The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1740: Kill him

Pay at the bottom of the kettle!

Pan Yuqin and Ling Qingyan have been preventing Zuo Qiulu and others from destroying the heaven and earth **** array, but did not expect that they are so brave? Actually, I took a salary directly at the bottom of the kettle and killed all the eight **** kings ...

The battle powers of the eight gods are not particularly strong. Under the increase of the heaven and earth **** array, the battle is justified, and they can compete with the four super **** forces. However, the fighting power of the eight **** kings is not particularly bad. There is not much divine supremacy over Zuo Qiulu. From the perspective of Yan Wang and others, Zuoqiu Lu is absolutely afraid to mess up.

However, he did not expect Zuo Qiulu to be in chaos, and he was so fierce. To easily ambush and kill the eight **** kings, at least two or thirty **** kings must work together. From this point, it can be seen that almost all of the divine supremacy on the divine side has started.

There are not many divine supremacy in the major forces. If it is only the strong of the four super **** forces, it is certain that the eight **** kings cannot be killed. At least there was no way to kill it easily, maybe one or two **** kings would escape.

Lu Li is not dead yet!

This group of people dared to start immediately, what does it mean?

It shows that they were all recruited by the four super-god forces, and that they were not afraid of Lu Li's revenge. This shows that they are completely on the side of the four super-god forces, and no one is optimistic about Lu Li.

It's not that the four super-god forces killed the eight gods, and Lu Li will definitely avenge the eight gods. After all, Lu Li and the Eight Gods are not very familiar. The only two that have a relationship are the King of Pan and the King of Yan. The King of Yan did not die, and the relationship between King Pan and Lu Li was not good. If it is inferred from the situation here, killing the Eight Gods is not necessarily the enemy of Lu Li.


At the moment of killing the eight **** kings, all the gods on the other side of the divine realm knew that they and Lu Li had reached the opposite side. After Lu Li came out, they would definitely not let them go.


The divine realm suffered this great calamity, and the devil had not completely defeated him, and Zuo Qiulu and others began to tremble. What is their purpose? Naturally, it is to maintain the supremacy of the four super-god forces. If you want to maintain their power, continue to dominate the world of God, and maintain the previous structure, then you must kill Lu Li!

There is no room for two tigers!

The four super-god forces are one tiger, and Lu Li is another tiger. The two sides are incompatible with each other. The reason why the **** of life and death in the temple has not been used, one is that the owner of the palace of life and death has indeed not been able to bear the medicine, and another reason, maybe it is for Lu Li ...

In other words, before the old star of You Xing had killed, the four super-god forces began to lay out and began to plan **** Lu Li. This makes many people feel chilling, but this is the reality. The reason why the superpowers of the four supermarkets have been the hegemons of the divine realm is precisely because they have always centered on their own interests.

As for the reason, it is so determined that the eight gods were killed by Zuo Qiulu and others.

At this point, the King of Yan hardly thought much about it, because from the millions of years of behavior of the four super-god forces, there was almost no suspense in this matter.

The strong men in the demonic realm should pour out their nests, and so many strong people in the human race chase and kill them. Even if the strong men in the demonic realm cope, they will not die so many gods.

Besides, why so happens? All eight **** kings in the land of Youyan are dead, one is left?

King Yan was upset, and she didn't know what to do. The Eight Gods are dead. With her alone, how could the heaven and earth **** array resist the left Qiulu and others?

The King of Yan thought for a night, and gave the order the next day-she issued a notice to inform everyone in Youyan Land that all the demons had been defeated, and the people of Youyan Land were free to return to the divine realm to rebuild their homeland.

There are actually demon remnants over there, but the King of Yan can no longer care so much. She must drive the people of Youyan's land back to the realm of God, otherwise the Youyan's land is so chaotic that the heaven and earth **** array can easily be destroyed by the inner traitors.

She has to delay time to make the chaos in the chaos, so Zuo Qiulu and others must first stabilize the chaos, and the time to attack the land of Youyan will be prolonged.

She is still waiting for Lu Li to come back!

If Lu Li can't come back in a short time, and the combat power is greatly reduced after returning, the land of Youyan will be doomed and the family of the nine kings will be destroyed.

At the same time, King Yan gathered all the strong men in Youyan's Land together, ready to meet the attacks of Zuo Qiulu and others. There are three divine supremacy alive on the side of the divine army, and the king of Yan secretly summoned them to return immediately.

The powerful forces of Youyan Land are as close as the enemy, but the ordinary people are unaware of it. The ordinary people partly mourn for the dead strong ones, while others have begun to celebrate the victory and the smooth passage of the holocaust of the gods.

Of course, more people have poured into the realm of God and returned to their hometown. The announcement of the King of Yan brought a strong guiding effect, and many deities were awakened—the countless sites in the divine realm were empty at the moment. Instead of going back to rebuilding their homes, they might as well go back to fight for the site.

The divine realm is too big. The gods of the divine realm have died too much this time, and no one has occupied such a large area. As long as people with a bit of combat power, even those with comparable combat forces, can go to the realm of God to get a land and countless resource treasures.

Not only the people of the original Divine Realm ~ ~, but also many warriors with a little bit of combat power in the land of Youyan have poured into the Divine Realm and all occupied the territory.

At the same time, the major families in the Demon Sea returned from the South China Sea and the West China Sea. There is only one purpose, go back to the realm of God and fight for the site!

When Zuo Qiulu returned with the Divine Power, the Divine World was in a mess. One of the reasons for the chaos is that there are many demons lurking in many places in the world of God, and there are demon slaves amounting to 10 billion. Some of these demon slaves gather together, more scattered in the wild, and killed when they see someone. The second reason for the chaos is that the big and small families are fighting for the site and fighting each other.

The King of Yan ordered the gods scouts formerly ruled by Pan Yuqin to be responsible for their own leaders, and the emergence of the gods naturally spread to Zuo Qiulu and others.

Zuo Qiulu and others discussed a few ways and divided the troops. The first way was that the army returned to the divine realm and wiped out the remaining demons and demons, and the second way was acting in secret.

Zuo Qiulu personally formed a scout elite team to search throughout the **** world, including ... the land of Youyan. This scout squad is strictly confidential and is responsible for monitoring the situation in the entire divine realm and looking for the lurking demon power.

Of course, the main task of scouting the elite squad is to find ... Lu Li!

Zuo Qiulu responded to this scout. Lu Li and Emperor You Xing were seriously injured at the battle. At this moment, their lives were on the line and they must be found immediately, so that the owner of the hall of life and death could heal himself.

Zuo Qiulu also said that there are several eight-winged demon lurking in the **** world at the moment, looking for Lu Li. So the search could not be made public. Zuo Qiulu let the scout keep secret from anyone and found Lu Li at all costs.

The excuses were very grand and the team scouted a total of five hundred people. There is ten superpowers in the Divine Realm, and there is one supreme in the Divine Realm.

These five hundred people were actually very clear. Zuo Qiulu showed his fangs. He wanted to find him and kill him while he was landing the weakest time from this moment!

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