."

6 Li reported a fake name, and wanted to explore the relationship between the Lugushan people and the Shenzong sect. The lurking dark whistle appeared outside, glanced for 6 minutes, and said, "What proof do you have?"

6 Li smiled indifferently, "Do any people in this world dare to impersonate my Godsmith?"

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the obituary."

The whistle groaned for a moment, turned around and turned in, and his attitude was not respectful from beginning to end. 6 From the heart, it seems that the relationship between Shenzongzong and Lugushan people is not particularly good.

After half an hour, the talent came out, and 6 Li was not only a little bit annoyed, but also more at ease. The Lugu Shanren aired him for half an hour, which shows that the relationship with the God Carpenter Sect is really bad, otherwise how dare to air it for so long?

"This lord!"

The whistle came out and arched slightly: "My mountain family said that he was refining a strange poison. This is the crucial moment. If there is something important, let me convey it. If there is nothing important, please come back."

"it is good!"

6 From the heart, the relationship between the Lugushan people and the Shenzong ancestors is obviously not good, but they do not want to be evil with the Shenzong people.

He grinned: "I didn't come from the Master Craftsman Sect, but I personally came to the mountain to ask for medicine. Whatever the price is, I only want to see the mountain side, and I can also give it with my hands."


There was a slight movement on the dark whistle, and he nodded and turned in again. This time it was only two hours of fragrant incense, and he returned, making an inviting gesture and saying, "This adult, please come with me, my mountain family promised to meet you."

6 Li spit out a little breath, if Lugushan people do not see him, things will be troublesome. It is impossible for him to break in forcibly, but the poison of the Lugushan people can poison the Supreme God.

Follow this dark whistle and walk in all the way. The dark whistle accounted for 6 Li to follow him all the time. Do not touch anything inside, otherwise it may be poisoned.

"Sure enough a lot of poison ..."

6 Walk and observe all the way, now there are faint smoke in many trees, and some leaves are obviously poisonous. If you want to sneak in this place, you may not know how to die.

After walking for more than ten miles, I arrived at a house in the center of the valley. Many people can be seen here. They should be the people of the Lugushan people. Those who saw 6 Li were very indifferent and did not take a closer look. They were arrogant.

In the end, 6 Li entered a large manor house and met the Green Valley Mountaineer. This is an old man in a green robe, with a stingy spirit, a neatly groomed head, and the meter does not look like a master of poison at all.

"The younger generation has seen Shan people!"

After paying respectful salute after entering, Ligushan people glanced at Liu Li for a few glances, and his face became a little gloomy. He said, "You are not a man of God Craftsman. Who are you? Offensive God disciples? "


6 Slightly from the heart ~ ~ Lvgushan people actually saw at a glance that 6 is not a man of the artisan? Could he see through his mask? It just senses the breath of the Lugushan people, it should only be a god-level power level.

When he was hesitant at 6 Li, when he didn't know how to talk back, Lugu Shanren's eyes flashed, and he suddenly sneered and said, "I guessed this, you should be the 6 Li that is full of gods right now, huh, you dare Come to this place? Don't you be afraid that this place will kill you and get a bounty from the Master Craftsman? "


Although I don't know how the Lugushan people saw his identity, 6 Li still secretly admired, and at the same time he was completely relieved. The Lugu Shanren has such an identity. Since he can say such things, he would not do such a thing.

6 Li's hand was wiped on the skin of his face, revealing a real smile and said, "The junior was chased and killed by the master craftsman and had to be careful. Tang suddenly broke the mountain people to forgive him. 6 Someone who dares to come to the mountain is ready to gamble. One, I bet on the character of the Shanren. If the Shanren wanted to kill 6 in exchange for a bounty, 6 could only confess his fate. "


The Lvgu Shanren laughed loudly and stunned the long beard and said, "No wonder you can make such a big noise, it really is a personal thing. You don't need to excite this seat. This kind of thing can't be done, let's say, what's the matter with you? "

6 Li bowed again and said: "Some time ago, Luo Ling went to the lower bound to capture my clan. I had to escape from the lower bound of the void. As a result, the void bug was hit. At this moment, the void bug in the body has reached more than 200,000. Any way, I heard that the mountain people have great magical powers to come to ask for help. If the mountain people can save my life, what conditions the mountain people say but it doesn't matter, 6 will be fully satisfied. "

(End of this chapter)

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