That's right!

The city of the artisan suddenly moved, and the city of the artisan trembled. At first, everyone thought it was wrong, but after a while, the city of the artisan flew away into the north. And the speed is very abnormal, faster than the speed of land ...

"Divergent, all dispersed, lurking!"

Lu Li blinked and woke up, he roared loudly, and the nearby sergeants and strong men all woke up and immediately evaded lurking in all directions.

"咻 ~"

The City of Gods and Craftsmen went quickly and returned, and the target was a mountain standing by Lu Li and others. This city is not much smaller than the city of time and space, with a radius of hundreds of miles, like a huge mountain of gods. It's flying fast at the moment, and it is very stressful.

What a terrible momentum can such a large city fly at a faster speed than land?


Lu Qing also had Ling Qingyan and others beside him. With a big wave of Lu Li, Shen drank and said, "Spread!"

Lu Li flew up from his body, took out the cold front sword and slashed forward, and a dazzling sword lighted up. After turning three times in midair, he slammed on the city of God.

The blue shroud outside the city of the artisans shone brightly, even if it was thousands of miles away, you could see the dazzling light here. However, Godsmith City was hacked but only slightly delayed, and continued to fly towards this side at a terrible speed.

"咻 ~"

Lu Li had to avoid, gliding down, avoiding the impact of the city of artisans. The city of God Carpenter slammed heavily on the mountain, and the whole mountain was torn apart and collapsed in an instant.

"Boom boom boom ~"

The mountain fell, the soil splashed, the boulders rolled down, and the smoke billowed.

The city of artisans over there has continued to fly away, or it slammed obliquely downwards. There are hundreds of ethnic warriors flying there, and there are several supernatural powers in it ...


The city of God Carpenter slammed into the ground, and knocked the ground out of a deep pit. Hundreds of warriors were crushed into minced meat instantly. Only two supernatural powers responded well and got into the ground. Escaped.

"You Xing Lao Mo, I'm here, I have the ability to kill me!"

Lu Li soared into the sky to chase the city of artisans, and he roared angrily. However, the city of Godcraft quickly flew up, and soon hit heavily again, crushing hundreds of flying warriors and dying ...

Lu Lixuan was so distraught that he finally knew why You Xing Lao Mo stayed in Shenjiang City, and finally understood what You Xing Lao Mo was doing during this time.

He is refining the city of artisans!

It wasn't the simple control of the City of the Craftsman that was originally, but the thorough refinement of the City of the Craftsman, making this Hongling Tianbao available to him. At this moment, Lu Li is also very familiar. He used this trick many years ago in the mortal world. He used to control Tian Xiezhu and hit many people.

Tianxiezhu and the City of Gods are the difference between heaven and earth. This city is afraid that it is easy to crush the super powers of God. You can go to the world with this magician city You Xing Lao Mo. No one can break through the city of Shen Jiang. The **** world is the back garden for You Xing Lao Mo. Go wherever you want!

in case……

Godcraft City flew towards Youyan Land. There are so many people and people there, just crush it. I ’m afraid that tens of thousands of people will die. If you go around in Youyan Land, I ’m afraid that it will be tens of billions of people. Will die.

"Big killer!"

Lu Li took two breaths of air-conditioner, and chased after him in anger, releasing the killing of Emperor Ghost, and attacking again and again on the City of Gods. It was just that his attack was like hitting a cold iron with a wooden stick. It didn't make any sense.

"Boom boom!"

God Carpenter City hit again and again, and warriors were constantly crushed to death, and several supernatural powers of God were not spared from being crushed to death.

"Dive into the ground, why are you so stupid?"

Lu Li shouted in rage, and saw that many warriors were still fleeing in all directions, almost having the urge to swear.

The fleeing warriors all reacted and drilled to the ground one after another, and all of them flew into the ground thousands of miles at a stretch. In this way, no matter how the artisan city hits, at least it will be difficult to crush them to death.

Ling Qingyan made people go around and all the warriors fled to the ground. Shenjiangcheng turned around and found that all the warriors had drilled the ground and did not continue to hit.

"call out!"

The direction of the God Craftsman City turned into a streamer and disappeared in the north. Since the speed was faster than Lu Li, after the Lu Xiang tracked a stick of incense, the City of God Craftsman was gone.

"Grass ~"

Lu Li couldn't help swearing, and he was most worried about the thing he was most worried about-You Xing Lao Mo really controlled the city of God Carpenter and went to Youyan. If you fly straight at the speed of God Craftsman City, you will be able to reach Youyan in a month and a half at most.

"Summary, summoned to Pan Yuqin, let him transfer all the people in Youyan's land to the ground, all of them!" Lu Li saw Ling Qingyan and several divine supremacy chasing from behind, and immediately ordered.

Ling Qingyan stared at each other and several divine supremacy, and tens of billions of people were transferred to the ground? I'm afraid that the ground of Youyan's land must be hollowed out, and countless underground squares and palaces must be dug out.

The problem is that with so many people, it is difficult to transfer all of them without digging very empty. If you dig so empty, hit it from the top, maybe it will collapse below? Will those lower-level people be buried alive by then?

And if you want to dig so many underground palace square castles ~ ~ It takes time? Can it be dug in more than a month? It will take more than a month to gather tens of billions of people, right? There are too many and too many people, but the strong are all here. Youyan Land lacks human organization, and the efficiency of action must be very slow.

However, since Lu Li explained, and the situation is indeed more critical, Ling Qingyan still did not make nonsense and immediately arranged for a person to send a message. Pass the situation here to Pan Yuqin, dig some holes first, and transfer some people to talk about.

"I first flew across the void to the land of Youyan in advance. Don't hurry and get together and think of a way together. One is to find a way to transfer people, the second is to find a way to break the city of Gods, and at the same time monitor the whereabouts of the City of Gods. Send me a message in time! "Lu Li explained, and then flew directly to the void and left.

While crossing the void, Lu Li was also thinking that transfer must be the next best thing. There are too many people. Transferring to the ground and going to the West and East Seas is easy to cause accidents, and it is easy to cause countless people to die.

If you want to save these people, you must find a way to break the city before Shenjiang City arrives at Youyan!

But how can this city be broken?

The three robbers go to the ghost's place, unless the double prince can have three robbers. If the double-strength might come down to help, don't wait until now.

Work hard to achieve the combat power of the Three Robbers?

This is even foolish talking about dreams, let alone the three robbers, even if the two robbers are hard to make one? Even if he has hope, it is estimated that it will take tens of thousands of years, but now he has only one and a half months.

"Go to Youyan's Land first!"

Lu Li pursed his lips and had a headache. I felt a natural encounter, and it seemed that he couldn't overcome it with all his efforts.

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