The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1606: No more

Lu Li did not accept the two as soul slaves, but made them both Wang Tuo's soul slaves. His control of Wang Tuo was equivalent to controlling the two. He did not give an order. How could Wang Tuo dare to return the soul seal of the two?

Discussed with the two and left, and went outside the city. It is not difficult to kill the two gods with super powers, but Lu Li doesn't want to make a little noise and doesn't want anyone to notice. After all, his famous killing tricks are so obvious that they will be recognized when they are seen.

He went to a valley thousands of miles away in accordance with the agreed place, and then he did nothing and waited quietly for the Lu family to arrive.

Half a day later, a burst of air rang out in the distance, Lu Li's eyes suddenly opened, and the invisible Spirit Armor appeared, and his body disappeared in place.

Four shadows came flying, as fast as rainbow, Lu Li didn't glance with divine thought, but just sensed space fluctuations. There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. The four people who came were obviously the four supernatural powers in Crescent City, and the city owner tricked the two powerful Lu family members.

Lu Ling was easily locked by the four spiritual thoughts. A brunette-haired old man glanced at Lu Li with some confusion, because the city owner said that he had found the elderly Yanshan. The old brown-haired man was a little skeptical. Lu Li's life was too young, so he looked like an old man in Yanshan. The old man in Yanshan was a strong man who became famous thousands of years ago.

However, the powerful men of the city and the king's family had flew away, with weapons in their hands, ready to attack the landing. The old brunette and the other strong could only follow.

"Not right!"

When rushing into the valley, the old brown-haired man changed his face, and he found the problem-Lu Li had no movement at this moment, and the city lord and Wang Jiaqiang had rushed into the valley without attacking, but looked back at them.

The old man with a brown hair abruptly stayed in place, the other strong man followed, and looked at the city owner and Lu Li with vigilance.

"Om ~"

Lu Li opened his eyes at this moment, as if a sharp sword was pulled out of the scabbard, the eyes were so sharp that the old man felt heart palpitations.


Lu Li slammed his hands suddenly, a terrible world repressed. At the same time a sword appeared in Lu Li's hand, his body leaped like a tiger, and the long knife cut through the sky and chopped off suddenly.

"Hey ~"

The edge of the sky shone a razor torn through the void and split it at the speed of thunder. This slash also carried the momentum of mountains and rivers, and the brown-haired old man was out of breath. Moreover, a deadly crisis emerged from the souls of the two people, which made them feel like the killing tricks of the owner of Xingyue Island.

"Hey ~"

Daoman turned twice in mid-air, and the suppression of the power of heaven and earth became even more horrible, and the old man with brown eyes showed despair. Because he tried it, his body couldn't move at all, and he could only watch the sword split.

"Turn around? This is the ghost king cut? This person is not an elderly Yanshan man, but ... Lu Li!"

At this moment, the old brown-haired man suddenly figured out something, and he shouted with all his strength: "Master Lu, don't kill me, talk about everything!"

Lu Li didn't stop because there was no point in talking. He didn't want anything, and he didn't want to collect soul slaves anymore. Moreover, he promised Wang Tuo's father, and the Lu Yuer made him very disgusted with the Lu family, so he tried to kill him.


With a dull blast, the old man with brown hair turned into blood mist, the superb artifact armor of his body was split, and the whole person became fluttering.


Wang Tuo's father and Wang Jiaqiang were slightly stunned. Lu Li was called the first person under the Divine Supreme on the other side of the Divine Realm, and it really wasn't an idiot.

But think about it, this is the ghost king's cut, the ghost king's fame. The King of Ghosts is one of the nine **** kings in the land of Youyan. It is a well-known strong man in the land of Youyan. The combat power is definitely no worse than the worship of the gods.

The strongest killing move of the ghost king, if the Supreme Divine Supreme is released, the general Great Divine Supreme can easily slaughter. Lu Li's realm is a little bit worse, but it's too easy to slaughter the superpowers of God.


Another Lu Jiaqiang, taking advantage of the power of the heavens and earth at the moment to disturb his movement, desperately released the attack. He did not ask for forgiveness or surrender. The head of his family was killed, and the Lu family was doomed to ruin. Even if he knelt and died in this place, he would not look at him, so he might as well fight hard.


The Lord of the City shot early, and his body flashed like a ghost, appearing behind him, slamming his palm on his back, and knocking him out.

The latter thing is simple, Lu Li releases the power of the world to suppress, and then easily slaughters the supernatural power of the Lu family.

"咻 ~"

Lu Li withdrew after killing, leaving a sentence: "Send someone to block the news. If my identity is passed on, it will be the day when you and Wang Tuo die. You will also send someone to the divine realm. Pay attention to the movement. I do n’t watch the process but the results. I just want to live quietly here for a while. When the strong come from the divine realm, your royal family is over. ”

"Yes, sir!"

The city owner and another person bowed to take their lives, and then they quickly turned around ~ ~ and found more than ten people nearby. They didn't even ask, they killed them directly.

Just now Lu Li's attack was too powerful, and all the warriors in the vicinity of a hundred miles should have seen it. Lu Li's dagger turned twice in mid-air. Such a weird attack pattern can easily be guessed as being cut by the ghost king, and then suspected to be Lu Li.

Therefore, the city owner would rather miss the wrong kill, but Lu Li said that if his identity was revealed, it would be the end of the royal family.

After a circle in the vicinity of hundreds of miles, the two found more than ten people. The ten or so people were far away from each other, and they may not be able to see them, but the two still asked nothing and killed them directly!

It was determined that no one near the city had returned to the city. After returning to the city, the owner issued an order. The whole city tracked down the old man in Yanshan and found that the old man in Yanshan rewarded millions of gods.

Rumors spread in the city's main house that the city owner and the head of the Lu family took a divine superpower to hunt down the old man in Yanshan. As a result, the two strong men in the Lu family were killed by the old man in Yanshan.

The city owner has teleported to Xingyue City, asking the island owner to take action, kill the old man in Yanshan, and take revenge for the dead.

The old man in Yanshan is very famous. It is true that the rumors are really ruthless and powerful. After the incident spread, no one doubted it, but many people did not dare to leave the city. What if they were killed by the elderly in Yanshan?

A few days later, the news came out of Xingyue City, and the owner of Xingyue Island gave an order in anger, and the entire Xingyue Island began to hunt down the elderly Yanshan.


Lu Li has returned to Tianxing Island, and then scolded after receiving the news-Tiantuo's father's move was somewhat superfluous. If the news reaches the old man of Yanshan, this person will definitely be furious, and then he will take the initiative to find Crescent City ...


There is no way to think about it. It doesn't make sense to think too much. If the old man of Yanshan appears, Lu Li can only take his own life to end his life.

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