The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1694: Burial place

It is true that the Demon Army is about to enter Xingsha Mansion, which was once massacred by Lu Li. There are almost no people in this prefecture, and the remaining races have either been killed or turned into demon slaves.

Only scouts sent by Pan Yuqin can walk in Xingsha House at this moment. Because of Ling Qingyan's disappearance, Pan Yuqin immediately sent thousands of scouts through the teleportation altar of Time and Space.

Lu Li came over to fly across the void, and he searched in the government himself, and at the same time, he continued to receive reports from scouts.

Half a day later, Lu Li changed direction and flew towards Xingsha City, because according to the scouts' feedback, more than a dozen scouts were missing. The location of the disappearance was near Xingsha City, and Ling Qingyan and others are likely to have also disappeared in Xingsha City.

Lu Li's subpoena sent some scouts to the side of Xingsha City. Although he decided to come here to save people, it did not mean that he would be reckless.

It took several hours for Lu Li to arrive near Xingsha City. There were also dozens of scouts gathered here, and everyone was waiting for Lu Li early.

"What special circumstances can be detected?"

Lu Li asked. Dozens of scouts shook their heads. They searched outside Xingsha City several times and found nothing. Looking at Xingsha City from a distance, I didn't see anything unusual, but as long as I entered Xingsha City, I couldn't get out.

"Leave three people into Xingsha City, the others squatting nearby, and warn immediately if there is any situation!"

Lu Li waved, three people offered to ask to enter Xingsha City. Lu Li nodded slightly, but didn't say much, just asked the names of the three.

The three heard Lu Li asking for their names, all excited. They all know that as long as they are alive this time, they will definitely fly to Huang Tengda in the future, and Lu Li will not treat them badly.

Lu Li gave three scouts and two jade charms respectively, and the meaning of these two jade charms was different. A piece of crushing means that they are very dangerous inside and they will die as soon as they enter. A piece of crushing means that they did not die when they entered, but they are stuck.

Then Lu Li let the three scouts rush in from three directions of the city, and they should rush in at the same time.

"You go, if you are killed in battle, I will do the funeral, I will take care of your people!"

Lu Li patted the shoulders of the three scouts. The three scouts looked at each other without grinning, but grinned.

As scouts they have long been prepared for death. They are not sacrificed for one power, but for the entire cause of the human race, it is worth it. Moreover, Lu Li personally promised that they have nothing to worry about?

At the moment, the three scouts dived away separately, and Lu Li also summoned the remaining scouts to feed back their intelligence. If the three are really dead, you need to arrange the funeral for Pan Yuqin.

Lu Li looked at Xingsha City in the distance, which is a capital city, and it must have been very prosperous. However, after being ravaged by demons, it turned into a dead city. At this moment, looking far away, all the sights are broken, and the walls of many places have collapsed.

The three scouts quickly rushed into the city, Lu Li tense, looking at the jade charm in his hand. Soon the two jade charms were broken. After Lu Li looked at them, his eyes lightened slightly. The broken jade symbols meant that the two were trapped inside, but did not die.

"Is there a big team inside?"

Lu Li's eyes flickered a few times, he thought about diving into the ground, and approached Xingsha City little by little. After arriving ten miles outside the city, he stopped, and then Xue Linger reached out his tentacles and extended towards the lower part of the city.

If there is a magic circle in the city, then Xuelinger will definitely be able to detect some information. As long as it is the law formation, he and Xuelinger have hope to break, then there is no problem.

Xuelinger left without a sounding investigation, it was a ghost image, and there was no fluctuation and breath, and the investigation would not cause any reaction.

Its tentacles can extend indefinitely, and soon explored a circle at the bottom of the city. Lu Li heard a voice in his head: "Master, there are no newly-arranged formations and lines under the city. Yes, I didn't find any signs of a new arrangement. Inside the city ... I also felt it, there was no ban on fluctuations. "

Xue Linger is an absolute master in the area of ​​the law formation. It said that he didn't find it, and Lu Li was relieved. After thinking about it, Lu Li asked: "Then, do you feel if there are living beings in the city, how many? How many strong living beings?"

"it is good!"

Xuelinger quietly senses, the breath of the creature is still easy to sense, of course ... Xuelinger may also be found, but it doesn't matter. As long as the investigation is clear, Lu Li doesn't matter even if he attacks.

"There is life!"

After a while, Xuelinger said: "There are five creatures, three breaths are weaker, and two breaths are stronger. The two stronger breaths are similar to the master."

"Similar to me, that's the Supreme God!"

Lu Li bowed his head slightly. The three relatively weak breaths should be the three scouts who had just entered. The scouts who had previously entered were likely all killed.

"Explore again, you should have sensed the demon breath. Induced the breath of the two strong men, is there a demon breath?"

Lu Li started to release Nether Worm. If the two strong ones are Ling Qingyan and the Demon Strong, he is ready to enter the city. Even if the demon power is a ten-winged demon, he is not afraid, his physical ten-winged demon may not be able to kill.

"One has a demon atmosphere!"

Xue Linger quickly gave the answer: "The other is a human, it seems like a woman!"

"That's right!"

Lu Li's heart completely relaxed, Ling Qingyan didn't die ~ ~ It should have been taken down by the Ten Winged Demon. Just don't know if it has been demonized? If it is completely demonized, then it is troublesome.

"A ten-winged demon?"

Lu Li is ready to start, but he still does not do it now. If he waits for the Demon Army to come and wait for the Emperor You Xing to come, he will never die, Ling Qingyan will surely be killed or become a slave.

He controlled billions of Netherworms to fly down the city, and he lurked from the ground himself. He also had to see for himself whether there was a large array under the city and carefully sailed for ten thousand years.

Divine thoughts swept away quietly, and after confirming that there was indeed no restraint, Lu Li flew straight up from the ground, and the Nether Worm flew over. Lu Li's divine thought swept up and locked a demon.

The devil was indeed a ten-winged demon, and at this moment he sat in a throne in a castle. Ling Qingyan sat in a square outside the castle. From the appearance, Ling Qingyan was not harmed, and his face was not struggling. Lu Li felt it and was not demonized by the demon breath.

"咻 ~"

The stone slabs of the city square burst, and Lu Li flew out from the ground, and countless void bugs swept up and rushed towards the castle. Lu Li's gaze locked on the castle, facing each other through the thick black mist and the blood-red eyes inside.

"Lu Li, go!"

Ling Qingyan, who had been sitting all the time, suddenly opened her eyes, but there was a faint red light in her eyes, and she yelled hysterically: "Come on, leave it out, Lu Li, go!"


The ten-winged demon sitting inside the castle stood up and said, "It's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out. Even if you Lord Ji has come in, the Blood Demon Array doesn't want to go out.


: There is a chapter in the evening, and even more before the point!

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