Lu Li's second attack came quickly, but only five days later.

Ling Qingyan and Pan Yuqin assembled a large number of scouts and kept track of the whereabouts of the demon army. Moreover, the target of the Demon Army is too big, and Lu Li wants to follow it easily.

Lu Li's attack was the same as last time, but this time he set up early. He arranged a super-large fantasy array in an underground, and it was a very advanced fantasy array. This kind of magical array can't be detected by ordinary demons unless you are strong, such as Emperor You Xing.

After arranging this large array, he ambush the Netherworm at the bottom of the large array, and he collected the Netherworm that had escaped last time. Although the Nether Worm was killed by hundreds of millions of tremors, the remaining Nether Worms have split, and Lu Li is equal to another billion more Nether Worms.

The speed at which the Voidworm is splitting is too abnormal, and there are so many demons behind. Lu Li wants Void Worm, and can devour some demon slaves. Tens of billions of Void Worms will soon split out. He didn't worry about the death of Void Worm at all, and killed hundreds of millions of Emperor You Xing and others. That was drizzle.

After billions of Netherworms were ambushed here, Lu Li went to a few places next to each other to ambush tens of millions of Netherworms. This time he was going to do a big vote, let the demonic army be encircled by the Void Worm, and destroy about ten million demons in one breath.

The army of demons is constantly flowing, and Lu Li lurks in the magical array beneath the ground, and the general devil scout cannot detect it at all. Lu Li has set up some legal arrays nearby, and those demon scouts will be touched by passing. The low-level demons are not very familiar with the magic circle and do not know that they have touched the prohibition.


Lu Li didn't dare to find out the divine exploration, only relying on the number of times the demon scout touched the prohibition to sense. Under normal circumstances, the demon scout will be thousands of miles in front of the demon army, so it is very easy to estimate.

"The Netherworm on the east is out!"

Lu Li gave the mother worm an order, and the ambush Netherworm in the east rushed out of the ground immediately, and any creature encountered began to attack freely. The Demon Army's army had just passed by, and the whole army of the Void Worm immediately panicked.

Lu Li lurked on the ground. Hearing the devil's roar above, he never hesitated again, and ordered continuously: "All the other Nether Worms are out!"

Ordered, the ambush emptiness bugs swarmed from all directions towards the siege. And at this moment, a strong demon breath permeated, and the goddess of You Xing locked in Lu Li.

"Hahaha, Emperor You Xing, you found it too late!"

Lu Li laughed twice, and rushed into the one-way teleportation array that had been arranged long before. Before he left, he ordered the mother worm, and the ambush billion worms swept up.

"Land from!"

Emperor You Xing roared his teeth, but had no time to curse Lu Li more. Because the Void Army is in all directions, if you don't immediately arrange the Evil Army to flee, countless demons will be swallowed by the Void insect.

"Fly all upwards!"

Emperor You Xing roared, the demon breath rolled out, suppressing the Nether Worm that rushed up. His demon origin is very domineering, which can slow the speed of Void Worm, but there are too many Void Worms. He thinks that suppression is impossible.

All the demons flew up to the sky. Emperor You Xing saw the Nether Worm chasing after him, and he snarled: "Leave three or five sergeants in each battalion, otherwise all will not escape!"

There are a hundred demons in a battalion. Three or five are left. They are used to kill and attract the Nether Worm. No demon actively seeks to attract the Nether Worm, that Nether Worm will chase after it, and more demon will die by then.

Emperor You Xing ordered that the high-level demon who had fled immediately arranged some of the devil to die. The low-level demon could not resist the order of the high-level demon, and could only obediently die.

This trick is very clear, because the Netherworms have no intelligence, and their order is to attack all nearby creatures. As long as there are creatures that can eat, they will not choose to attack the remaining creatures.

The demon's flight speed is still very fast, a group of demon fly up high, and then fled away quickly. Some Netherworms chased them up, but the demon army above sent some low-level demons to kill them, easily dragging the Netherworm army.

Two ten-winged demon and a disguised ten-winged demon continued to suppress the Nether Worm army with demon breath and special means, and all the demon army fled after half an hour.

Although the demons retreated in an orderly manner, the losses were still heavy this time. Just a few minutes ago, millions of demons were attacked by the Nether Worm. Once invaded by the Nether Worm, it was basically declared dead.

Emperor You Xing looked at the demon corpses all over the ground, including some six-winged and eight-winged demon who had also been slaughtered. There was no rage on his face, but the unforgettable hatred flashed deep in his eyes.

He is the emperor of the demon world, and all demons are his people. He can order millions of demons to die, and he can command ten winged demons to sacrifice, but that is for the great cause of the demons and for a better tomorrow in the demons.

Those demonic powerhouses and demons died well, and he didn't have much sadness in his heart. But now these demons are slaughtered and killed by a human race. Just like the warrior who kills and kills the human race, the strong in the **** world will be furious to the extreme.

"Six million!"

After a while ~ ~ An eight-winged demon flew over and confessed: "This time, the death of the people has reached at least six million. If the emperor did not let them retreat in time, and some of the people will die, they are afraid of death The number will exceed ten million. "

Another ten-winged demon added with some sorrow: "The lord has died more than a hundred times, this time ... the loss is heavy!"

"Woohoo ~"

Emperor You Xing closed his eyes in pain. He groaned for a moment and said, "Remember this blood debt first, let the army go down to speed up the march and target Xingsha City!"

"Great Emperor!"

The Ten Wing Demon hesitated for a moment and said, "If you do n’t let the army disperse and turn it into zero, it will make it harder for Lu Li to kill. Just let them gather towards Xingshacheng, otherwise our goal is too big and Lu Li can catch up at any time. Release the Nether Worm and devour our large number of people. "

"Separate? No!" Emperor You Xing refused decisively: "The army must be together!"

"why not?"

The ten-winged demon persuaded again: "The great emperor, if you disperse, you will kill one by one. How long do you want to kill? We gather once, and he will kill one million if he puts the Void Worm once."

"I have my reasons!" Emperor You Xing waved handily: "Even if the losses are serious, they can't be separated, let's not talk about it, execute the order."

The demon army is separated, how can you lure Lu Li to Xingsha City? You can't kill Lu Li, unless the Demon Army flees back to the Devil Realm, any place in the Divine Realm is not safe, and how to escape will eventually be eaten by Lu Li one by one.

"Lu Li, let you be crazy for a while!"

Emperor You Xing sneered, his eyes kept getting cold, and he murmured, "When you get to Xingsha City, there will be your burial place. Within the Blood Demon Array, even the two gods will die!"


PS: There is a chapter at 9 pm. . .

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