The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1722: Moment of revenge

When it comes to sending troops, in fact, there are only a few thousand people dispatched, but these thousands are powerful men who have gathered most of the gods. Dust ← Fate ↑ Wenxue Xue? Wang Luli has no plans to mobilize ordinary sergeants. The first is that it is too troublesome to teleport, and the second is that the effect is not particularly great. He has a Void Worm equal to thousands of horses. To destroy the demonic army, the Void Worm is much faster.

More than 4,000 powerhouses are the superpowers of the Divine Realm at least. This is the most powerful people who have gathered the land of Divine Realm and Youyan. The number of people is small, and the power is stronger. The people teleported all the way and quickly marched towards the city of Shenjiang.

On the surface, the Demon Army has been mobilized to the City of Craftsmen and Time and Space City. In fact, there are still some scouts lurking in various provinces. Lu Li is also well aware of this situation, and he did not let the clan scouts clean up all the demons. He also deliberately let the army waver a little, so that Emperor You Xing thought he was going to attack the city of artisans.

Lu Li found someone pretending to be him, dyed a white hair, surrounded by a group of strong men, and himself took ten divine supremacy such as Zuo Qiulu Luo Luo to sneak into the space and time.

He packed these ten divine supremacy into the Heavenly Evil Pearl, and then one flew across the void to go forward, and every time he came out, he would immediately explore the vicinity, and if there was a demon scout, he would immediately kill it.

The reason why he took ten Divine Supremes, Lu Li didn't dare to take any more risks. Everything was taken care of, and with the cooperation of ten top powerhouses, he could figure out what he could do. In many dangerous situations, they can also see some situations. They are not as trapped as Xingsha City.

Flying across the void all the way, he didn't dare to go straight, but instead made a circle. He continuously crossed the void at a fast speed. Although he detoured, it only took half a month to reach the space-time city.

He stopped in a small town and called before Pan Yuqin. Xilai would wait for him in this small town. All the intelligence here is being monitored from the west. Lu Li wants to attack the Space-Time City, so he must control the nearby information in time.

There are no residents in this city, but you can see that there are human scouts lurking everywhere. This should be the base of the human scouts. As soon as Lu Li approached the city, he was spotted by scouts, but these scouts were all well-trained and did not come out to salute or even reveal their body shape.

Entering the city, three people floated out, headed by Xilai!

"My son!"

Lu Li disguised himself, and Xilai received the news long ago and recognized it at first sight. Lu Li didn't speak and waved his hand. Xilai led the way in front of him and waved the scouts around him. He landed and entered a castle.

After the ban was started, Lu Li took out Tianxie Zhu and released Zuo Qiulu Luo Luo and others. Xilai hurriedly saluted him. Zuo Qiulu and others nodded proudly, Lu Li sat in the main seat and said, "Tell me about the situation!"

Xilai took out a map and hung it on the wall. There were a lot of dots on it. He pointed to a city and said, "This is a space-time city, and there are three acropolises next to it. The Acropolis is called Sky City ... "

The corner of Zuo Qiulu jerked slightly, and his face was a little unnatural. This is their home base of time and space, but now it has become the base of the devil. His hometown is occupied by demons. At this moment, Xilai is still introducing the situation nearby. How can you let him feel embarrassed?

Xilai introduced it, and everyone had a bottom of heart. According to Xilai's information, there were a lot of demons and demon slaves in Time and Space House, but the real demon strong went to the city of artisans. You Xing, the old demon, appeared in the City of Gods the day before yesterday. Although it just passed away, he was detected by the Twin Souls. So ... The City of Time looks like a large army, and the strong one is like an empty shelf.

There are 20 million demons and billions of demons here, but there is not much arrangement, and the strong in the demonic world are almost not here. For Lu Li and others, the pressure is not great.

"Everyone talk about it, how can this battle be fought to be beautiful!"

Lu left the mouth, 20 million demons. There are only eleven people here, but they have to say that they are beautiful. If this is not what Lu Li said, even Zuo Qilu and others will feel like crazy here.

Zuo Qiulu pondered for a moment, and gritted his teeth and said, "To destroy all the demons, you must destroy ... the altar of time and space. As long as the altar of time and space is destroyed, all the teleportation altars of the space and time house are not available. The demons can't get through. Even if the demons here flee, it will be easy to chase and kill them by means of alienation! "

"Destroy the altar of time and space?"

Luo Yan and the others looked at each other, secretly saying that Qiu Lu's heart was fierce. This thing is the root of the space-time government. It costs too much to destroy the reconstruction.

However, at this moment, the altar of time and space is occupied by demons, and it is always possible to help the demons to assemble the army and the strong, and it is not good to destroy them. Lu Li slightly proclaimed: "Master of Zuoqiu, can you destroy the altar of time and space?"


Zuo Qiulu nodded his head, his eyes ruthlessly said: "As long as I can rush in and approach the altar of time and space, then I can destroy the altar of time and space instantly!"

"It's not difficult to rush in!"

Lu Li bowed his head slightly, staring at the map and saying, "Then the eleven of us divided the work? Nine of you attacked from all directions? Attracting firepower, I rushed in with the housekeeper and destroyed the altar of time and space?"

"it is good!"

Of course, the remaining nine people would not have any opinions. They only attacked on the periphery and could go back at any time. Lu Li and Zuo Qiulu rushed into the city, and they will be more dangerous.

"I'll follow you in!" Luo Yan suddenly stood up and said, "One more person can go in and take care of it, and the outside world should have them!

"Um ... well!"

Lu Li thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. The two strongest people in this group were Zuo Qiulu and Luo Yan, and the three of them rushed in to figure out something they could take care of.

"You take turns attacking, cooperate better, and start after I order!"

Lu Li stretched out his hand and drew a line on the map: "I will let the Netherworm attack from the west and cause the demon army to mess up. Then you will attack from the south and north from the chaos. We quietly rushed into the city and broke time and space first. Altar! Do you still have questions? "


A group of people stood up to lead their lives ~ ~ Lu Li and Zuo Qiulu Luo Luo nodded and waved, "Let's go!"

A group of strong men walked out of the city and sneaked away quickly. Xilai also controlled the scouts to start operations. One was to investigate the news, and the other was to be ready to evacuate or hide at any time.

Because of the chaos in the city, countless demons will flee. By then, these scouts will not hide and will be killed by the demonic army.

Lu Li took Zuoqiulu and Luoyu, and the three of them continued to sneak through various terrains like ghosts, and the crowd quickly arrived near Zuoqiucheng. They didn't dare to come too close, because there were many dense slaves on the periphery, and they could only look at a magnificent giant city on the top of a mountain.

"Hoo ~"

Zuo Qiulu exhaled a sigh of faintness, his eyes became a little dark red, but this city, but their base of time and space, is now reduced to a demon stronghold. The heads of countless people of his tribe were still hung above the city walls, and now it was finally time for revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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