The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1595: Too late

go with!

6 Hesitating again and again, decided to venture to Bright City.

He didn't directly confront Shikongfu before, so Shikongfu should not think he would kill Zuo Qiuyan. After all, he and Zuo Qiuyan are innocent and innocent, and they will not be idle to provoke Shikongfu.


He killed Qiu Qianjun. At this moment, according to common sense, it should be a low-key lurking, not to kill Zuo Qiuyan in the bright city not far away.

According to this calculation, the time and space government should not expect his whereabouts. Then Bright City is at most a divine supreme, as long as he is careful, there is no problem.

In order to be safe, 6 Li still decided to disguise an identity, entered the Bright City quietly, then locked Zuo Qiuyan, and fled immediately after a single hit.

Wanting to establish an identity is very simple, 6 Li found that a patriarch of a small family was going to Bright City. He sneaked into this small family easily, then stunned their patriarch, threw it into the Celestial Pearl, and took the patriarch's invitation and identity token.

Today is the day of the wedding of the Shaocheng Lord of the Bright City. Zuo Qiuyan will inevitably appear. Six miles are not teleported, but walk from outside the city and then enter the city from the north gate.

Because of the invitation, 6 Liqi breath converged and reached the power of the divine realm, the sergeant outside the Fort of Light did not ask much. 6 Li entered the castle easily, and was also arranged to sit down on a golden platform in the square.

6 Li disguise is a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and looks very burly. The people sitting next to him are also powerful in the divine realm. It is strange to see 6 Li.

"Who is this?"

An old man asked for a moment, and Liu Li glanced at him with a smile, and said, "My lord is a noble man, and he forgets things, we have seen it last time."

The old man was a little embarrassed, and then he shouted, "Oh, it's you, remember."

The rest of the gods could see 6 Li indifferently, and did not mean to say hello to them. They were also very indifferent to 6 Li, and each whispered in a low voice. No one ignored 6 Li.

6 Li alone drinking wine, waiting for the ceremony to begin, waiting for Zuo Qiuyan to appear.

Xie Jun, the young master of the bright city, came out a long time ago. He is a good-looking younger brother, and his combat strength is not bad. He has reached the power of the divine realm. However, his temper is more arrogant, and only entertains some big people. 6 can't even come here to call one.

He is usually over-estimated, looks pale, and floats. Today is the day of his big wedding, and his eyes drift away from time to time to the beautiful lady ...

"The Snow Maiden is here!"

"The twelfth son of Yanyuloulou is here!"

There was a rumbling outside the castle, and 6 Li slightly stumbled. Why did these two come? Are they friends with the Lord of the Bright City Shaocheng?

Many people got up and greeted each other. Six Li didn't get up, just glanced at it slightly. When he saw Lou Twelve and Xie Jun shouting haha, Snow Maiden indifferent salute, he knew that it was probably the same as the 72 Gods, and came to hold a field.

6 Li didn't mean to say hello to the two, Zuo Qiuyan hadn't come out yet, he was identified at the moment, and the following things became yellow. Besides, he is here today to kill, and acknowledging the two will affect both.

It just so happened!

The seat where the two were arranged was not too far away from the distance of six, and Lou Twelve glanced intently when he sat down, and arched a few hands with a few people, and did not recognize the six.

Snow Maiden gave a slight glance, and she didn't look at them at 6 eyes, but when Snow Maiden looked at him, she paused for a moment, and there was a hint of hesitation in Mei Mei's eyes.


6 Slightly staggered, he easily contained it completely, and his body changed slightly, becoming a little bit more powerful. The mask on the face cannot be seen without the Supreme Divine Supreme, and the Snow Maiden can actually see the problem?

After a short absence, the Snow Maiden took her eyes away, and a son next to him came to say hello to Lou Twelve and the Snow Maiden, especially when she looked at the Snow Maiden.

I haven't seen it for many years, the Snow Maiden has got rid of her youthfulness and become more feminine. Especially the coldness in her bones, rejecting people thousands of miles away, more attractive to men's sense of conquest.

Easy to get, often not worth cherishing. The more you can't get it, the more you want it.

Men all have the desire to conquer. If this iceberg beauty can be melted, I am afraid that many men will have a great sense of accomplishment.

Even Xie Jun, the master of Shaocheng, came over, toasted himself and said a lot of ambiguous words, his eyes were waiting for the Snow Maiden not to leave.

After waiting for a while, the flies finally dispersed, and the Snow Maiden suddenly got up to toast the people nearby, making Lou Twelve and others so confused. Snow Maiden is in such a good mood today? She does not need to toast with others at all.

"It still seems a little skeptical ..."

6 A little sigh from the heart, the Snow Maiden took the initiative to toast to him, and to respect others in order to cover people's eyes.


After half a lap, Mrs. Snow walked to 6 away and picked up Mrs. Snow and said, "This adult is a bit familiar. Have we met?"

"Ha ha!"

6 Li stood up and held up a glass of wine: "I also have some impressions, it seems that I have seen the saint outside the tomb of Yuedi?"


Lou Twelve staggered slightly, then the eyes rose sharply, and his face showed excitement. 6 Li fainted a glance at the past, and stopped Lou Twelve with his eyes.

After drinking a glass of wine, he sat down indifferently, glanced at the Snow Maiden and said, "Sometimes, drink a little, there will be a lot of people to toast, I heard that there are big figures in the time and space government . "

"it is good!"

Xue Shengjiao flickered slightly, and returned to her seat. She and Lou Twelve looked at each other, their faces became bitter.

6 Li appears here ~ ~ and also named Shikongfu, it seems that he came from the time and space government, something will happen today.

"Go ~"

6 Li quietly made a gesture, which meant that the two left first. Lou Twelve glanced at the Snow Maiden, but the latter did not move like a mountain, and Lou Twelve could only give a bitter smile.

"The Elder Qi of Time and Space is here, and the son of Zuo Qiu is here!"

With a report from outside, most of the people in the square immediately got up. One of them came, but the elder of Time and Space Mansion, the Supreme Divine Realm. The other is the first of the younger generation and the favorite grandson of Zuo Qiurong, the vice-owner of Time and Space.

6 Li also stood up, and he quietly began to lean towards Zuo Qiuyan. With a smile on his face, he seemed to want to make Zuo Qiuyan?

At the same time, a worm under 6 feet silently submerged into the ground. Zuo Qiuyan must have the treasure protector. 6 Li was preparing to take a two-pronged approach to kill him in one fell swoop.

Elder Qi and Zuo Qiuyan stood side by side, their eyes swept over the group of people around them. He came to protect Zuo Qiuyan. As for the rest, he was too lazy to deal with it and ignored it.


When he glanced at 6 miles, he suddenly froze slightly because he was wearing a mask, and the face under the mask was also a little familiar.

"not good--"

Elder Qi looked like an angry lion with his mane upright, and his eyes were full of murderous intentions. A long knife in his hand appeared instantly, and his murderous body burst out violently. He roared: "6 away!"

The elder Qi's roar shook a group of people and caused a lot of pain in the eardrums, and stunned a lot of people. Zuo Qiuyan was also a little stunned. He said in surprise: "Grandpa Qi, what is 6 away?"

Grin with a grin, and looked at Elder Qi remotely: "Elder Qi, you are too late ..."

(End of this chapter)

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