The situation in the city of the artisans is indeed very serious. All the sergeants in the city are dead. There is no one left!

It wasn't that the camp screamed again, and the sergeants killed each other. These sergeants were all beheaded by Zuo Qiulu, because the sergeants were so weak that they were almost demonized. If it is not killed, it will become a demon slave, which will make the city chaotic.

Hundreds of thousands of sergeants, most of them master craftsmen, Luo Yan could only watch them die.

Luo Yan has also been in repentance during this time, she is too confident in the defense of the city of artisans. It was her wrong decision that killed so many people, and now most of the strong in the realm of the gods may die in the city of the artisans.

The power of the divine realm in the city also died a lot. They were beheaded and killed by the divine supremacy during the turmoil. So far, at least 2,000 people have died. Hundreds of people in the supernatural power have died, including four in the supernatural power!

These four divine supreme masters killed each other by killing each other, and the day before yesterday, the two divine supreme masters fought without any sign, and then two other divine supreme masters joined the battle group.

Zuo Qiulu Luo Luo and others wanted to suppress it, but it was too late, and the power to go to the Supreme Divine Supreme was very strong, and they may not be able to suppress it. Eventually the four divine supremacy died, making the warriors in the city even more desperate ...

With the death of each warrior, everyone seemed to see their future endings.

Everyone's heart is extraordinarily oppressive and heavy, and the quietly demon atmosphere in the city is constantly affecting the mood of everyone. Everyone is becoming more and more negative, more and more pessimistic, and even many people have had the urge to commit suicide many times. .

"What about Lu Li? Didn't you say that Lu Li is planning a major operation? People in the city are going to die. Where is Lu Li?"

A roar suddenly rang out in the city, feeling like being deceived. The roar was full of grief, anger, endless torture and sadness.

The audience silently guessed that this was a lie. Lu Li wasn't planning any major actions at all, or ... Lu Lu was already dead.

"Where is Lu Li?"

In the backyard of Shenjiang City, Luo Huang murmured in a loss, her soul was not too weak, but she was just a woman, still young, and not so strong inside. So I can't help thinking about it and it's easy to be pessimistic.

Her eyes were lost, and she didn't have the playful spirit of that year. She stared at the sky in ignorance, expecting a world hero to break the dark mist of the sky and rescue them from the dead city.


Luo Yan glanced at Luo Huang, her lips became bitter. She has passed through the calamity and experienced many and many things, and her mentality has long been stable, but in this case, she is inevitably confused.

As time passed by, the demons outside were still attacking, but the number was already much smaller. It just kept some demons attacking, which put pressure on the martial arts inside the city.

The City of Divine Craftsmanship is difficult to break from the outside. It may not be broken with the three ten-winged demons, but it is expected that it will soon break through.

Time continued to pass. In the past two days, due to the suppression of Zuo Qiulu and others, and the death of the four Supreme Gods, the crowd calmed down a lot and barely suppressed.

But after three days passed, the city was turbulent again!

In the city, there was a supernatural power of the gods who actually strengthened a supernatural power of a woman. The great power of that god's power shouted for help, which attracted several superpowers of the supernatural power nearby. But instead of saving people, those people joined the war group and arrested three nearby female warriors ...

"Junk stuff!"

After Luo Yan probed into this scene, she immediately became murderous. She shot with the awakened Luo Huang, and appeared holy weapon in her hand, she was about to kill.

"Master, don't!"

Zuo Qiulu flew up and stopped Luo Yan. He arched his hand and smiled bitterly: "They are all too depressed, let them vent."

Three of those superpowers from the Divine Realm belonged to Time and Space, and Zuo Qiulu naturally wanted to protect each other.

Luo Yan was furious, and Shen drank: "My heart is also very depressed. I just took the hair of these people and let the Zuo Qiufu Lord give way? No way to let the old man go!"

"Hands on?"

Zuo Qiulu didn't say anything. A **** of space and time in the Supreme Realm flew up and said coldly, "Lord Zong, you have to take the initiative in our house? Not because of your stupid decision, so many of us will be trapped This? Want to get started? Come on! "

"咻咻 咻 ~"

Countless strong men flew up and began to stand in line, the **** craftsman stood on one side, and the space-time government stood on one side. In addition, there is the Tianji Pavilion of the Palace of Life and Death standing on the other side, and everyone is obviously a little irrational.

"Kill it, kill it, it's not too painful to die!"

Luo Huang closed her eyes in pain, instead of dying like this, why not die? Anyway, late death and early death are all deaths. It's better to be resolved quickly this time. It is better to die in the hands of the people than in the hands of the demons.

"It would be nice to take Luo Yan and press the master Zongzong under him!"

The wretched old man of Time and Space Office gave a cold drink, and many strong eyes flashed. Although Luo Yan's grade is not small, she is not old at all, and she is graceful and luxurious. If you can press the master of the craftsman under the body, it will definitely taste good ...

"Go ahead and chop all the pieces of Time and Space!"

Luo Yan couldn't stop it completely, and the anger was ordered. The strong men of all the master craftsmen immediately flew away like wild dragons ~ ~ On the other side, the strong men in Time and Space also moved. People flew in and quickly slaughtered together.


The new temple owner of the Palace of Life and Death and the new cabinet owner of the Tianji Pavilion were not blocked, because once they were blocked, they were afraid that the warriors on their side would join the melee. After this battle, there may not be a living person in the city ...

"Oh my God, are you really trying to make the people of the gods perish?"

The lord of Tianji Pavilion sighed slightly, his eyes cast on the sky, his eyes narrowed in pain, and the corners of his mouth showed mockery-the demons on the outside would probably be cheating inside? Watching the strong human race kill each other inside, such a good show is worth the joy.

"Hey ~"

At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the sky, the sky was originally obscured by the devil's breath, and it was dark, so this light was extremely dazzling!

The light turned twice in mid-air, and all the demons swept by the light were split into two petals. This light finally split on the shield of the City of Craftsmen, but because there were too many demons on the way, there was not much energy.

The shield of the City of Gods is very powerful. This attack did not cause any fluctuations in the shield, but it was like a thunderstorm, making everyone's heart tremble violently.

Ghost King Cut!

The only thing the ghost world has with such a weird attack mode is the Ghost King. And the ghost king cut now only one person can, Lu Li ... finally appeared!

It is also like a person who has been sleeping for a long time in the dark, and finally sees a dawn light on the east side, and everyone's eyes light up. All the people who had been fighting stopped, staring at the light.

"He ... finally came back, finally came ... rescued us, oh!"

Unconsciously, Luo Huang had burst into tears, her body trembled constantly, tears fell like raindrops, and she cried like a child who had seen her father after being wronged ...

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