Lu Li still can't come out!

After he practiced for half a month, he completely merged the real intention of killing the ghost king and killing the emperor. This great killing move, which he named as the killing of the ghost and the ghost killer, has now increased its power. He was injured easily.

He has recently been enlightened in the Enthusiastic Circle, and although there is beauty, his days will be pleasant. But Lu Li didn't want to stay in this ghost place all the time. The devil's breath is constantly infiltrating. What's going on outside? Lu Li didn't know it at all. After the Blood Goblin became dead, the whole city felt shrouded in blood, and he couldn't detect anything outside.

The Gorefiend formation itself is a very powerful strange formation, and now it is upgraded once again and turned into a dead formation. Wanting to crack the difficulty has increased, Lu Li has been involved for so long, and has not achieved much.

He remembered the blood map of the entire large array in his mind and repeatedly deduced it. Xue Linger has been calculating for this time, looking for opportunities to break the array.

Now there is a problem, like Lu Tian, ​​in front of Lu Li. If this problem is not solved, don't think about breaking it.


He and Blood Linger could not touch these bloodlines, which were both a lock on his cage and a pattern. If you can't touch these bloodlines, you can't change the formation. Then, how about breaking the formation?

This strange array has no base, array of stones, array of eyes. The only way to break the formation is to change the formation. How does the formation change? You do n’t touch the lines, can you still control them by waving your hand?

For this problem, Lu Li thought about it for many days. Ling Qingyan has been practicing these days, but he didn't make any noise.

This woman's style of work made Lu Li somewhat disagreeable. But after thinking about her life experience, everything depends on herself, but she can understand it. Anyway, she also made it clear that just being his lover, Lu Li didn't care so much.

"Xue Linger, have you got anything lately?"

Lu Li groaned for a while, and transmitted the message to Xue Linger, and the two of them learned each other's seal together, which made it easier to break the battle.

Xue Linger quickly heard a voice and said, "This evil array is too evil. Now I feel that the large array is locked. If you want to change any pattern, you will suffer the full backlash of the large array. Unless this large array of energy is completely Consume it, otherwise it will be difficult to break. "

"Energy consumed?"

Lu Li frowned. When he attacked the large array, those attacks would pierce directly. It would have no effect on those bloodlines. If he can continue to attack, with his attack intensity, it is estimated that he hopes to break the large array!

"Try it?"

Lu Li thought for a while and walked out of the castle, he split in one direction casually. With a cracking sound, a dagger in the sky lit up, and then daggered in the air three times, swept forward suddenly.

"Boom boom boom ~"

The castles were directly twisted into powder, and the sword was unstoppable, and soon reached the bloodline. Lu Li Shennian locked the sword, hoping to be able to split on the blood line, which would have a slight effect on the blood line.

The ending disappointed Lu Li!

Dao Mang pierced out of the blood line and disappeared in Lu Li's line of sight. This blood line could emit a faint red light to isolate Lu Li's thoughts. He could not detect any information outside.

"Boom boom boom ~"

He couldn't detect it, but he was messed up outside and exploded. There are demons here, and a blood-red swordman suddenly flew out of the city, wherever he went, whether it was a four-winged demon or a six-winged demon, they were instantly shredded.

Dao Mang was very overbearing. He flew out dozens of miles and cleared a vacuum belt from the demons here. Wherever Daomang passed, all the demons were hanged!


Many demon powers were shocked, and they flew in, staring at this sword with shocked faces. Although they did not face the swordman directly, they all felt the unstoppable terror and coercion from the swordman.


Several eight-winged demons took a breath of air, and flew towards the distance, a little far away from the city, for fear that a sword would fly again in the city.


Scouts are constantly monitored outside the Devil's Camp. Such a weird situation naturally shocked the human scouts. After they saw the blood-colored swordmang, all their faces showed great joy.

Because many people know this sword, that is to kill the emperor really, it is Lu Li's killing trick.

"What do you mean by killing the emperor?"

After Pan Yuqin got the news, he was immediately overjoyed and came to observe the Demon Camp in person. She had just lurked over, and a huge blade in the city whistled out again, and cleared a vacuum belt in the demon army.

"It really means to kill the emperor, but ... the power seems to be infinitely many times greater!"

Pan Yuqin's eyes brightened, and Jiao's body trembled violently, with tears shining in her eyes.

She continued to lurk and observe, and the devil's camp was chaotic. Many demon Lu Lu's killing tricks still knew. At this moment, Lu Li suddenly released the killing tricks from the city? It's still such an overbearing killing move, You Xing is not here, who can stand it? If Lu Li keeps releasing, the tens of millions of demons are not enough for him to cut.

There was a commotion in the devil's camp. The worms started to work. They had to die if they didn't run. Many demons were scared, thinking in their minds was to escape.

"The Emperor has orders ~ ~ to guard the camp and never leave half a step!"

An eight-winged demon roared, and the demons were afraid to move. Emperor You Xing is the main **** for them. No one dares to disobey. Even if all die here, no demon dares to move.

However, the demons waited for a while, but did not find any sword flying in the city.

Because Lu Li attacked twice and saw that there was no fluctuation in the blood line, he was too lazy to attack. Now many of his divine powers have been corroded, but he dare not use his divine powers arbitrarily.

"A great array of evil gates!"

Lu Li frowned, such a large array was really unheard of. Unable to attack, but if people approach, they will attack people again. He felt helpless as he looked at the array.

"Two ways!"

After thinking about it for half an hour, Lu Li figured out something, and if he wants to break the battle, he can find a way to control the battle. Either he can only find a way to lift the seal of space, and then he can flee across the void.

These two methods are the best way out except to break the battlefield. Lu Liyan looked at the demon breath emanating from the red bloodline, thinking in his heart whether or not ... try to be demonized?

If both the body and soul are demonized, he will be able to control the large array. After all, this large array is a large array formed at the expense of Yuwang and Yoda, which means that there are two people's marks in this large array.

If he is demonized by the demon breath of the two, there will also be two imprints in his body, and he may be able to control the large array ...

"Forget it, don't take risks!"

After pondering for a while, Lu Li rejected the idea. If he becomes a demon slave, his soul is completely dead, he will become a walking dead, let alone control the large array to go out, for fear that even Ling Qingyan will be killed by him.

Then there is only one way left to unlock the seal of space!

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