The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1743: The winner is king

"Here is Zuoqilu?"

In Yan's Mansion, Ling Qingyan lay lazily on a rattan chair in a large tree in the backyard, and she still held the white spirit beast in her hand. She didn't look like the overlord of Youyan Land at all, more like a voluptuous lady.

She was reported by scouts, and there was no look on her face, but she waved her hand slightly to let the scouts go. Standing next to her were two Divine Supremes. These were the only two Divine Supremes in the land of Youyan except her, and the rest of the Divine Supremes were killed in battle with the demons.

The two gods are supreme, standing anxiously aside, only dare to look at Ling Qingyan's face, but dare not look down. They are very clear that this King of Yan is not as weak as his appearance. She has proved her strength and fierceness with countless lives over the years.

There are many beauties. Although Yan Wang is so beautiful that it can make all men be emotional, it is not cost-effective if you use your life to change it.

Ling Qingyan didn't say anything. Naturally, these two divine supremacy didn't dare to talk, they could only stand honestly. After a full incense time, Ling Qingyan waved: "Send someone to the gray world, let Qin girl come out. The news was leaked, Zuo Qiulu immediately came to the door, there is no point in hiding it Now. "


A divine supreme went to arrange it immediately, Ling Qingyan was silent again, resting with her eyes half closed, looking very leisurely.

After half a day, the Divine Supreme came back with Pan Yuqin and Chi Xier. As soon as Chi Xier came in, she looked nervously and did not see the person she wanted to see. Then she asked anxiously, "His Royal Highness Yan, what about my brother?"

"do not know!"

Ling Qingyan beckoned and asked Chi Xier to come over. She took Chi Xier's hand and said, "Don't worry, Xi girl. Qin girl has your brother's destiny jade charm. He can't die and will come back soon."

"Om ~"

As soon as the eyes of the two divine supreme gods brightened, as long as Lu Li returned, nothing would happen. In their opinion, Lu Li is a symbol of invincibility, as long as Lu Li is in Zuoqiulu and others come to death.

"You go down first, everything has me!"

Ling Qingyan waved his hand, the two divine supremacy were slightly relieved, and salute resigned. After the two left, Ling Qingyan waved a sound-proof restraint. She turned her eyes to Pan Yuqin and said, "Qin girl, grief."

Pan Yuqin's face was very calm. She seemed to know the news of Pan Wang's death long ago. She said slightly, "Sooner or later, this account will be calculated with them."

Ling Qingyan suddenly stretched out a finger and frowned at Chi Xier, who immediately fell down and fell asleep. Ling Qingyan then asked: "What's the situation with Lu Li?"

"do not know…"

Pan Yuqin shook his head and said, "I sent him into a secret place, ruined the entrance, there was a teleportation altar, and only he could come out, we could not enter. So ... no one knows his condition I just know it's not dead. "

"You're right!" Ling Qingyan nodded approvingly and asked, "Do you know what's going on outside?"


Although Pan Yuqin entered the gray world, before she commanded all scouts, plus the Blood Blade Hall, she knew the situation outside, and she asked, "Do you have a solution?"


Ling Qingyan laughed and said, "The easiest way, we also led people to flee into the mysterious land, sealed the mystery to death. They want to find the mystery, and it takes time to build the teleportation altar. But then, Youyan There are many people in the land, and some of the children of the family of the nine kings are about to suffer. "

"It's ... isn't it right?"

Pan Yuqin's eyebrows frowned. How could there be so many people in the family of the nine kings? If it is not transferred, Zuo Qiulu and others will be severely tortured, and even the Holocaust will be asked about their whereabouts. By then, the place of Youyan will have a **** wind.

"I don't know, so I'm not ready to leave!"

Ling Qingyan shrugged and said, "I am going to fight dead. The other eight **** kings are dead. As the only **** king, I will naturally stay here. Here is our root. Here are our people. Unless we die, otherwise Zuo Qiulu and others must not be allowed to step into Youyan. "

"Are you sure?" Pan Yuqin's complexion became difficult to look, as if she remembered the death of Pan Wang, her eyes were slightly red, and her eyes were filled with unforgettable hatred.

"What do you say?"

Ling Qingyan inquired, she got up and placed Chi Xier on the rattan chair, waving her hand: "You take Xi girl to the West Sea side first. It doesn't make much sense for you to stay, these days I will be the nine **** kings Some of the people in the family are sent into the secret place to settle down. You take good care of Xier, otherwise she has an accident and Lu leaves out, and you cannot explain to him. "

"I do not go!"

Pan Yuqin said resolutely: "Grandpa is dead, I am the Pan King of this generation. How can a **** king abandon his own people to escape? Sister Qing Yan, do you think Yu Qin is this kind of person?"


Ling Qingyan didn't persuade much, and waved her hand: "Then you put Xi girl, at least we have an account of Lu Li."

"it is good!"

Pan Yuqin took Chi Xi'er away and quickly left, her footsteps were unusually firm. The enemy is approaching, and it is useless to think of it.

The King Yan and Pan Yuqin arranged quickly, and many of the children of the Nine God Kings were transferred overnight, all sent to the secret place. This divine realm is large, but there is no absolute security, and it can only be temporarily settled in the secret territory.

Ling Qingyan moved in the third sunrise, and took two divine supremacy ~ ~ to a superpower. They left from this force a long time later, and the whole force was tens of thousands of people. All the powerful people above the divine power were beheaded and killed, and none survived.

After another ten days, four more powerful forces were destroyed, all of which were Ling Qingyan's own hands. All the forces that helped Zuo Qiulong and others to explore the news before were completely destroyed by Ling Qingyan.

Ling Qingyan told the whole Youyan land, the betrayer, by death. Of course ... she was also indirectly declaring war on Zuo Qiulu and others, showing her determination to fight dead.

At the same time, Ling Qingyan issued an order to let Zuo Qiulong and others get out of Youyan's land, otherwise she would kill the whole thing. She also issued a battle order, and all the divine powers in Youyan Land gathered south to prepare for a fight with the four super-god forces.

Some small news came out that the Eight Gods were not assassinated by demons, but were assassinated by Zuo Qiulu and others. At this moment Zuo Qiulu also took ten Divine Realms to break into the land of Youyan. He wanted to flatten all the great forces here and unify the entire Divine Realm.

Most importantly, they came here for another purpose-to kill Lu Li, who was seriously injured!

The news came that the entire Youyan earthquake had just repelled the demon, and the four super-god forces could not wait to be instigated? But also to kill the heroes of the human race, the savior Lu Li?

For a while, the sentiment was excited, and the news was deliberately spread to the side of the divine realm. The whole divine realm was suddenly uproar. Many people almost rioted directly ...

Although countless people in the divine realm were scolding their mothers, Zuo Qiulu continued to teleport north with ten divine realms without any wavering.

History is always rewritten by the winner. Zuo Qiulu knows this very well. As long as he wins, he can even identify Lu Li as a thief in history books ...

Winner takes all, loser for Kou!


PS: Four chapters arrive.

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