The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1698: Crock ideas

One day has passed!

Lu Li still found nothing, and he and Xue Linger investigated for a day. Except for the hundreds of thousands of blood lines, he found nothing related to the large array.

That is to say, this blood demon array does not have the basic array eyes, only the array!

With these hundreds of thousands of blood lines, a peculiar large array was formed, trapping the enemy with the power of heaven and earth, sealing the space, and increasing the power of the blood lines. Let the people trapped inside cannot escape, let alone touch the bloodline.

Can't touch the bloodline, so how to break the battle? Besides, these blood lines are still phantoms. General attacks directly penetrate the past and cannot cause any damage to the blood lines.

This blood demon formation is the most terrifying and most venomous formation in the devil world. If it is easily broken by Lu Li, then this formation will not have such a reputation.

After a day, Lu Li stopped exploring. It doesn't make any sense to probe, and he doesn't count on Xuelinger, everything depends on himself.

The crisscross blood lines emerged in his mind, and now he was very clear-minded, and he had to study these blood lines thoroughly to crack this large array. See why these blood lines have such great power, and why are these blood lines intertwined in this way to produce so many strange abilities?

"Xue Linger, don't explore, you can also study the blood line arrays to see what kind of law arrays are in them. Let's enlighten together and confirm each other!"

Lu Li sent a message to Xue Linger, and Xue Linger's tentacles pierced through the gap in the blood line below the ground and entered Lu Li's body. Lu Li passed the blood map to Xuelinger, and one person and one enchanting spirit began to enlighten.

"There is a space law, a gain law, a deceleration law, a gas gathering law ..."

Based on this analysis, Lu Li and Xue Linger quickly saw the rudiments of some law formations from the inside. He and Xue Linger are both masters of the magic circle. Although some of these blood lines are very obscurely arranged, they are easily seen by them.

After researching for a few hours, Lu Li and Xue Linger were secretly surprised, because these blood lines were filled with countless prototypes of the law formation. These blood lines don't look crisscross, they look like a bunch of twine, but there are countless magic arrays hidden inside.

"Good evil door ..."

Lu Li's brow frowned, so many law arrays were contained in it, wouldn't this blood demon array rush?

Each law matrix has the function of each law matrix, with different attributes and different functions, and it is easy to punch. For example, Lu Li wants to make an artifact, and arrange a flame law formation and a frost law formation inside. At that time, all the magic arrays will be destroyed, and the magic arrays inside will become chaotic arrays, and the artifacts will become waste ...

Lu Li has read countless books on the law formation, Xue Linger has read more, and that knowledge has been transmitted to Lu Li. According to various experiences, this blood chart is impossible, and there are logical errors in many places.

"Why are these law mates so perfect?"

Lu Li couldn't figure it out, and Xue Linger couldn't figure it out anymore. His thinking was very old-fashioned and he didn't know how to be flexible. Such a weird blood map makes it look very confused ...


How can two things with different attributes merge?

How does water and fire coexist? Can light and darkness coexist? Can survival and destruction coexist?

Lu Li did not continue to comprehend the blood chart. If this question is unclear, it would not make sense to comprehend more things.


After half an hour, Lu Li suddenly felt a shock in his heart. He thought of one thing—the blood golem array was laid out at the expense of a ten-winged demon.

If it's an ordinary battle, why sacrifice a ten-winged demon? You must know that the Ten Winged Demon is the top-level existence in the devil world, and it will never be sacrificed easily. It is okay to arrange a large array, and let the ten-winged demon pay the blood, but also pay the price of life. That is definitely the ten-winged demon played the most relevant role in this large array!


Lu Li was suddenly open at this moment, this ten-winged demon is the medium. His powerful power and physical body are the medium. This medium can stabilize the large array, allow large arrays of different attributes to be placed, and suppress the large array.

This is like water and fire. You put water in a crock, keep the flame outside the crock, and finally use a larger crock to fill both water and fire.

The sacrifice of the ten-winged demon has become a crock pot, he isolated all kinds of law formations, and connected all the law formations through the media. So many law fighters worked together to achieve such a powerful and strange existence of the Blood Demon Array.


This kind of thinking is completely absent from the divine realm. Lu Li has read so many books about the law formations, and has not mentioned this method of arraying. Of course ... maybe some of the strongest in the history have also tested, but they can't find such a powerful medium.

The physical and blood power of the Ten Winged Demon lives as a medium, so that we can suppress those law formations, and we can perfectly combine all the law formations.

The formation itself is formed by the blood of the demon, so that the control is stronger. Is there a strong man on the human side who dares to use his own blood and strength to condense a magic circle? I'm afraid nobody dares to try it ...

"Xue Linger, I figured it out!"

Lu Li passed all the inferences to Xuelinger, and let it continue his deduction according to his own calculations, looking for the opportunity to break the array.

He was not ready to deduct himself, he inspired an idea from this large array, and he wanted to use this idea to try something!

He wanted to ... blend the true intentions of cutting the ghost king and killing the emperor!

He had this idea before ~ ​​ ~ and also put it into action, and he has been enlightened for a long time. However, these are two very different killing intentions. He has spent a long time before, and has not gained anything.

Seeing this magic array today gave him a bit of inspiration!

He always wanted to fuse the two killing tricks together, just like entangle two ropes with different length and thickness. Since the length and thickness are different, how can two ropes be perfectly entangled?

Now Lu Li changed his mind!

Crock ideas!

Can he put both real meanings in two earthen jars? Let them coexist without interfering with each other? Do not conflict. Then release them together, causing the resonance of the two attacks to increase the attack power?

Or ...

Let the true intention of killing the enemy turn into a crock pot, cut the ghost king into a small crock pot, and the large crock pot holds the small crock pot, and then throw it out together. You can also make the ghost king cut into a big crock, and enclose the true intention of killing the emperor.

In the past, Lu Li thought of integration, but now he thinks of coexistence. As long as it can increase combat power, it doesn't matter what form it is!

"The idea is right!"

The more inferred, the more Lu Lu felt feasible. Ghost King Slash can hack the average eight-winged demon, killing the emperor can hurt the ten-wing demon. At present, the killing of the emperor is stronger.

Let the two release their power together. Don't say that one plus one equals three equals four, even if the most basic equals two, it is also very promising to kill You Wang, even Emperor You Xing.

As long as two ten-winged demons are killed, even if Lu Li and Ling Qingyan are trapped and killed here, then Zuoqilulu Luoyu and others can easily defeat the demonic army and calm down the **** world.

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