The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1760: Have fun

The speed of the Shenshan flight is not bad, and it is comparable to the Supreme God. However, there is a distance from the space-time house. If Lu Li could cross the void continuously for half a month, it would take at least two months to fly by Shenshan.

Lu Li doesn't care what it is, just wait for Ling Qingyan to send a message, or wait to fly to the middle of Divine Realm. If Ling Qingyan didn't crush the jade charm, he decided to fly for two months.

Time passed so fast that a month passed. Ling Qingyan actually hasn't crushed the jade charm, which makes Lu Li a little surprised and worried. Is the person in Heiyan Temple still underworld? Also Ling Qingyan was suddenly killed, too late to crush the jade charm?

"Flight for ten more days. If you don't get information in ten days, just go and see!"

Lu Li made up his mind. Now that his body is almost completely recovered, but because his life has been exhausted too much, his complexion is always pale, he looks sick, and he is afraid of cold.

This is also no way out. Life vitality can not be replenished in a short time. It is estimated that it will not be replenished within a few years or without taking the special elixir of Double Sky.

It does not have much impact on Lu Li's combat power and soul. Of course, it is impossible to take this kind of elixir in the future, otherwise no one can save him if he hurts his vitality again.

"Boom boom boom ~"

Shenshan flew all the way, and Wan Leilong chased after him. Lu Li and Xiao Bai were all absorbing lightning. For a few months, Lu Li felt that his body was much stronger, and how much more powerful he was, and he didn't know it. However, he felt that the ordinary Supreme God was afraid to stand and kill them, could not kill him?

Xiaobai has been sleeping recently. I wonder if it needs to digest because it has absorbed too much lightning power? For other reasons, I haven't woke up recently.

Time continued to pass, and nine days passed quickly. When Lu Li was preparing to go down tomorrow, the jade charm on his waist suddenly broke.


The cold light in Lu Li's eyes shone, and his heart was slightly relieved. The broken jade symbol represents the lower bound of the Heiyan Temple, and it also means that Ling Qingyan and others are all right. As long as they are okay, Lu Li has enough energy to deal with people in the Heiyan Temple.

"Go on!"

Lu Li hardly hesitated and controlled Shenshan to fly downwards, but after a while he stopped and looked at Xiaobai, who was dormant above Shenshan.

Xiaobai's combat power is good, and it is no problem to deal with the ordinary divine supremacy, but the ordinary divine supreme can be slashed at will. Xiaobai's following is meaningless. There is a strong man in Heiyan Temple this time, and Xiao Bai is still in danger following it. It is better to practice here.


Lu Li woke up Xiaobai decisively. Xiaobai just fell asleep and didn't fall into a coma. Soon he woke up and made a confused cry.

"Little white, I'm going to do something!"

Lu Li pointed to the following and said, "I have been going for a year at most, and you will be fine if you go down. Cultivate here. Anyway, it is safe. Don't run here waiting for me to come back to you."

"咴 咴 ~"

Xiaobai shook his head, and his small claw grabbed and landed away, which obviously meant to follow along. Lu Li said resolutely: "I need your help after a while, and your combat power is still weaker. You can cultivate here for a while, and you can help me when the combat power improves a bit, you know?"

Xiao Bai's intelligence is very high, and Lu Li's words can understand him. This time it was silent, but the small eyes were reluctant, and the small paw waved and called a few times.

Lu Li didn't understand Xiaobai's words, but he could probably understand what it meant. He smiled and said, "Relax, I won't leave you. As long as you don't run around, I will definitely come up to you. Your task is now Cultivate, become stronger and better, and then you can help me kill the enemy, you know? "

"咴 咴 ~"

Xiaobai nodded, Lu Li no longer hesitated, touched Xiaobai's head, put away the mountain and shot away. Xiaobai called a few times and wanted to follow Lu away, but eventually stopped.

During the storm, Lu Li slowly slowed down a bit, but after rushing in, he found that the pressure was not great, and immediately accelerated to rush down.

After rushing down, Lu Li swallowed a healing medicine. After the medicine spread, he found that the medicine was greatly reduced. This healing medicine only treats surface injuries, but it is also limited. It seems that the damage to the vitality of life has a great impact on his body. He must be careful not to get injured easily, otherwise it will be difficult to recover.

It floated down quickly, and there was a barren mountain below, and there was no human beings. At this moment, the population of the divine realm was drastically reduced. It is impossible for such a barren mountain to meet people.

Lu Li used the Lingyin Battlegear and randomly chose a direction to dive quickly, but it took him three hours to find a city.

This is a small town that was previously destroyed and has not been completely repaired at this moment, it looks a bit broken. The town was empty, and Lu Li sensed it casually, and found that there were only a few thousand people ...

"Cangyun City?"

Lu Li took out the map and scanned it, and quickly determined his location. He is now in the middle of the Divine Realm. There are seventy or eighty prefectures away from the Space-Time City, and a little far away from the City of the Craftsman. There are more than one hundred prefectures.

"Check the news first."

Lu Li sneaked into the city. The strongest in the city was only three divine powers, and he could not be found at all. He lurked near a tavern, listening to the people in the tavern, hoping to get some useful information from it.

After listening for a while, he was disappointed ~ ~ I don't know if the news in this small town was blocked, or the people in the Royal Highness of Heiyan blocked the news.

"Should block the message!"

Lu Li thought for a while that there was no rumor in the world when he killed the emperor. Even the matter of double sky, if it is not the top big man, ordinary people are simply not qualified to know. This time I want to come this way too, the news that the people of Heiyan Temple will be blocked will definitely be blocked.


Lu left the city and flew across the void. He thought about going to the space-time city. Whether it was to inquire about the news or attack, he needed to reach there.

Fleeing through the void several times in a row, Lu Li never encountered anyone. Even once near the city, the people in the city were not alarmed, but you can imagine how dramatic the population of the divine world was this time.

After spending two and a half days, Lu Li arrived at a prefecture near the time and space government. He entered a small town and wanted to inquire about some news, but unexpectedly encountered an acquaintance, west!


Xilai is the super power of Divine Realm, also lurking in the city. He can see the hidden armor of the soul. He saw the sudden shock in Lu Li's face when he appeared in the small city. Lu Li gave a wink and quietly left the city. Xilai rushed in and followed.

In a valley, Lu Li stopped and rushed west to kneel and said: "See Lu Gongzi! Gongzi, how did you get here? The people in Heiyan Temple went to Youyan's place, you are not Miss and King Yan are both in danger ... "

Lu Li didn't panic at all, and asked leisurely, "How long have they been there?"

West came: "Five days!"

"That's not urgent, I destroyed the City of Time and Space, and they will come back immediately." Lu Li smiled and said, "I'm here to put the battlefield in the realm of God. In the land of Youyan, it's easy to implicate innocent people. The world of God is so big that I can play with them. "

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