The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1649: A big irony

"Who is this person? He actually defeated Master Pan He with one move?"

"This person has the smell of our demon? Why attack Master Pan He?"

"Do not care who this person is, kill this one!"

"Quickly report to the emperor, this person is very strong, we are afraid we can't stop it!"

Lu Li hacked and killed an eight-winged demon, which caused a great shock in the demon army. The eight-winged demon exists at the lord level and is also a top power in the devil world. Except for the three ten-winged demon, the eight-winged demon is the top existence, unless the peak of the human race is strong, otherwise they will not be killed.


Lu Li shot like a mad dragon. After approaching the demon army, he immediately released the power of space to suppress it. Numerous demons in the air were suppressed immediately and could not move at all.

"Space twist!"

Lu Litu's magic sword continued to wave, and the waves of space scattered away, and the demons were hanged. Closed for thousands of years in the space-time black hole, Lu Li's space power has increased, and it's too easy to hang a common two-wing and four-wing demon.


The remaining two eight-winged demon blasted like ghosts, a demon body disappeared in the air, and turned into a cloud of black mist. in.

There is also an eight-winged demon attacking head-on, with a huge black mist appearing on his body, continually condensing the demon's breath to hit a huge black dragon.

"Om ~"

The flying hill around Lu Li immediately became larger and blocked in front of him. He closed his eyes and looked for the lurking demon lord through the demon breath in his body and the space fluctuations.


His slayer knife suddenly split into the sky on the left, and a red light broke through. An eight-winged demon appeared in the sky just now, and when he came out, he saw a red light, a world of blood. The evil spirit has invaded his body and soul, making him unable to defend at all, and can only rely on the physical body to resist the horrible swordman.

"This, this is the legend ... I really want to kill the emperor!"

The demon suddenly woke up and shouted loudly, but the knife gas had been split on him. He was severely split and flew out, and half of his shoulders and several wings were actually cut off by the knife gas.

"What do you mean by killing the emperor?"

Another eight-winged demon's face changed greatly, and he looked away in horror and murmured: "It is dead to kill the emperor. It is absolutely impossible for such a young man to kill the emperor. Is it a reincarnation?

Shouting the last word, the eight-winged demon didn't even care about anything, waving his wings and turned away. He was too fast. Lu Li wanted to hunt him down, but it was too late, and he could only release the true intention of killing the emperor again to kill the heavily-occupied eight-winged demon.

"Kill the Emperor and reincarnate? Run away!"

"Kill the emperor, is that the killer who slaughtered our hundreds of millions of people? Quickly withdraw!"

"Here comes the emperor, run, run!"

All the demons were terrified, and immediately fled their wings and fled away. The eight-winged demon can't be hunted down, how can these low-level demon be let go? Lu Li once again released the suppression of the force of space, and then released the space twist and slaughtered one by one.

"嘭 嘭 嘭 ~"

Looking at the numerous demons not far away being slaughtered, as easy as slaughtering pigs and dogs, Wang Shun and Xilai and others were so excited that they couldn't join themselves. However, Lu Li continued to suppress with the force of space, and they couldn't move anymore and had to stop. Moreover, Lu Li is killing demons so quickly. Their joining the war is of little significance and will affect Lu Li.


The house owner Mei Yun and others have another feeling. Before that, everyone felt powerless and desperate in the face of the demon, all held a mortal heart, and the soul was full of fear.

Now so many horrible demons, under Lu Lidao, are as irresistible as pigs, dogs, and poultry, allowing Lu Li to slaughter. In addition to their deep shock, they also have a strong pleasure.

What a pleasure!

The demon army siege the city slightly, already occupying nearly half of the territory of the divine realm. How many people did they slaughter? The latest battles of the Terrans have been extremely defeated, and they have been defeated for thousands of miles. Now Lu Li slaughtered the demons so arrogantly, making them feel exasperated.

Half an hour!

Lu Li slaughtered for half an hour, and every time he released Space Strike, he could kill one or two thousand demons. Around half an hour, the blood of the corpse has turned into a sea of ​​blood. The black blood of the demon has gathered into a river and poured into Meixi Lake, making the lake water smelly and dark.

At half an hour, Lu Li slaughtered hundreds of thousands of demons at least, and the remaining demons fled. Lu Li can use the force of space to suppress, but the force of space will be chaotic when attacking, so inevitably let some demons escape.

"call out!"

Lu Li confirmed that there were no demons nearby and flew down, standing in front of Xilai. Xilai quickly knelt down on one knee, and everyone behind him bowed down to salute. Wang Shun rushed to the knees with several strong members of the family and shouted, "See you!"

Mei Yun and others were a little embarrassed because Lu Li was a thief. This title was jointly announced by Lord Ji and the four super-god forces. Did he come to salute or not?


Mei Yun thought about bringing someone to bow and salute, and did not kneel: "Mei Yun sees the Lord, thank you for your life-saving grace."

"Let's all get up!"

Hundreds of thousands of demons were slaughtered. There was no look on Lu Li's face. He waved his eyes and looked at Wang Shundao: "Wang Shun, what about my wife?"

"Om ~"

Xilai hurriedly took out Tianxiezhu and handed it to Lu Lidao: "Master, Madam is here!"

Lu Li took the Tianxie Zhushen and swept in. After seeing Xi Xier's quiet practice in it, a smile appeared on his face. He thought about it and let it go.


As soon as Chi Xi'er came out, she woke up immediately. She looked around after she came out, and when she saw tears like rain, she rushed over and rushed into Lu Li's arms.

"Xier, stand, don't move!"

Lu Li stopped him, and said plainly: "I have a devil's breath on me, now you can't touch me!"


Chi Xi'er has been a little ignorant in Tianxiezhu, and Lu Li didn't explain to her in detail ~ ~ explained: "Xier, you go to the land of youyan with the elders from the west, and go to Miss Pan Yuqin , When my business is done, I will go to you again! "

"Brother, do you want to leave me again?"

Chi Xi'er was wronged for a while, and Lu Li had been holding her in Tianxiezhu some time ago, and she was very resentful. We're going to be separated now? Her heart was broken.

"Xier, listen to me!"

Lu Li's face became somber, and Shen Sheng said, "Xier, now the demon invades, the divine realm is suffering, and the human race is haunting. Countless human races are dying. Look at the demon corpse outside. I don't want to be with you, I need Fight the demons, save more human lives, save the gods! "


Chi Xi'er's thoughts swept outward, and her complexion suddenly turned pale. She and Lu Li looked at each other and cried and said, "Brother, you must come back soon, you must be good."

"Relax, as long as you don't encounter those three ten-winged demon, no demon can kill me!"

Lu Li said confidently, he looked at the west and said, "From the west, I have given Xier to you. You must safely send her to Panwang City."

"Relief, adults!"

Xilai nodded heavily and said, "If there is anything wrong with your wife, we will all raise our heads and see you!"

"I went!"

Lu Li took a deep look at Chi Xi'er, and his body rose into the air, leaving a sentence: "The four super **** forces cannot protect you, my thief Lu Li ... to protect the people of the gods today!"

Lu Li turned into a streamer and flew away. Mei Yun and others were ashamed and ashamed, but they were still skeptical about Lu Li just now? Thinking of Lu Li, Mei Yun felt a hot pain on her face.

The four super-god forces can't protect the people of the gods. Now they actually rely on the human thief to protect the people. This is really ... the great irony!

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